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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Hello, I would like to get white listed for this server looks fun.
    I posted here a few days ago and it looks like my post is gone or was never confirmed? who knows....
    if I am white listed please send me a forum email or slip me an email at [email protected] I do appreciate it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    I would like to get white listed for this server, looks like fun.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Muskets
    I agree with removing the gun powder from the lock part of the lock stock and barrel.

    This is an expensive item at best, so I would say that you would need to have some advantage over a bow for this. Lets not call it a musket lets call it a flint lock ( and they were quite accurate) it would take down a monster in one shot but it would have a very large reload time, also it would attract the attention of monsters to you. So one shot then you better get a sword or a bow ready or hope you got one all by its self.

    For this you would have to use a gun powder and an iron bar to make the bullet to help balance out this power with such a strong weapon. I would give it the same drop speed as the arrow but make it much faster that would be, in a ballistic sense, accurate.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Aether world Quick stone idea expanded *via video*
    video here my apologies I think the audio sync is a little behind the video not sure how that happens because I talk the entire time and it plays the entire time...


    the Aether thread where I read all about what the opposite of the nether would be all about.

    Quick stone would be a type of block found in the Aether by some means ( probably a mob drop or derived from an ore) that when you applied force to the quick stone it would take off in one of the six directions opposite of where you applied force.

    Now my ideas are the following:
    When quick stone comes across an obstacle it will take 1 of 2 actions it will have a correct logical path to follow and it will follow that path (I am thinking limited up to 15 like red stone) or I will not have only 1 logical path and it will stop.

    Also when quick stone comes in contact with more quick stone ( or some other material from the Aether) the entire chunk of that material will move in that direction in till it comes in contact with something else and then it will stop.
    With that material and quick stone you could build elevators, or you could build a flying island that you could control... and you could put an elevator in it.
    Another way do this would be there is a floating moving material such as obsidian and every thing it is linked to (except for some buffer material such as light stone) would move in the direction that the quick stone made the obsidian move. This would allow people mobile bases that they would take with them flying around the world. that i refereed to in the video as a wonka-vator.

    I think that their should be 2 forms of quick stone " wild" and "tamed" wild would be what you got when you acquired the material originally. It would head in any direction and when it came to an obstacle it would stop or head in a random direction from there till it ran out of movement, say 30 or so. and Tamed would be made by combining it and red stone dust so that it would behave in the manner I expressed in the video, cutting the travel distance in half so that it would always return to its starting place.

    Do you guys agree with this? should it work differently? please let me know of what you think and how it should or should not work.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Retrieve items on death - Dead Mans Chest
    I would be willing to support this idea if 2 things happened. one the chest had durability so that it would not be a 1 shot use but you could use it a number of times. two if it would respawn with you to your spawn point, possibly after a certain amount of time when it was not recovered.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Grove Sprite -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    I like the idea of them being in a group. I also like the idea of them attacking if you attack them, if you can track the idea of their attitude then go for it. But I think they should drop apples but travel in packs. A pig is food because when standing next to 5 other pigs they do nothing but 5 forest sprites would be a hassel at best.

    I saw a youtube video of a vast underground forest, guy had put lighting everywhere and had a lava wall to help light it... then a tree grew into his lava wall.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Golden Rails + Redstone Powered = electric minecarts
    Quote from m00se »
    Taking the time to be a bit less aggressive in your delivery would have probably been a good idea too.

    I did do a quick search, but the search function isn't always functional(for me anyway).

    Besides my obvious bias towards this idea, I think this idea is better than the pure redstone one because of it's use of gold. Gold needs more ways to be useful, and I believe that this is a great way for that to happen.

    Yeah I have found that search functions in most forums work like crap.

    any way I like the idea just as long as Notch is going to try to fix the bugs where carts next to one another will accelerate each other. all mighty bob explains it here http://www.youtube.com/user/AlmtyBob

    now the generator if renamed I would like. because redstone seems to have its own power supply, but a booster or accelerator would imply that you need more power than the redstone gives normally to power this thing, that and when you say generator I want to overload it and watch it go boom... perhaps a feed back loop...

    err any way I like your construction of the idea and fully support it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on ROPE in Minecraft (simple yet useful)
    I think that this would be an interesting thing to have. you could use it to link mine carts ( I would say that the rope gets used up and the mine carts are just right next to one another but I could finally have the train engine in the front so I could feed it coal.

    Also as far as climbing up and down goes, I think latters have us covered there. unless you want to go with pitons as well and the latter could even be put on the ceiling that would be different.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Spear
    easier way to make them not shovels
    [] [] :Flint:
    [] :|: []
    :|: [] []
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The possibilities of beds.
    Quote from Whirlpoolwas »
    how will it work in SMP?

    this could have a regenerative effect on a player, so they are just resting and have a 5% chance to gain a heart for every minute they sit there. mainly ascetic but would be something to do when you are off making a sandwich.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Love the thread, I am going to do what I do best which is try to wrangle a thread, I by no means believe I am superior when taking the ideas of others here I am just trying to put things in perspective and try to get them to fit in the frame work of the game as best as I can with my interpretation of it.

    Tornado guys (vortex) is a little far fetched for me as is, what about a tornado guy being a regular man sized MOB that when he attacks he sucks you up and will toss you in a random direction, down included. you take fall damage or are flung from the very world. to defeat him you must feed the tornado guy in till he is carrying too many things and he dissipates. you can then go pick up your stuff and possibly a block or two that the tornado guy drops. possibly an orb or maybe that mimic block that would be hard to get. dropping the mimic block would fit with the creepers dropping gun powder.

    I was thinking that for the glare as opposed to it hurting you maybe you could cut the glare with the crystal. You could make a set of sun glasses or some such. I have two ideas for how to craft this so lets see if I can master the smilies crafting technique below.
    [] [] []
    [] :GoldBar: []
    [] :Diamond: :Diamond:
    where :GoldBar: = gold helm
    :Diamond: - cyrstal from the aether

    or if we dont want to be able to make it in the crafting window we have with us
    [] :GoldBar: :GoldBar:
    [] :GoldBar: :GoldBar:
    [] :Diamond: :Diamond:
    where :GoldBar: = a gold bar
    :Diamond: crystal from the aether

    But I like the idea of gold armor having special protective qualities in the aether. The gold boots thing is nice and possibly you get an advantage to movement speed with gold pants and an advantage to mining speed with a gold breast plate. possibly a gold helm would cut the glare some but the crystal "lenses" would give you the full effect.
    {any one know if the game can adjust its own gamma settings so that it would have that annoying glare that we would need to cut?}

    As far as the aether portal being on its side and being unable to get out of it I say make the portal material act like water where we can swim in it. if you need to get out then swim to the edge and jump out. as far as needing water to turn it on I say one flowing in it should be fine and it activates when all the sides get wet.

    Singing stone I believe should come from an ore as should quick stone so that we can in fact gather it. if that is nixed then i say at least let us get a bucket of quick stone. but if we do that we may have to rename it to quick gravel or quick matter.

    Also with the quick stone I think that if you combine it with the red stone then it should return to its point of origin after a certain distance. 15 blocks out then it comes back but any time it hits something it will go in what ever direction it can so it hits a wall and tries to go to the right is blocked tries to go up, is blocked tries to go left is blocked then goes down because the way is clear. if there is another block of quick stone then it transfers its energy then returns where it came from. this could also allow us to make elevators which I will try to expand upon the idea of in a second. this way you could have mechanical constructions and it would work in the same logical patterns as red stone constructions that have grabbed people's attention and drawn them to this game.

    Elevator idea removed to be made with an accompanying video to hopefully explain what I am talking about better. I will add a new post here or edit this post if it remains the last post in this thread... which I doubt.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Fishy ideas
    Maybe not water light levels for fishing but different bait, or the 0% light fish would be insane to try to catch.

    also possibly different poles to catch fish with metal wood ect would get you different fish. you could make a fishing net to get your pet fish with and you would need a bucket of water to transport your pet fish.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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