1. Your IGN: TheLamaDuck
2. Age: 19
3. Gender: Male
4. Tell us more about yourself~ : I have been playing Classic servers mainly but have been wanting to get back into Full MC for a bit and this server seems perfect. I'm not really the most talkative person in the world but I like to think I'm pretty friendly. Don't really know what else to say. Fairly good builder. I definitely like the idea of a legit server. Where things aren't just give to you. Umm yeah. Thanks for reading
IGN: TheLamaDuck
Age: 19
Skype?: Yup.
Vent?: Also yes but I don't like using Vent.
Why do you want to join?: This seems like a very cool server :tongue.gif:
What can you do to help the server out: I'm a pretty friendly and helpful guy :biggrin.gif:
Name: TheLamaDuck
Age: 19
Why I should let you join: Because I have the orbs of power.. lol, but seriously though, I would like to find a new fun server for my friend and I to join. Can you add her too?
IGN: TheLamaDuck
Age: 19
How long have you been playing?: Over a year.
Are you a team player?: Yup.
How often do you play?: Quite often. Umm.. maybe 3-4 hours a day or just whenever it strikes my fancy.
Pictures of your work?: Oh. I never take pictures and the server I previously played on got shut down :sad.gif:
Are you Active?: Yep. I try not to go afk but if I do then I say so first.
Do you have Ventrilo?: Sure do.
Do you have a mic?: Yup.
IGN(in game name): TheLamaDuck
Minecraft Experience: Over a year of experience.
Age: 19
Country: Australia
Why do you want to play here?: This seems like a nice server :smile.gif:
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a smallish server to play on. It would be preferable for the server to have voice chat. I have skype, mumble and TS :tongue.gif: My friend may join also but she doesn't have a mic. Thank you very much.
New idea: Why not have gun powder sort of "flash-smelt" something instead. The furnace will explode and instantly smelt/cook maybe 16 items. I dunno. Just throwing that out there xD
2. Age: 19
3. Gender: Male
4. Tell us more about yourself~ : I have been playing Classic servers mainly but have been wanting to get back into Full MC for a bit and this server seems perfect. I'm not really the most talkative person in the world but I like to think I'm pretty friendly. Don't really know what else to say. Fairly good builder. I definitely like the idea of a legit server. Where things aren't just give to you. Umm yeah. Thanks for reading
Age: 19
Skype?: Yup.
Vent?: Also yes but I don't like using Vent.
Why do you want to join?: This seems like a very cool server :tongue.gif:
What can you do to help the server out: I'm a pretty friendly and helpful guy :biggrin.gif:
Age: 19
Why I should let you join: Because I have the orbs of power.. lol, but seriously though, I would like to find a new fun server for my friend and I to join. Can you add her too?
Name: IHasABlueberry
Age: 11
Age: 19
How long have you been playing?: Over a year.
Are you a team player?: Yup.
How often do you play?: Quite often. Umm.. maybe 3-4 hours a day or just whenever it strikes my fancy.
Pictures of your work?: Oh. I never take pictures and the server I previously played on got shut down :sad.gif:
Are you Active?: Yep. I try not to go afk but if I do then I say so first.
Do you have Ventrilo?: Sure do.
Do you have a mic?: Yup.
Minecraft Experience: Over a year of experience.
Age: 19
Country: Australia
Why do you want to play here?: This seems like a nice server :smile.gif:
Yeah sure thing man. Sorry for the late reply.
xD Yeah.
In Game Name: TheLamaDuck
Age: 19
Country that you live in: Australia