The idea is simple, running Robotic Guards/Servants, off of RF power.
The Non-TL;DR version is more complicated:
There is a story to these bots, you have to learn how to make these, and as you discover the research in dungeon loot books, you learn a schematic. Each schematic eventually totals to each recipe needed to make the bots. The types of bot pieces are listed in the spoiler below:
The Head: Which is the personality, behavior, and actions the bot does, each head can be programmed with a soldering table, and can be used to improve efficiency, and charging capabilities. So you could build this to operate on solar power, or go into a chamber and charge itself (provided the chamber has power to give the bot), otherwise the bot will sit in the chamber until it has charged fully. This piece is the AI of the entire bot, deciding if its a servant or a guard.
The Body: This is the charge/storage capacity, it is the core of the Bot. This means, everything works off of the body, tiered bodies have a complexity limit, so a tier 3 head that charges on solar power can't work on a wooden battery box shaped like a body, for example.
The Arm(s): This part is slightly different. You can have 1 or 2 arms, however, each have a power draw. So you could a tier 1 arm, and an empty slot on the other arm. This would save power, BUT reduce the damage(if you are using it as a guard) or the mining/harvesting speed (if you are using it as a servant)
The Legs: This controls speed, maneuverability, and ability. If it can work only on flat surfaces, go up 1 block, or can jump
up to reach other areas. This also controls Pathing, so it can choose the best course of motion depending on its ability given by the means of transportation
Plating: This is the health, the armor value of the bot, how much damage it can take, whether that means the plating generates a bubble shield at high tiers, as well as have solar panels on the shoulders that allow for small power generation, or have an extra layer of iron.
After you know some components, some flux-charged cogs, some circuitry, and some soldering with the soldering table, which is akin to the customization in the modular powersuits' tinkering table, and a displayed set of items that are in the table (that don't drop when you exit the table), You could start building a Bot! Once you craft a piece of the bot, you can put it into the corresponding slot in the "Assembly Table" that also displays the bits of the bot.
Once you assembled the bot in the assembly table, you have to connect power to the table, to make sure it has power, enough to let it go through initialization(being a movement of each limb, maybe a full circle of each limb) Finally, once it calibrates itself, you open its inventory (via Right click) and this opens a GUI that shows its current amount of RF it has charged, its item inventory (dependent of the body's configuration). Here you can give it things to transport, or repair materials, extra batteries, or anything it might need to keep going.
For Guards:
These guys have multiple things at their disposal. I will list the arms and tiers:
Tier 1: Open Hand - Can hold items(such as swords), and can punch for 1 heart in damage(or the damage value of the item held)uses the durability also)
Tier 2: Iron Sword Arm - Quite literally, the arm is a sword, this does 3 hearts per hit, and is cheaper in energy to run than tier 1.
Tier 3: Bow Arm - This operates like a crossbow, and costs more power, to draw the string, doing 2 hearts per hit, from a range.
Tier 4: Cannon Arm - This fires from a very long range, and is the most expensive in power costs, but it lands a whopping 5 hearts per hit.
Tier 5: Manyullyn Sword Arm - This blade can be upgraded with sharpness and any other modifier (only if Tinker's Construct is installed is this available)
For Servants:
The arms for the servants, these guys also have much at their disposal!
Tier 1: Open Hand - Can hold items(such as bags), and can punch for the mining/harvesting speed of the hand. (uses the durability of the item carried)
Tier 2: Iron Tool Arms - these are more efficient power wise and have faster harvesting speeds of the corresponding tool.
Tier 3: Suction Arms - Picks up items in a medium radius, and harvests crops (right-click on the crop) then puts the items in its inventory (size dictated by body)
Tier 4: Manyullyn Tool Arms (only available with tinkers construct installed)
For Both:
These are the things that both can have.
Tier 1: Belt-treads - move slowly and at high power, can go up 1 block steps without jumping. (cannot jump) 2x2 area
Tier 2: Quad-tire chassis - Moves quickly, less power consumption, must work on level surfaces(except stairs) 2x2 area
Tier 3: Bipedal Legs - Moves at the speed of walking players, medium power consumption, and can jump. 1x1 area
This idea is something that i want to implement in a similar way that golems in Thaumcraft are operated, except they are robotic, and they are scaled at the size of the player. They would be researched through books found around dungeons, or discovered when tinkering. (i don't want NEI to work but the research notes to tell you instead).
All things are subject to change. I would like to help, but i don't know much about code yet, so learning with this would be fun! Also i would be willing to shift on some ideas, and would work with you with ideas. I also would like credit if this mod is made!
The Body: This is the charge/storage capacity, it is the core of the Bot. This means, everything works off of the body, tiered bodies have a complexity limit, so a tier 3 head that charges on solar power can't work on a wooden battery box shaped like a body, for example.
The Arm(s): This part is slightly different. You can have 1 or 2 arms, however, each have a power draw. So you could a tier 1 arm, and an empty slot on the other arm. This would save power, BUT reduce the damage(if you are using it as a guard) or the mining/harvesting speed (if you are using it as a servant)
The Legs: This controls speed, maneuverability, and ability. If it can work only on flat surfaces, go up 1 block, or can jump
up to reach other areas. This also controls Pathing, so it can choose the best course of motion depending on its ability given by the means of transportation
Plating: This is the health, the armor value of the bot, how much damage it can take, whether that means the plating generates a bubble shield at high tiers, as well as have solar panels on the shoulders that allow for small power generation, or have an extra layer of iron.
Once you assembled the bot in the assembly table, you have to connect power to the table, to make sure it has power, enough to let it go through initialization(being a movement of each limb, maybe a full circle of each limb) Finally, once it calibrates itself, you open its inventory (via Right click) and this opens a GUI that shows its current amount of RF it has charged, its item inventory (dependent of the body's configuration). Here you can give it things to transport, or repair materials, extra batteries, or anything it might need to keep going.
Tier 1: Open Hand - Can hold items(such as swords), and can punch for 1 heart in damage(or the damage value of the item held)uses the durability also)
Tier 2: Iron Sword Arm - Quite literally, the arm is a sword, this does 3 hearts per hit, and is cheaper in energy to run than tier 1.
Tier 3: Bow Arm - This operates like a crossbow, and costs more power, to draw the string, doing 2 hearts per hit, from a range.
Tier 4: Cannon Arm - This fires from a very long range, and is the most expensive in power costs, but it lands a whopping 5 hearts per hit.
Tier 5: Manyullyn Sword Arm - This blade can be upgraded with sharpness and any other modifier (only if Tinker's Construct is installed is this available)
Tier 1: Open Hand - Can hold items(such as bags), and can punch for the mining/harvesting speed of the hand. (uses the durability of the item carried)
Tier 2: Iron Tool Arms - these are more efficient power wise and have faster harvesting speeds of the corresponding tool.
Tier 3: Suction Arms - Picks up items in a medium radius, and harvests crops (right-click on the crop) then puts the items in its inventory (size dictated by body)
Tier 4: Manyullyn Tool Arms (only available with tinkers construct installed)
Tier 1: Belt-treads - move slowly and at high power, can go up 1 block steps without jumping. (cannot jump) 2x2 area
Tier 2: Quad-tire chassis - Moves quickly, less power consumption, must work on level surfaces(except stairs) 2x2 area
Tier 3: Bipedal Legs - Moves at the speed of walking players, medium power consumption, and can jump. 1x1 area
All things are subject to change. I would like to help, but i don't know much about code yet, so learning with this would be fun! Also i would be willing to shift on some ideas, and would work with you with ideas. I also would like credit if this mod is made!