Welcome To CosmicCraft:
· Whitelist Applications – Applications to join CosmicCraft (if accepting)
· Forum Rules – Rules to posting in the forum
· Absence Notices – Alert the community that you may not be on for an extended amount of time.
· Donations – Pledge donations to the server to help with hosting fees Server News:
· Server News – Alerts about goings-on in the server (downtime, hosting, etc.)
· Building Projects – Tell the community about projects that you want to start
· YouTube – Discuss your channel, and discuss channel co-operation
· Sponsorship - Discuss sponsoring the server (advertising/financial sponsorships) Let’s Chat:
· Players – Player Biographies
· Showcase – Showcase builds on and off of the server
· Chat – General discussions about anything
· Pictures – Show off your favorite pictures from on or off the server
I hope this is good for everyone, but feel free to tell me about more that you would like to add to the forums
(PS: Sorry about the bullets not lining up under: Let's Chat, lol. I typed this on Microsoft word. Maybe I just have OCD, but it bothers me lol)
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Though I haven't known you guys for very long, I already consider you guys close friends and family. I am tremendously happy to have met you all, especially during this jolly time of year. I wish you all a very, very merry Christmas!!!
On another note, I have read all of your suggestions for the forums, and I will post a revised draft of it later. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Heyo, It'll be free. Let me show you what it'll look like before we do anything to it, the following link is my personal site hosted by my same buddy I'm talkin bout hosting our site. So the name will be different than "Twentysomethings" but it will prolly be Sabott.com/CosmicCraft/ instead.
Now it'll take me a day or two to get ahold of my buddy and get the site up, when I get it up I'll set up Boss and MvK as admin on the site to do what they need to do for it =)
That's awesome! Thanks Kreznir! I will try to make the website the best that I can
Edit: You guys should know, I am studying to become a computer programmer. I am fluent in HTML (The coding most websites run on) and Java (The coding used for graphics on websites). The only one I don't know is CSS (The coding used as an advancement to java for animations on websites). So I believe I can make a very good website for the server
Ok guys,for me the usual's are:
TheBoss2231 <-- Me
Kreznir is it going to cost or is your friend letting it for free? And TheBoss will you design it or will you use webs or something like that?
YES! Thank you!
As for the website, I will look into designing it, but I will probably use an application like webs to make it. It depends whether we can get our own domain for free or not.
Yeah you have been whitelisted.Well yeah that could work. But whatever I prefer if someone could make us a website like from webs or something.
I can probably make a nice forum site for the server if you want
Am I still going to be whitelisted? I was whitelisted a few days after most of the "usuals" but I've tried my hardest to stay an active member of the community over the forum.
Teamspeak works for me. I believe it costs money to buy a private teamspeak server, though.
Hey guys sorry for making so many posts in a short amount of time, but I am looking for a YouTube username. I don't want to use TheBoss2213 as my username for YouTube. I would like something short and catchy, with no numbers in it. If anyone has a suggestion, please tell me! Thanks!
RP2 or RedPower2 is not yet included in the modpack. It adds new types of redstone devices (timers,NOT gates, AND gates, etc) that are now easily compacted into a one block area instead of taking up several. It also adds two new basic blocks (basalt, marble) each can be turn into brick form (like stone bricks). It also adds a new semibiome (i guess you would call it) which is a volcano. Volcanoes have very large amounts of lava under them (which forms into a pool underground) and some are erupted. They provide a good amount of lava which you could use to power geothermal generators (or use the lava to make tin and other materials). RP2 isnt the only thing their adding either (if im correct they are also adding Thaumcraft, which i really enjoy as a mod). overall there will be a lot of new additions to the modpack and this is the main reason why we would need to restart the server.
also i like the idea of using the mindcrack modpack, it gets rid of mystcraft which causes alot of lag (you can just tell people to only use quarries underground so it doesn't look like someone raped the landscape)
What I might do is use the Mindcrack FTB version and if anyone wants to use a quarry, they have to put it on the ocean.
Also I have been thinking about the server when I launch it and this is what I came up with:
1. Make the server more private. Since the server got what people call "usual's" on the server we could make it sort of like a semi-private FTB community. I will hold back on whitelist applications until we want more people to come in.
2. When I launch the server we will make a starting base for everyone to come on in. First, we build a fortress looking base with farms and public machines so everyone one can use them. Then, if you guys want you guys can leave spawn to build your own base (Still can't be 1000 blocks from spawn).
3. If anyone wants to record on this server just say you are recording then go ahead.
Guys, give me your thought on this or if you want to add more go ahead. I want to make this server a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft FTB type server.
Awesome sounds great! We have an amazing community, and I really like the idea of having a main base where everyone lives and works at. I also like the idea of the 1,000 block boarder because it really keeps us as a big community, rather then us all spreading far out into the world. If I may make a suggestion though, maybe we should make another land area (maybe 500x500) used as designated mining space.
Even though I've only officially been on the server once, I've tried my hardest to be an active member of the community on the forum, so I hope that when the server re-opens I can be considered a "usual" Thanks for keeping us updated! ~Boss
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, (I'm new to FTB) but wasn't RP2 already released a while back? Is this supposed to be like a big update to it? Is it just the debut of it on FTB? I can't seem to find an answer. I know that RP2 is on tekkit, so I'm confused about this whole thing lol.
That's great! Thanks for keeping us updated! I am probably not gonna be able to be on until then anyways, lol. Have a merry Christmas, and I'll see you guys in a few days
The server is going to have to be a reset. I am sorry this might take until 5:00 at most. I am going to try to save the world. Thank you for your time!
Thanks for keeping us updated! Excited to play
Thanks! I'll start designing it as soon as possible!
Welcome To CosmicCraft:
· Whitelist Applications – Applications to join CosmicCraft (if accepting)
· Forum Rules – Rules to posting in the forum
· Absence Notices – Alert the community that you may not be on for an extended amount of time.
· Donations – Pledge donations to the server to help with hosting fees
Server News:
· Server News – Alerts about goings-on in the server (downtime, hosting, etc.)
· Building Projects – Tell the community about projects that you want to start
· YouTube – Discuss your channel, and discuss channel co-operation
· Sponsorship - Discuss sponsoring the server (advertising/financial sponsorships)
Let’s Chat:
I hope this is good for everyone, but feel free to tell me about more that you would like to add to the forums
(PS: Sorry about the bullets not lining up under: Let's Chat, lol. I typed this on Microsoft word. Maybe I just have OCD, but it bothers me lol)
On another note, I have read all of your suggestions for the forums, and I will post a revised draft of it later. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Welcome Board:
That's awesome! Thanks Kreznir! I will try to make the website the best that I can
Edit: You guys should know, I am studying to become a computer programmer. I am fluent in HTML (The coding most websites run on) and Java (The coding used for graphics on websites). The only one I don't know is CSS (The coding used as an advancement to java for animations on websites). So I believe I can make a very good website for the server
YES! Thank you!
As for the website, I will look into designing it, but I will probably use an application like webs to make it. It depends whether we can get our own domain for free or not.
I can probably make a nice forum site for the server if you want
Am I still going to be whitelisted? I was whitelisted a few days after most of the "usuals" but I've tried my hardest to stay an active member of the community over the forum.
Teamspeak works for me. I believe it costs money to buy a private teamspeak server, though.
Looks good MvK, I am really excited to start playing on the server. I believe the new application will help us maintain a close-knit community
Edit: Oh yea, and I've been meaning to ask you: What time zone is the server being hosted in?
(I like to keep things simple lol)
Thank you! That was the answer I needed.
Awesome sounds great! We have an amazing community, and I really like the idea of having a main base where everyone lives and works at. I also like the idea of the 1,000 block boarder because it really keeps us as a big community, rather then us all spreading far out into the world. If I may make a suggestion though, maybe we should make another land area (maybe 500x500) used as designated mining space.
Even though I've only officially been on the server once, I've tried my hardest to be an active member of the community on the forum, so I hope that when the server re-opens I can be considered a "usual" Thanks for keeping us updated! ~Boss
Same. I really hope it's up soon though.
Thanks for keeping us updated! Excited to play