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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Quote from computermix »
    Quote from ThatParkerGuy »
    Alright Canadian, I followed your advice. Didn't work. Whenever I start Minecraft Server.exe in 192, the server properties file ALWAYS RESETS to the original copy, despite the fact I press SAVE at the speed of light.

    Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:

    I don't have that issue. Let us see your server properties contents before it gets rewritten.

    # Edit the settings below to modify how your server operates. This is an explanation of what each setting does.
    # server-name = The name which displays on minecraft.net
    # motd = The message which displays when a player connects
    # port = The port to operate from
    # console-only = Run without a GUI (useful for Linux servers with mono)
    # verify-names = Verify the validity of names
    # public = Set to true to appear in the public server list
    # max-players = The maximum number of connections
    # max-maps = The maximum number of maps loaded at once
    # world-chat = Set to true to enable world chat
    # guest-goto = Set to true to give guests goto and levels commands
    # irc = Set to true to enable the IRC bot
    # irc-nick = The name of the IRC bot
    # irc-server = The server to connect to
    # irc-channel = The channel to join
    # irc-port = The port to use to connect
    # anti-tunnels = Stops people digging below max-depth
    # max-depth = The maximum allowed depth to dig down
    # report-back = Automatically report crash information back to MCSharp developers (not yet in use)

    # Server options
    server-name = ThatParkerGuy's Multiworld
    motd = Welcome to my server!
    port = 25565
    console-only = false
    verify-names = true
    public = true
    max-players = 32
    max-maps = 10
    world-chat = true
    guest-goto = false

    # irc bot options
    irc = false
    irc-nick = IRCBot
    irc-server = irc.esper.net
    irc-channel = #anonymouse
    irc-port = 6667

    # other options
    anti-tunnels = true
    max-depth = 4

    #Error logging
    report-back = true

    Yeah, I don't use the top part. Ever. Before when I used it, it only caused me trouble. And now I can't revert back to the older version, because I just realized that they no longer host the older version on day7tech.com.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Alright Canadian, I followed your advice. Didn't work. Whenever I start Minecraft Server.exe in 192, the server properties file ALWAYS RESETS to the original copy, despite the fact I press SAVE at the speed of light.

    Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    I tried to update to the new MCSharp (196, I believe) and changed the server properties to my liking. However, when I open the Minecraft Server exe, the server properties file reverts back to the default, with everything saying "Put this here" even though I just copied all of the my previous server properties over.

    How to fix?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Still have users trying to connect to my server and getting the "You must login!" Error. I found that as long as I'm on the server, no one ever gets this error.

    My map is fine size for MCSharp, but is there any way I can let people in without this error when I'm not in my server?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Quote from pimpjitsu »
    Quote from ThatParkerGuy »
    Man, thanks Ulrich and Neko for making this wonderful custom software. It's truly amazing to work with, everything gets done more efficiently and much, much faster. Though I am experiencing the "You must login!" error among my users, is this triggered by main being too large?

    If so, I'm probably going to cut down main, which I'll dislike because we have some real cool stuff in there. Is 256 256 256 an acceptable size for main?

    You could always rename your current main map and generate a smaller one.

    Much thanks, it worked.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Man, thanks Ulrich and Neko for making this wonderful custom software. It's truly amazing to work with, everything gets done more efficiently and much, much faster. Though I am experiencing the "You must login!" error among my users, is this triggered by main being too large?

    If so, I'm probably going to cut down main, which I'll dislike because we have some real cool stuff in there. Is 256 256 256 an acceptable size for main?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    I'm sorry you're all having a bit of a conflict at the moment, but I'd appreciate it if I could get a solution to my problem. D:

    Basically, people can connect, but I can't find my server on the server list (I'm fairly sure this has to do with my firewall, just asking if there's another reason), The CBot keeps throwing exceptions, and anytime someone leaves, MCSharp fails to respond.

    Are these all related perhaps?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Quote from alka »
    Quote from ThatParkerGuy »
    Alright, I fixed the map problem. I love this custom server. :biggrin.gif:

    But what I do need help with now is letting people connect. The title of my server does not show as /v/ for victory like I told it to in the server.properties file, and people can't connect, despite it being on the server list as "Minecraft Server"

    Remove the /-s , try then

    I have no clue how, but that worked. Several people joined before MCSharp stopped working. :biggrin.gif: Still need to figure out the root of that problem though.

    Also, I think I have one last problem. The Cbot keeps throwing exceptions everytime someone talks. I tried removing the cbot in game using the botremove command, but it listed there was no bot. I changed IRCbot to false, but the same error occured.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Alright, I fixed the map problem. I love this custom server. :biggrin.gif:

    But what I do need help with now is letting people connect. The title of my server does not show as /v/ for victory like I told it to in the server.properties file, and people can't connect, despite it being on the server list as "Minecraft Server"
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    So I've built my server, and took a level from one of the thread on the front page here, renamed it main.lvl etc. But when I go to join my server, my player character is stuck entirely in the ground. I think this is a spawn point issue, but I just want to make sure it's not related to anything else. Is there a solution if it is related to something?

    Also, whenever I leave my server, MCSharp fails to respond and closes. Is there a solution to this as well?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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