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    posted a message on Gaming Computers
    Quote from arabatha__3

    I didn't put a budget, because i wanted to see all the choices

    ALL the choices? Think for a moment exactly how many choices there might be. More than can ever be listed or have ever been listed.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on [Very Important!] Bring back internet neotrality [Very Important!]

    In that case, we could just change ISPs.

    Wow, wow, wow. You think you can just change ISP? Slow down there. You think if that was an option all the crappy ISPs would have no customers. Haven't you noticed your ISP is only available in a few areas? Why? Because all the ISPs got together, split up the map, price fixed. They all do the same thing at the same price. You might have another option, but its too difficult to break the oligopoly going on for there to be any good option. So good luck with that.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on I don't under stand this...
    Quote from Thescorpi0n

    Eh, everyone who has been in high school?
    It's not "Oxygen Gas", oxygen is a gas.

    That's a bit like saying a Ferrari isn't a car because no one calls it a "Ferrari car".

    Well, just calling it oxygen could refer to a single atom of oxygen, which is not the same thing in the air, since it is a diatomic molecule. I could say oxygen is bonded to a molecule. Saying oxygen gas is simply specifying that you mean O2.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on How do I know if I'm being hacked?
    Quote from Tasty_Toast_Son

    Yeah. Have fun. At 1 point in time, my SS teacher told me you had to fork over one million of their currency to buy a loaf of bread. Well, that was due to inflation, but whatever.

    Oh you mean back in the 1920-30s after WWI? Yeah, nothings changed over the past 80 years or so.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on 120hz monitors
    Quote from teckmaster
    it wasnt even side by side though. Even if i walk up to a random computer and start using it, i can instantly tell the monitor is 60hz. i dont think a placebo can be powerful enough to actually make text unreadable when you are scrolling through it and eventually give you a headache. good for you and your "studies" years of fps gaming experience, most of which competitively would tell you that you shouldnt even bother with 60hz. i dont know how better i can prove it besides personal experience even in instances where a placebo was completely ruled out?

    The best way to prove it is double blind tests. Simple as that. Again, I'm not saying whether there is a difference or not, but your brain tricks you, a lot. AKA, the McGurk Effect:


    Quote from Hakumisoso
    One could also say your brain is telling you there is no difference. Which is also bias. I locked the framerate to 60, and then 120. Did i notice a difference? yes. 60hz had a bit more stutter. This was not a tearing issue.

    Yes, either way, there is expectational bias.

    The problem with your test is that you knew what the framerate was. This is what induces the McGurk Effect. In an optimal testing environment, you wouldn't know what the framerate was locked to.

    I've only found one double blind test on this matter. So far it seems most people can see a difference, about 86%. And about 88% could tell the difference between each monitor.

    My point is that anecdotes don't prove anything.

    For example, a group of test subjects were given two wines, one expensive, one cheap. The half of the group that were unaware of the price preferred the cheaper wine. The half that knew the prices preferred the more expensive wine.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on 120hz monitors
    Quote from teckmaster

    thats funny because for some reason my crt used to go down to 85hz when i opened up cs go instead of the 100hz it was supposed to be running at. i instantly could see the difference from just moving my mouse around fast in the menu or when i got into a game. there was a massive difference and my computer didnt tell me the refresh rate was 15hz less than normal.


    not to mention that 60 frames per second is literally nothing, lmao

    Side by side you are more likely to see a difference. I'm not saying its impossible to see a difference, but I only trust hard science and double blind tests for stuff like this.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on 120hz monitors
    Quote from Hakumisoso

    Well if you don't have hardware powerful enough to display 120 fps then you can't justify that they are crap. I myself have seen 120hz monitors. I can tell the difference, but i agree it is not worth the money. I would rather have a nice ips than a slightly more smooth panel.

    G-sync is cool though.

    Or is your brain telling you that you can see a difference? Expectational bias, as its called, can have you perceive a difference even if there is none. If I displayed two monitors in front of you, and I said the one on the left was 60hz and the one on the right was 120hz, you would see a difference. But in reality, both monitors were actually 60hz.

    And that is why personal anecdotes are hardly evidence for "is it worth it".
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Is Logan wrong? If so, how wrong is he?
    This is relevant. Keep in mind that just because you claim to hear a difference doesn't mean there is a difference.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Hardware Forum Suggestion
    It doesn't work since everyone has different purposes for their computers. A video editing build is different than a gaming build. And then we get into builds that have to serve multiple purposes. Thats too many combinations, too many updates, not enough people will use it.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Build suggesting practice
    I only work in black and red color schemes since it is a scientifically proven fact that your performance will increase by 200% with said color scheme.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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