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    posted a message on A new map maker arives to the forums
    You can download maps straight to your phone. Kik me @thegreatpunch and I'll tell you how if you have android
    Posted in: MCPE: Map Discussion
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    posted a message on PURGATORY (DOWNLOAD ENABLED)
    May someone try it and review it for me please?
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on Mod Request: Help with a simple shining block mod
    I would love it if someone could make a simple mod for me. I would just like to have:

    A block that's just a large white light
    If not, then
    A white block with white light coming from it
    If not, then
    A version of glowstone with white light instead of yellow. If you do this I will return the favor.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Super Flat Map PE - Does anyone want a Flat Map?
    I would love to have one made of stone at the top and if you can, bedrock at the bottom. Also kik me @TheGreatPunch, there is a block in the game that I think people rarely know about.
    Posted in: MCPE: Map Help & Requests
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    posted a message on SPACE GOLD - Sky Adventure Map
    Kik me @TheGreatPunch. I can show you how to send the world to dropbox all in one file :-). I want to play but downloading it in parts is a dag :/
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on Furniture
    ●Tables: Place 4 legs as the barrier. All other legs paved in between will become Tabletop. Legs should look like fence pegs but one block high. Tabletop should be as like as thick as snow and should even out with the top of the legs.

    ●Chairs: Chairs are a single body 2 blocks high. Variations
    • Wooden chair- Four legs, a back, and no arms.
    • Cushion chairs- sound like a leather chair when touched. A block for the base (instead of four legs), arms and a back.
    • Throne- A cushion chair with royal designs on it.a leather chair when touched. A block for the base (instead of four legs), arms, and a back.

    ●T.Vs: Variations
    • Flat screen: Just like a one block painting but the picture frame is dark black and the actual picture is a solid near black/dark grey color. Flat screens placed next, on top of, or directly underneath each other will merge to make one screen. There is no limit to how many can be merged.
    •Regular T.V- one black block with one side having the same screen idea as the flat screen.

    ●Wardrobe/closet: 3 blocks high. Stores up to 81 items.

    *I have more ideas for the screens of the t.vs that might not cause lag.
    Posted in: MCPE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Version Exclusive Mob?
    Why not pets/ a pet. A dog or cat that follows you around. And helps fight monster
    Posted in: MCPE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Wall Blocks
    Just like slabs but standing up. They can be places by your direction of vision; the length of the block will go along with whatever direction you are facing. They can be made with what ever type of material the slabs are made of.
    Posted in: MCPE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on PURGATORY (DOWNLOAD ENABLED)
    You are Steve,  Steve is dead, Steve wants to go back to his earthly home,  you get Steve there. 


    *Spawnpoints will be added when command blocks are added to the game. Without spawn points,  this is kind of hard. 
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on Put your world here!
    Your world not getting any attention? Does your world have attention but you just want MORE?! Well share your world on this page. Just post your information in this format:

    World Name
    Completed or not
    Description (not more than 5 lines)
    Seed (optional)
    Download link (if there's no link just say none)
    Minecraftforums link (if you have a page for your world on Minecraft forums.
    1-3 screenshots or 1 video
    *(If you're posting screenshots, no more than 3 please. If you are posting a video no more than 1 please.)


    Ign: TheGreatPunch
    World Name: *Punchland*
    Completed or not: Not completed
    Category: Amusement Park
    Description: A fun amusement park with many secrets and jokes. You begin at The Portal, a ride that leads you into the park. The park is split into two sections, the main park with the coasters, and Fun Island. Parts of Fun Island are under construction but Fun Island is open. Fun Island features the only invisible maze in Minecraft Pocket Edition (at least to my knowledge). This is Punchland Version 0.1.0 Alpha.
    Seed: 1392500340
    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mq5ltcd74okevdw/Fun Land.zip
    Minecraftforum link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2439843-punchland-featuring-the-first-ever-invisible-maze-in-pe-download-available/#entry29350953

    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on MINEPLAY'S MCPE SERVER! EPICCRAFT
    I'm interested. my KiK is TheGreatPunch. how do i join?
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on economy can be a hunger games server 24/7 just need 4 ops
    what's the password? im interested. i just came in and got kicked out. i never did this before lol
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on Invisible bedrock and glasses for MCPE
    Well I know this is MCPE section but I was thinking of the glasses more for pc. And if there was some type of invisible block, they would either make a menu that turns the block's visibility on/off, or do something like the glasses.
    Posted in: MCPE: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A new map maker arives to the forums
    Welcome, I'm new too lol. I'll look forward to playing your maps. I would love it if you check out my world and give feed back; this ismy first ever map. Here's the link http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2439843-punchland-featuring-the-first-ever-invisible-maze-now-with-link/#entry29350953
    Posted in: MCPE: Map Discussion
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    posted a message on Invisible bedrock and glasses for MCPE
    It would help us Crafters sooo much if there was an invisible bedrock block in creative mode. This would help us make worlds where the player is confined to a level/platform. This will allow players to make stages and keep natural lighting at the same time.

    Also, it would be helpful if there were a helmet that allowed you to see the invisible bedrock. Or better yet, a new sub-catagory, glasses.

    Different types of glasses could be:

    Invisible bedrock glasses {CO and any multiplayer}- Allows you to see invisible bedrock placed by the player. (You cannot see the invisible bedrock surrounding the world. A setting allowing you to check/uncheck who can see your invisible bedrock in multiplayer.

    Night Vision glasses {BM}- Allows you to see in the dark.

    Ore glasses {SO}- Allows you to see the location of ore. You will see light come from the rock at the surface above the ore. The light would match the color of the ore under it for identification. If there are multiple ore types in one y axis, the light would split into corresponding colors.

    Monster glasses {SO}- See all monsters
    | Key: For singleplayer |
    |CO= Creative mode only. |
    |SO= Survival mode only. |
    |BM= Creative and Survival |
    Posted in: MCPE: Suggestions
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