Hello There, I have had a minecraft server 2 years ago. and i decided to make a new minecraft server so. I was wondering if anyone could be staff on my server,i dont want a staff that never had experiences before this is going to be a factions server and i have already installed plugins but i need to know more plugins for factions so apply here and tell me why you should deserve to become a staff member.
What do i need : 3 admins (3 availabe) ,2 Mods (2 Available) ,e Developers (2 Available -and 2 developer testers which means not permanet) ,Builders (2 Available) ,Helpers (4 Availabe)
If you are a builder. then give me a photo of one of your buildings. that doesn't really count tho. you just have to be 7/10 at it. or atleast know how to make arenas. gotta go now looking for pms tomorrow
Hello There, I have had a minecraft server 2 years ago. and i decided to make a new minecraft server so. I was wondering if anyone could be staff on my server,i dont want a staff that never had experiences before this is going to be a factions server and i have already installed plugins but i need to know more plugins for factions so apply here and tell me why you should deserve to become a staff member.
What do i need : 3 admins (3 availabe) ,2 Mods (2 Available) ,e Developers (2 Available -and 2 developer testers which means not permanet) ,Builders (2 Available) ,Helpers (4 Availabe)
If you are a builder. then give me a photo of one of your buildings. that doesn't really count tho. you just have to be 7/10 at it. or atleast know how to make arenas. gotta go now looking for pms tomorrow
Why would you like to become a builder?
Past experience:
Why should we choose you?