I don't want to flame up this thread or start ****....but I am going to. rev did an awesome job with VaultRP better than any other of the server owners including myself imho. So I think you need to take a step back and think about things, I don't think you understand what it requires to actually run a server. To everyone else disrespecting former members please climb down from your high horse. For the sake of this server I suggest you put all these issues behind you and move on with this fresh slate. If you take these issues into the new server I guarantee you it will fail and I don't want that happen. But hey what do I know I had to stop the VaultRP. Anyway best of luck guys and I do genuinely hope you succeed.
Yes, I know. RevolvingOcelot ran TheVault finely for the first 2 of her launches. For me, the last was unsatisfactory. Factoring in the hate from the other players because I was new to RPing, there were a small number of abusing admins that were favored by the Server owner. I just want a completely fresh slate and remove all these issues, but they won't stop. It's Cyber-Bullying.
Welcome back, DevilsPoet. I hope you enjoy your time here and remember, we won't ever hold anything you did in the past against you during your time here. If anyone does, I will gladly paddle them for you. =P
Thank you for the actual, first warm welcome back. Don't paddle anyone. They have their views on people, just as all people do. What they think of me is none of my concern, nor is it anybody elses except theirs.
Yes you may RP as anything you want but if you wish to rp a robot I am going to ask you send me a pm with the robots specifications for example what type what you do and does it have weapons etc. to prescreen you as we have had some problems with robots trying to be God like and others just being unrp for being a robot. Other things such as being a ghoul supermutant or my favorite and long lost buddy sinvesta's idea a diarrhea infected deathclaw you can just randomly decide to do at any point if you wish.
No your not Old fags are people who have been here since crisis's first launch to his third anyone after is 2nd gen. anyone froms commandos or revs launches are 3rd gen.
Hewitt as I just said to Milk if you dont have something nice to say dont say it at all as we are acommunity of friends some new some old so lets all stop hating each other as this is a fresh start for all in a new/old community.
Sorry Crisis there's just been so many owners over the last year that its so unclear of who to even ask anymore and all us oldfags me pap tim, aljo,Ricky, captainkidd wanted to revive the good ole days with the vault and attempt to run it the way it the way it once was after it was mauled and ruined recently and once again we are sorry with not consulting you first.
Just sayain, I'm the one who made Rev stop mutilating TheVault.
And I'm an oldfag too! D:
Hey, guys, with MoreBlocks you can add a pumpkin-type block, take out the part where it's hard to see and make it a BoS helmet or a Ranger helmet with... say vision like that, such as (RP) targeting systems. :3
Legion base is pretty swag right now although half of it is nothing but trenches and barbed wire fence's built out of paranoia from a one block hole in the previous defenses making it look more dependable than the Siegfried line
I want to sit in chairs. e.e
Adds more to the RP.
Also, Rads plugin.
And Heroes, making the classes like the SPECIAL traits
So on
Yes, I know. RevolvingOcelot ran TheVault finely for the first 2 of her launches. For me, the last was unsatisfactory. Factoring in the hate from the other players because I was new to RPing, there were a small number of abusing admins that were favored by the Server owner. I just want a completely fresh slate and remove all these issues, but they won't stop. It's Cyber-Bullying.
Thank you for the actual, first warm welcome back. Don't paddle anyone. They have their views on people, just as all people do. What they think of me is none of my concern, nor is it anybody elses except theirs.
I came early Swiss, Very Late Crysis.
Wow. Bacon stood up for me.
Thank you, Bacon.
Please. :c
Just sayain, I'm the one who made Rev stop mutilating TheVault.
And I'm an oldfag too! D:
That is pretty swag.
Radscorps in the color of a dark purple.
Adds more to the RP.
Also, Rads plugin.
And Heroes, making the classes like the SPECIAL traits
So on
Awesome. I'll get the texture pack and get on.It says I'm still not whitelisted.
Like Pyro said:
Make me do ****.
(But not bad ****)
Yea, my bad. Realized the "Lost" in there. It's matthew.dejong1 btw.
Also, I'm not whitelisted anymore! D: