Listen to me Sloop. My opinion is my opinion. If you agree with it, then that is great. If you do not, move along. You have beliefs about Minecraft, and I have mine. I respect your opinion even though I may not agree with it. There is no point in rebutting your point since you have your beliefs, and I am sure you do not have any intentions of changing them. Lets leave it at that shall we?
Also thanks for the grammar tip. I will put it to good use.
If you try the code you will see that it actually works just fine. However, yes the solution you proposed does fit his needs much better.
Just use java's random generator to get the random number:
int num = (int)(Math.random() * 9 + 1);
if (num < 3) {
How are we supposed to help you without any code to look at? I see there is a problem in your block class with the onBlockActivated method, but without the code I cannot tell you what's wrong. Please paste your code on and paste the link in your thread.
Thank you,
Alright, after a ton of experimenting I finally got it to work by using metadata's.
Here are all the relevant classes for reference in case someone needs it in the future.
Thanks for everyone's help.
Here are all three
Try removing everything affiliated to build craft and try again.
I did that initially (except for the NBT bit, I need to do more research on that) however the metadata also controls the rotation of the block. For instance, when the block is facing east, the metadata is say 3. I always believed you can only use the metadata for one thing at a time such as defining a texture, sub-block, or a rotation. Correct me if I'm wrong about this I still have a lot to learn.
I agree I should back off from this for now. Thanks a bunch for your help.
If anyone else has any other ideas please do chime in.
I had something similar to yours, but I copied over your code and still no avail...
Also the values are coming up in the console.
What could be wrong?
Does it need a method to initiate a render update?
I tried that and guess what..... still won't change I may have put something incorrectly in the render class once again so ill link that.
**Here is what I did Renderer Class (NEW VERSION)
Thank you so much for the help
Indeed. I have spent a large quantity of time trying to solve this myself so it would be nice to finally be able to move on
Anyway I really do appreciate your help and if something does come to your mind please do post it
The oonNeighborBlockChange method changes the variable, but im getting no response from the renderer...
Thank you very much for explaining that.
I added what you told me and it still does not want to change. Could something be wrong in the render class?
Thanks for the reply. I tried storing it in the NBT but the texture still does not change. Here are the full classes.
Tile Entity
So basically, the variable has to be written to an NBT? If so, how would I do this? I looked around the forums, but I do not seem to understand it fully.