- TheForsakenOne
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Member for 14 years, 6 months, and 9 days
Last active Sat, Oct, 26 2013 16:10:30
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Vekh posted a message on That awkward moment...That awkward moment when you say "Bob's an idiot and doesn't know how to <insert here>" on a Skype call and later you notice Bob's name in the list of people in the call.Posted in: General Off Topic -
Schmoople posted a message on Help me prove her wrongShe's right, I mean, I'm not even sure she's real, and she's trying way too hard with all those ornaments, like anyone's gonna be fooled with those. Then the chord to the outlet isn't even concealed, it's like she's not even trying. 2/10 would not put in my living room.Posted in: General Off Topic -
werts15 posted a message on [1.3.2] MineStory - Maplestory Mod!Posted in: Minecraft ModsMineStory!MineStory v1.2.6Minecraft v1.3.2
This mod adds Maplestory to Minecraft!
PicturesOrange Mushroom - Drops GoldBlue Mushroom - Drops DiamondGreen Mushroom - Drops Emerald
Zombie Mushroom - Drops Rotten Flesh
Shroom - Drops BreadSlime - Drops SlimeballBubbling - Drops SlimeballOctopus - Drops Nether WartRed Potion - Heals two hearts
Orange Potion - Heals four hearts
White Potion - Heals six hearts
Blue Potion - Heals half of one hunger bar.
Beryl Armor - Crafted like normal armor but with Emeralds
Beryl Sword
Phantom NPC - Drops Phantom Cane
Now holds a cane!
Ellinia Music Disc - Plays Ellinia Town Music
Henesys Music Disc - Plays Henesys Town Music
Zakum - Drops Diamond Blocks
Achievement - The Adventure Begins!
Henesys Biome - Grassy Cobblestone on the top and Cobblestone on the bottom.
To be addedMushmomBlue MushmomZombie MushmomKing SlimePigRibbon PigStumpSnailMana ElixirNew WeaponsPhantom Armor
Just copy the code into your signature!
Downloadhttp://adf.ly/CG8Jd - v1.2.6 - Newest!http://adf.ly/CEpEF - v1.2.5http://adf.ly/CEb7e - v1.2.4http://adf.ly/CEShu - v1.2.3http://adf.ly/C8mLS - v1.2.2http://adf.ly/C8Hn3 - v1.2.1http://adf.ly/C7zsJ - v1.2http://adf.ly/C6V9M - v1.1http://adf.ly/C6CU9 - v1.0
How to install1. If minecraft is running, close it.2. Download MineStory.3. Put the images in the "mob" folder into the "mob" folder in minecraft.jar. Do not replace it!4. Put the images in the "gui" folder into the "gui" folder in minecraft.jar. Do not replace it!5. Put the images in the "armor" folder into the "armor" folder in minecraft.jar. Do not replace it!6. Put the music in the "streaming" folder into the "streaming" folder in resources. Do not replace it!7. Put the class files in the root of the minecraft.jar.8. Download ModLoader.9. Put the class files in the root of the minecraft.jar.10. Download AudioMod.11. Put the AudioMod files in the minecraft.jar.12. Run Minecraft!
There are spawn eggs for each mob, but they do not work.
There are music discs, but they do not work.
The reason some mobs drop valuable items is because they all spawn in huge groups, which make them very hard to kill.
I would suggest playing on peaceful until you are strong enough to fight the mobs.
The Shroom is the easiest to kill, and Zakum is the hardest to kill.
Beryl Armor is the same strength as Iron Armor.
The Beryl Sword is the same strength as the Iron Sword.
The reason the Beryl Leggings look different is because they are shorts.
You can only get the new music discs in creative mode.
Zakum has 10 times the amount of health as the player.
The Grass on the Grassy Cobblestone is lighter to make it feel less realistic.
The reason the Blue Potion is so weak, but is so hard to make, is because the Blue Mushrooms drop diamond, so diamond becomes more common.
The Phantom Cane is the same strength as the Iron Sword.
This document is Copyright ©() () () and is the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
If you have any ideas, add me on skype! My skype username is werts150! -
HenriquePio posted a message on 1 Thing You Would Add To Minecraft 1.4 Updatei would make the game harder. like armies of creepers that will blow up your house to find you and zombies with shovels or pickaxes can break blocks to catch you.Posted in: Discussion -
Acetyl posted a message on 9/11: actual terrorism or nations biggest lie?Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and ScienceQuote from kude42
It is fake. Many people died on that day. The paranoid wackos that make that crap up should be locked up.
People dying is not justification to lock up people who question something. Get your **** in line. If anything, people are afraid to question that perhaps all that death was meaningless, and avoidable. Death is always a tragedy to at least someone, don't let that fact blind you. -
Acetyl posted a message on 9/11: actual terrorism or nations biggest lie?I don't think it was terrorism myself. When it happened, I didn't think it was terrorism. Too many things didn't line up.Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
Also I'm sure our government has lied about bigger things. -
TIEM2DIE posted a message on Sand rakers.Sand rakers began a long time ago.Posted in: General Off Topic
There was a man named NathanB,
He began a colony.
In this colony, there were 4 groups of people.
The leader group, called the Nathans.
NathanB was the only Nathan.
There were lawn mowers.
A single lawn mower, named Danny Price.
Then the Sand rakers.
They were the bulk. Some sand rakers are named things like "sam123486, Vekh, Zovator" and more
They raked the sand of the sand colony.
The scrubs scrubbed the floors.
Then lejacyddr came along, and found out he was a sand raker.
He refused to believe this.
So then time and space kicked him in the face.
And he cried, realizing his job.
His job, he refused to do...
He would come to love raking sand...
one day... -
TIEM2DIE posted a message on Hit my girl this morning.. I feel terrible.Posted in: General Off Topic -
NathanB posted a message on Hit my girl this morning.. I feel terrible.What a dirty sand raker.Posted in: General Off Topic -
Squidling posted a message on Is this how you love your mom in lifeYear 1- I love and respect you.Posted in: General Off Topic
Year 5-I love and respect you.
Year 10-I love and respect you.
Year 13-I love and respect you.
Year 16-I love and respect you.
Year 18-I love and respect you.
Year 30-I love and respect you.
Year 50-I love and respect you.
Year 70-I loved and respected you.
I have always loved my family. - To post a comment, please login.
I think this applies. But seriously, I think that there's weapons of some sort, not aliens. Possibly nuclear weapons or energy weapons, such as lasers? Maybe plasma weapons?
Here are 2 that I've experienced:
One day when I was 7, I was in a cave with my parents and my friends. I had a little toy-like plastic flashlight. We were right by a massive drop, at least 40-60 feet deep. It was what looked like an underground ravine. I felt for footing, and when I did, I stepped on a loose section near the ravine. I slipped, and grabbed on to the edge of the ravine. I dropped my flashlight, and 4-5 seconds later, I heard a crack, and the light went out. I screamed as loud as I could, and my parents lifted me up. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. Everything seemed to go slower than it really was going.
Another time was when I was crossing the street at my old house, going to a field. As I crossed the street, a white Toyota was speeding. I had looked both ways, and as I crossed, it sped up. I heard it coming right before it hit me. I looked to my left, in an extremely fast movement. My friend Alex was right behind me, and I jumped as far and as high as I could. It wasn't high enough. The car continued, and Alex saved me. He jumped into me, pushing me to the other side of the road. He barely made it, almost getting run down by the car while he was in mid-air. The driver came down our street one more time, in which I threw a large rock through his rolled down window, hitting him in the crotch. He almost ran off the road from it.
Now I'd like to hear your near-death experiences, if any!
Edit: I would like to use one of your songs for an intro of a Minecraft let's play I'm making. Would you mind that at all?
Just as it is only racist when a white person does it.