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    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    In the config folder in your .minecraft folder there are multiple config files. Find the ones for the mods you need. Then change the item IDs listed in them so that they are no longer the same ID.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    Quote from FryoKnight

    Yeah, I actually stopped using the Gravestone mod once they added the Zombie Pets and such. :\ But yeah, you lose all the stuff because the Grave needs a block to spawn on, but there is no blocks in the void, so it will spawn, taking the inventory, in mid-air, then block update itself causing it to fall into the void (and thus, lost of all stuff.)


    I was having a lot of trouble with that too...so I talked to NightKosh about it and he included an option to turn them off. So I did.

    Quote from TheEmWily

    Hey, I got this totally weird... I don't even know what to call it. But it's really freaking me out.
    So, I spawned in a copy of a world, cuz I liked the seed, then, I went to this village and I found a dimensional door there, without the door part, that randomly spawns there... y'know, like normal.
    Everything was all fine and dandy, so, I decided to walk in.
    But as soon as I got in, something sorta... creepy/freaky/werid happened; I walked inside, and I found a hallway with a four-way intersection. Then, I began to travel to the right of me, where there was an iron dimensional door, but as soon as I turned, I began to see weird particle effects, like you'd get from the ender chest. Idk if this is part of your mod or not, either way, I'm really freakd out. Because that isn't the freaky part; as soon as I look over, I see an eye, and then, I hover over it, with my Damage Indicators, I see that it has a name. Called the "Monolith" my first initial thought was 2001 a space odyssey in Minecraft? How can this be?
    So then, all of a sudden, as soon as I stare it down, the eye that is, creepy music starts to play that sounds a lot like 2001 a space odyssey, so, my question is, is this part of your mod, or not?
    My other question is, what the ­ is this ­? Cuz I'm getting goosebumps, and man, they're not the usual kind that you would get with something creepy happening to cause them.
    Thnkx if you reply,

    The Monoliths are the inhabitants of the space between spaces.... If you linger too long, they will grab you up and take you to Limbo where you will be forced to walk a long Groundhog day like path in order to find your way out.

    Long story short....Beware the gaze of the Red Eye! And if the particles begin to grab at you...RUN!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Chainz: The -Missing- Iron Link* Adds chains, wire, fiber-wire and Elevators. Spikes n Knuckles* [V1.0.8 UPD: MAY 14]
    Quote from Iaintsayin

    Threader? Sorry, I haven't been playing with Chainz that much yet, since I'm just now starting a new survival world and gaterhing mats for my base for now. I just noticed it when I wanted a slingshot, but there was a fibre-wire slingshot that needed iron wire, which couldn't be crafted, because there's no recipe.

    So...Threader? What is that?

    Edit: Man, I must be blind. It's in the OP. A block apparently I missed. Will check it out.

    Edit 2nd: Well, build the threader, but can't do anything with it. And with the pictures kaput, can't figure out how it worsk. Placing it doesn't work. Crafting grid doesn't work. Putting wool + iron ingots in hotbar + threader doesn't work. I dunno...

    The video showcase in the OP explains it all. You place the threader on the wall, then right click it with iron or wool continuously to get wire/string respectively. Once it pops a load out it'll have a cooldown time so when it flips back down into go position again it'll be fine.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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