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    posted a message on Making a modding library and need input

    I decided to make a Forge modding library, something that provides a bunch of classes, methods and helpers, to make modding Minecraft with Forge easier -- similar to Mantle by Slime Knights. But to start, I wanted to ask if people had anything that they find tedious when modding, and if they would benefit from a library that handled all that already.

    For example, I noticed people ask how to make crafting recipes based off items' NBT values (which currently does not exist), so my library would provide an easy way to register recipes sensitive to NBT data (so that you could make a recipe that required a sword with a specific durability or name, for example)

    Anything along those lines, or anything else that you would find useful in a common library, please let me know.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [Simple Mod Idea] Many Simple Projectiles

    I'm probably going to make this mod, if that's okay with you. I might also add some features here and there if I come up with some. I'll cite this thread, of course.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Issue when loading Resource Pack textures
    Quote from TNT3530»

    I've been working on a mod that registers blocks to the client when it connects to the server, allowing for servers to have custom mods that the client doesn't need to have downloaded when joining. The issue I'm having is that the items are registered successfully, the Resource Pack loads correctly (evidenced by the one static item added changes texture), but the items added on join aren't receiving textures. No errors are thrown, no crash, just that wonderful pink and black checkerboard.

    In case you're wondering, the Resource Pack is a folder that is reflected into the default minecraft one on join as well. This is reloaded on Join to apply the changes too. The JSON models for each item added on join are generated correctly, they just dont apply whatever texture are in them (not even default forge/MC ones)

    Thanks for any help you can provide

    Reloading MC's resources (emulating a resource pack change) should do the trick in resolving texture dependencies. I'm not at my IDE at the moment, but it might have something to do with registering textures during a specific client initalization phase (I'm guessing here). I'll take a look and see if I come up with anything


    Try looking at how servers distribute required resource packs to connected clients?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Help needed with using FML and Git together with Eclipse

    Not sure what your problem is. Could you elaborate? There isn't anything preventing you from creating a mod within a git repo as they are just folders. I've done it a bunch of times.

    Whoops, completely missed the RESOLVED tag. My bad :3

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on ItemTossEvent Not Working As Intended (1.11.2)
    Quote from OCDiary»


    I am currently working on a new idea for a mod, but have gotten a little stumped. I want it to be that when an item is dropped (by a player or machine, such as a dropper) the item would despawn and a mob would spawn in its place. I know this should be simple but I am completely stumped. I have been trying to accomplish this with a ItemTossEvent, which is semi-successful.

    public void ironNuggetDrop(ItemTossEvent e){
    World world = e.getEntity().world;
    Item item = e.getEntityItem().getEntityItem().getItem();
    BlockPos pos = e.getEntityItem().getPosition();

    if(item == Items.APPLE){
    spawnSkelly(world, pos);
    e.getEntityItem().isDead = true;
    e.getPlayer().sendMessage(new TextComponentString("it works, you dropped it"));

    private void spawnSkelly(World worldIn, BlockPos pos){
    EntitySkeleton skelly = new EntitySkeleton (worldIn);
    skelly.setPosition(pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0.5);


    There is a couple of issues however:

    1) The item immediately despawns, so you do not even see it. Which I want it to be there for like a second if possible.

    2) It does not work with droppers and such.

    3) The mobs are spawning in random orientation instead of where the item lands, which is what I wanted.

    So I went into another option which is to create a custom EntityThrowable. This kind of works, except I could not get a custom particle to work so it still shows nothing and a mob just spawns. And it also does not work with droppers.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated



    If you are doing this to a custom item, look at Item.hasCustomEntity and Item.createEntity
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Edit vanilla furnace?
    Quote from Bignose956»

    Is there a way to modify the output of furnaces? I specifically need to make it so when the item(s) are finished smelting/cooking, block in the fuel part of the furnace will turn into carbon (which is an item in my mod).

    In order to change the item in the bottom slot after the item has finished smelting, you are going to have to extend and override TileEntityFurnace with your own class. In that class, add your own if statement in the smeltItem method. Annoying, Mojang hardcoded the wet sponge -> water bucket output, but that's an example of how it's done.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Register Mob Types
    Quote from Slady020482»

    I would like to add diff types using enum types

    Look at how vanilla handles and registers Villagers
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on How to get the x,y,z of the block the player is looking at?
    Quote from Bignose956»

    It would only make sense that this would work, but for some reason it keeps setting targetX, targetY, and targetZ to player.posX, player.posY, and player.posZ. I think getlookvec is broken :/

    Look at Minecraft.objectMouseOver and RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBox
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on making a mob spawn a block structure after killing it?
    Quote from skinwalker21»

    I don't have one yet, I wanted to know if it's possible. How would the code layout be? Are there any mods out there that do something similar to what I'm asking?

    In terms of an actual .schematic file, you would have to read and interpret all the NBT data within it and use that data to place all of your blocks. Alternatively, you can try to find a .schematic to Java converter, but all the ones I've seen are outdated and don't work with the new block state methods. It is definitely possible, though. The actual code will, in its simplest, be lots and lots of world.setBlockState calls.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Binding multiple textures to different parts of an obj model for items.

    When you call model.renderAll(), OpenGL uses the last bound texture to define the render points and stuff. If you want different parts of your model to render with different textures, you need to render each part separately and bind the new texture in between each render call.

    Although, you should not be using 1.7.X anymore anyway. It's no longer supported by the devs or anyone.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on A Frozen World: An Ice Apocalypse Mod
    Quote from SellswordMike»

    Is this project still alive?

    Quote from Sir_Squidly»

    I'm enjoying the way you set up things so far, but have you panned any story for the new dimension at all, or have any plans for more unique things to add to it?

    Hey all,
    I've just been really busy with college stuff lately (it's a massive pain, lol). I plan on fixing all the bugs and stuff that people brought to my attention. In terms of content like story and stuff, I'm not so sure on how to proceed, so I'm open to ideas!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    Yep that fixed it. Thanks

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap


    I'm having trouble installing the mod. I install LiteLoader for 1.11.2 and it runs fine without the mod. However, when I try to run the mod, my game crashes during loading. From the console, it crashes sometime in the init. It prints, 'Calling late init for mod VoxelMap', generates the waypoint and chooser atlases, then crashes with exit code 1073740791.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Question about light

    Nevermind, I just decided to count them. If anyone else is curious, blocks that emit the max light level illuminate a total of 4089 blocks (assuming no obstacles)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Question about light


    Does anyone know the maximum number of blocks a sea lantern can light up (I ask sea lantern because the wiki says it outputs the max light level). I'm not really sure how the lighting calculations work (only that the max light level is 15 and that it affects blocks in 3D) which is why I'm asking

    Posted in: Discussion
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