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    posted a message on Minecraft Server ITG {Whitelist}{No PvP}{Bukkit}Coming Soon!
    IGN: X_outlawjoe_x
    How often do you play minecraft: Daily
    What is the definition of griefing: Taking advantage of a person's items while they're not online. STEALING
    Will you be committed to helping out on the server: Absolutely I like to build
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ROMAN TOWN
    I'm you man bro I will build You your city. But i need limitless supplies
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Looking for some players...Starting a 24/7 server...
    Name: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Why you want to join server: I want to build your main city
    Do you like roleplaying? Absolutely
    Will you respect mods? Indefinitely

    I dont want to be Mod But i want to build your main city so i will need supplies, I will make it beautiful if not ban me
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Moderncraft Free SMP Server Online 24/7, 24 Slots, No Whitelist, No Greifing
    MC Name: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Location: Florida,USA
    Why: looking for a server make a Castle/Medieval style environment, And take building to another level with amazing contraptions and beautiful Buildings. The thing wrong with most servers, they rush into huge buildings. Its better to start off small and build from the ground up. Im prepared to be on A lot! and get projects finished.
    Things need to "look real" to seem like a great server. We start of with a beginning city Square for our shops and Arenas. I really think, With time and effort we could Come up with concepts to revolutionize Multiplayer Designs, and what people do for fun.
    I'm a very good builder and Designer, what I do i spend time on and take it to the next level from every one else.
    I will make sure, that when people join our server they wont want to leave.
    Interests: I love to smoke weed. I love to play minecraft simple enouph
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on New Server: Salvation (Lag issues? Help?)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Willing to host a server if someone has the dream
    Quote from Nasin »
    Quote from TheOutlaw »
    IGN: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Age: 17
    Country: USA
    Idea: I want to make a Castle/Medieval style environment, And take building to another level with amazing contraptions and beautiful Buildings. The thing wrong with most servers, they rush into huge buildings. Its better to start off small and build from the ground up. Im prepared to be on A lot! and get projects finish.

    its good to see that as id be off alot but not heaps and i agree thats why i want a slack rp making it so that the free build element is still there just with reason so no ulgy things.

    I edited what I said. I was to vague, also im older and mature and you don't have to worry about me being retarded.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Willing to host a server if someone has the dream
    IGN: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Age: 17
    Country: USA
    Idea: I want to make a Castle/Medieval style environment, And take building to another level with amazing contraptions and beautiful Buildings. The thing wrong with most servers, they rush into huge buildings. Its better to start off small and build from the ground up. Im prepared to be on A lot! and get projects finished.
    Things need to "look real" to seem like a great server. We start of with a beginning city Square for our shops and Arenas. I really think, With time and effort we could Come up with concepts to revolutionize Multiplayer Designs, and what people do for fun.
    I'm a very good builder and Designer, what I do i spend time on and take it to the next level from every one else.
    I will make sure, that when people join our server they wont want to leave.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Blueskies12's Minecraft Server[Whitelist][Antigrief][Bukkit]
    I dont want admin, just messing around :biggrin.gif:

    IGN: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Age: 17
    Why would you like to join this server: Build Cities
    Do you plan on playing on this server.If so, how many hours per week: depends on the quality of the server, if its good ill play from about 5 hours a day
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Blueskies12's Minecraft Server[Whitelist][Antigrief][Bukkit]
    How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 months
    Are you experienced with Bukkit and plugins: not really
    How many days per week are you on minecraft: 7
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Great builder/Miner Looking for a good Rping server
    Hello, Outlaw here, I am looking for a fairly new server, that needs help building cities. Im good at building. My specialties are designs, and building underground cities I come up with cool outlays of buildings, that is user friendly.

    :Diamond: I want to be in a Rping server.
    :Diamond: I may donate if I really enjoy the server
    :Diamond: I usually become a leader quickly.
    :Diamond: Im great at mining
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on Brand New Server-Democracy (No Name) WhiteList
    IGN: X_OutlawJOE_X

    How Long Have You Played Minecraft 2 months

    On a rating of 0-10 How good of a builder are you: 7

    If rating is Greater than or equal to 5 then what is your specialty: I like to build underground

    Have you read everything: Yes

    Do you celebrate 420: Everyday, unless im broke

    Did you donate and if so what email is yours: No i didn't

    What ways can I contact you (skype name, email, so on): [email protected]

    Special Abilites on computer(not limited to minecraft) Great with skins.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Looking for players!
    IGN: X_OutlawJOE_X
    Why you want too join: I'm looking for a server that appreciates respectable players.
    Would i follow the rules: indefinitely
    Would i contribute too the community: absolutely, good builder and love to mine, but i have a bad habit of being to giving and leftwith nothing myself.
    Would i be nice: Yes, I am nice because i Expect the same.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Skins for GiftCodes
    Yeah, I'm not Just looking for that person, ya know.

    and thank you man, appreciate that. If you want a skin, let me know.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on [REQUEST]Huang Lee Skin
    Hello, I could do this Easily in 2 hours. But Im trying to get An account. viewtopic.php?f=27&t=308382


    But if you can't do the trade, I will do this, after I get an acc.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Skins for GiftCodes

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Could someone render this in 3d, And post it in this topic, PLEASE


    Posted in: Skins
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