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    posted a message on Testfor Command not working with @e (1.10)
    Quote from BluePC1»

    And to make things easier in the long run I would go:

    /testfor @e[x=367,y=56,z=1336,r=1]

    I disagree with this. Typing [x,y,z,r] in the syntax without having to do x= y= z= r= is way faster and leaves less room for typos. And as long as you understand the order in the syntax then you'll never be wondering what coordinate is what.
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Falling sand help
    /summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:stone,Data:0}

    This will summon a FallingSand entity one block above where the command was executed which will behave like sand but look like stone. Upon landing it will turn into a stone block.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Need Help with /blockdata
    /blockdata -208 64 70 {Items:[{Slot:0,id:stone_pickaxe,Count:1,tag:{CanDestroy:["minecraft:monster_egg"],display:{Name:"File"}}}]}

    This command should work. The NBT is supposed to be {Items} not {Item:}

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to name a armor stand(No name above it) and then target it and change its positions?

    If I understand correctly, if you want to target one specific armor stand you can use a scoreboard tag and then target it that way.

    You can either do this through entitydata or scoreboard players tag.

    /entitydata @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1] {Tags:["SpecialStand"]}

    /scoreboard players tag @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1] add SpecialStand

    Then you can target it like this:

    /tp @e[tag=SpecialStand] ~ ~5 ~
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on [1.10] Setting Entities Scores Once
    Quote from BluePC1»

    I don't think you can add entitys other then players to a scoreboard.

    All entities can interact with the scoreboard. If I were to do

    /scoreboard players add @e[type=Zombie,c=1] ExampleObjective 1

    It would add one zombie's exampleobjective's score to 1.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on [1.10] Setting Entities Scores Once

    My map is planned to be multiplayer compatible, so I am trying to focus on optimizing it for servers. Right now I have an issue with setting entities scores once in one tick so the server doesn't have to set every single entities score in an area to 0 on every tick which in areas with a lot of enemies could be quite taxing on some lower-end servers.

    So I have a dummy objective, bmSafe. 1 for safe, 0 for not safe. So I have 2 commands running for zombies and skeletons:

    /scoreboard players tag @e[type=Zombie,tag=!undead] add undead
    /scoreboard players tag @e[type=Skeleton,tag=!undead] add undead

    Then another one:

    /scoreboard players set @e[score_bmSafe=!0,score_bmSafe_min=!0,tag=undead] bmSafe 0

    When entities spawn, they receive the tag only once, which is intended and functional. The problem is that setting their scores to 0. A zombie entity will never have their bmSafe score set to 0, as evident with a /testfor @e[score_bmSafe_min=0,score_bmSafe=0] which yields no message.

    I find this kind of odd because it completely contradicts how my first command with adding the undead tag is set up;

    Entities doesn't have the "undead" tag, it adds the tag. But with this one:

    entity's score is not 0, then set it to 0.

    This should share exact functionality.


    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to execute two players separately?

    You could give a scoreboard tag at some point to each respective player and then TP them that way.

    /scoreboard players tag @p add Player1

    /scoreboard players tag @p add Player2

    Then change your execute command slightly:

    /execute @p[tag=Player1] ~ ~ ~ tp @p[r=0,tag=Player1] x y z

    /execute @p[tag=Player2] ~ ~ ~ tp @p[r=0,tag=Player2] x y z
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Summoning Rotated Mobs
    Quote from Stampy102»

    Let me complete the command for you

    /summon <Mob> ~ ~ ~ 90 0

    That's wrong. That's what you might do if you wanted to TP something a certain direction but you need to use the data tags I said earlier to summon a mob with a set rotation.
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Sarcherre»

    Hey guys,

    I've posted here a few times, but haven't really become a part of the community.

    Anyway, I've been interested in mapping for about a year now, and tossed a few ideas around in my head. The problem is, the last time I mapped a lot was in the 1.2.5~ esque era of Minecraft, and obviously a LOT has changed since then.

    I'm wondering if someone can explain some of the major changes since 1.2.5, or point me in the direction of some type of video series / tutorial that explains the progression. I know a LOT has changed with the command blocks, and the impression I get is the mapper is given a small programming language of their own to work with.

    Anyway, it would really help a lot. I hope it's not too much work.

    Well a key aspect of learning mapmaking right now is: Command Blocks, as well as the new types, Repeating and Conditional. I recommend you look at Jragon014; he has a lot of tutorials and basics that are really easy to understand. His website as well, which is linked in his YouTube channel, has a great list of tutorials made by him. You should watch them all.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Any Ideas?

    I'm just curious, so I wish to ask something not exactly pertaining to your map directly.

    Why do you still use minecraft version 1.8.9? Many mods that make making adventure maps a lot easier have been updated to 1.10.2, like Forge with Worledit. And the new command block types added in 1.9+, make redstone clocks a thing of the past which in turn makes less laggy maps in general. So I just simply can't see why people still use 1.8.9.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Mention the Player that Clicked the Button

    Depending where you stationed your command block you can use a simple @p selector with a say command.

    /say @p has clicked the machine button!
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Summoning Rotated Mobs

    This data tag summons rotated mobs. The first number controls East, West, etc... And the second number controls looking up and down.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on limiting chests
    Quote from OutcastZeroOne»

    quick question, will this system limit how often a single player can use the chest or any player? meaning one guy walks up takes the stuff leaves, another guy walks up to use the chest will it have to wait for the time limit or it being a different player will it reload?

    They would have to wait out the time limit. Making it player specific is a bit of a different more complex story but one I'm sure is possible.
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on limiting chests
    Quote from OutcastZeroOne»

    The area where this will be is not going to be always loaded, so a scoreboard system sounds better. Now I just need to learn that system XD

    Using fake players and scoreboard players test is the methods I use all the time:
    Make a timer objective, dummy.

    /scoreboard objectives add timer dummy

    Then add a repeating command block that constantly adds a fake player score to timer

    /scoreboard players add ChestRefill timer 1

    Then you add a scoreboard players test. Replace the minimum number with the time you want to make it refill. Multiply the number of seconds by 20 because 20 ticks are in one second. So let's say you want a one minute cooldown. Then 20 * 60 is 1200 ticks.

    /scoreboard players test ChestRefill timer 1200

    Then on a chain conditional, run this command:

    /scoreboard players reset ChestRefill timer 

    Then after that, add as many chain conditionals as you want/need with any command you want. For example, if you put a simple /say Hello command in a chain conditional then the message "Hello" will be output every minute.

    This system is SIGNIFICANTLY better than any form of redstone repeater delayer because of how compact and how customizable it is.
    Hope this helps!
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on /clear command not working.

    I figured it out! You have the two numbers in your command backwards. If you were to put this in a command block and replace /clear with /give, then you would receive 10 brown dyes. So simply switch them:

    /clear @p[score_Magic_min=1] dye 10 3 {display:{Name:"Magic Power"}}

    I'm wrong. The syntax is different for the clear and give commands. Whoops.

    But I gave myself the named dye in the command block and tried to clear it with your command but I took out the [score_Magic_min=1] selector and the command functioned fine. Must be something wrong either with a chain or with your scoreboard value.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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