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    posted a message on Wait, what? Who said that?
    My friend was taking vicadin, and I said "Doesn't Dr. House take Viagra, too?"

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Need money, but I'm a kid and there's internet stereotypes
    I just turned 14, and I have a sort-of hobby/job in photography. If you can take good photos, or draw, or design T-shirts, that could earn some money, if you use RedBubble.com. Try it out. But it won't really get you THAT much, so do that and other jobs online. Another one is InboxDollars, a survey site. Try other sites, too.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What Would You Do.
    First off. They didn't say where in the desert. SO I'm assuming I'm at the very edge. I'd just walk out in that case. Second, there is no unit for area such as inches, so I can assume nanometers or micrometers and just leave with a few footsteps.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Area 51?

    I think this applies. But seriously, I think that there's weapons of some sort, not aliens. Possibly nuclear weapons or energy weapons, such as lasers? Maybe plasma weapons?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on I got IP banned on roblox. Help!?!?
    Pssh, all of this is dumb. I got a 2-week ban for saying "Hmm, seems like we have gotten deep in the poo."
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Asshole friends.
    Same happened to me, only not at my door. They asked me at school. I was suicidal for months cause of it and I cut all contact with them off this Summer. I plan to punch one of them in the nose when I get back to school! :rolleyes:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Near-Death Experiences
    I've had several near-death experiences, where my adrenaline shoots up, and if it hadn't been for just one circumstance, I would be dead right now. I want you to share your near-death experiences.

    Here are 2 that I've experienced:

    One day when I was 7, I was in a cave with my parents and my friends. I had a little toy-like plastic flashlight. We were right by a massive drop, at least 40-60 feet deep. It was what looked like an underground ravine. I felt for footing, and when I did, I stepped on a loose section near the ravine. I slipped, and grabbed on to the edge of the ravine. I dropped my flashlight, and 4-5 seconds later, I heard a crack, and the light went out. I screamed as loud as I could, and my parents lifted me up. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. Everything seemed to go slower than it really was going.

    Another time was when I was crossing the street at my old house, going to a field. As I crossed the street, a white Toyota was speeding. I had looked both ways, and as I crossed, it sped up. I heard it coming right before it hit me. I looked to my left, in an extremely fast movement. My friend Alex was right behind me, and I jumped as far and as high as I could. It wasn't high enough. The car continued, and Alex saved me. He jumped into me, pushing me to the other side of the road. He barely made it, almost getting run down by the car while he was in mid-air. The driver came down our street one more time, in which I threw a large rock through his rolled down window, hitting him in the crotch. He almost ran off the road from it.

    Now I'd like to hear your near-death experiences, if any!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Dream Expereiencers needed
    I wear socks to sleep, and I have very vivid and realistic dreams, but I hardly ever remember them.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Energetic Electro and Heavy Dubstep - Gaunt Electronica Music!
    Idea: If you have ever heard of Monstercat Media, you might want to get in touch with them. I would love to see you under their publishing. That would be epic.

    Edit: I would like to use one of your songs for an intro of a Minecraft let's play I'm making. Would you mind that at all?
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on Isn't this sexist?
    Quote from Isaac_x

    It's only sexist when a man does it

    As stated in another thread

    Just as it is only racist when a white person does it.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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