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    posted a message on How I do code mod?
    Quote from MrAndyPE»

    Definitely a good guide so far. However, this really only applies to defining an ore block and it dropped item. I think the question was referring to how to make the ore generate in the world like it does in MCPE. Although something similar to the ore generation mechanics of MCPE can be reproduced in ModPE, it is nonetheless not a good solution and the only way to really add fully function ore generation is through Native Mods. Surprisingly, this is a comparatively easy process as far as native mods go. If you are at all interested I could explain how you could do this.

    I don't see why it wouldn't be a good solution; back before native modding was made available through Blocklauncher all we had was ModPE. Sure there may be a better way but there aren't huge downsides to it. The only reason I could see it being a problem is working with certain phones and their lack of power. But as long as it's being run on a somewhat ok device, performance would be fine, and even on slow devices the mod would be passable. Also, I understand that you wouldn't be implementing natural ore generation if you used ModPE, you could create an algorithm that mimics natural generation to the point of you not noticing a difference.

    Though, HopBop, if you are willing (and MrAndyPE willing to help) I would say you should try learning and least a basic understanding of native mods. It would help you in the long run for modding and general programming knowledge.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on Tips for changing block behavior in add-ons?
    Quote from MikeFM»

    I've followed the links, downloaded and examined the resource pack and behavior pack files, and all that as recommended in the Add-On FAQ page and I haven't figured out how to manipulate block behavior. Is this possible? I have a couple simple ideas in mind I wanted to try to get my feet wet but I'm not having a lot of luck.

    Idea one is to change the grass path block to be have more like the normal grass block. I assumed this would be a case of cutting and pasting some stuff from the grass block to the grass_path block so that I'd end up with paths that can have gates placed on them and such.

    Idea two is to create a simple UI for the noteblock so that the desired note could be simply typed or picked on a little keyboard. If possible I'd like to make it so the blocks texture would be tinted to match the color of it's note and maybe show the instrument it's playing as. I can see the UI for the command block and others but I don't see how these are associated with the blocks.

    Any pointers?

    From what I've seen, block manipulation is not available with official addons (yet?), all I've seen is mob modification. However, you are more likely be able to execute these ideas with native mods (a.k.a. BL Addons), it will just be harder. I don't know exactly what can and can't be manipulated using BL Addons but I'm sure you could ask some people who have experience with them.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on How I do code mod?
    Quote from HopBopGamer»

    One More Things: How you generate ores?

    I haven't done ModPE in a while, but here is a basic overview. You can find out how to do all of the stuff I explain on Connors wiki.

    First, you need to create a new block, and a new item. This is your ore block and the ore itself. Then, you need a block destroyed hook (it's called everytime a block in the world is destroyed), use an "if" statement to see if it's the block you made. Lastly, if it is, drop your new ore. You can also take it further and make weapons. There are a lot of mods like this too if you do a search in this forum. There were a lot of new ore and new ore weapon mods.

    Note: unless you use existing textures, you'll need to create some. This part, I can't help you with. Do any experienced modders want to explain this subject better and how to import textures?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on How I do code mod?
    Quote from HopBopGamer»

    Umm, I don't have computer, just android.

    That's ok, you can do it all on Android. So here is a basic tutorial of how to start developing ModPE on Android:

    1. Start learning Javascript

    2. Download a Javascript or generic code editor for Android

    3. Start learning the ModPE API

    Connor4898 also has some ModPE mod templates for some simple functions:


    Another big way to learn ModPE is to look at code that people have already written and experiment. Also, you need to learn how to debug, this is a whole other subject that will have to be covered separately... Hope this helps!

    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on How I do code mod?
    Quote from HopBopGamer»

    I prefer ModPE...

    Ok, so then your first step is to start learning Javascript. After that, there are multiple steps you can take here to learn the ModPE API:

    • Ask experienced modders for help, directly. (But don't be annoyed or get mad if they say no)
    • Reverse engineer already made mods
    • Use Youtube tutorials such as those by Arjay
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on How I do code mod?

    Well, technically, mods are C++. The Javascript is simply a bridge between us and the game to make modding easier.

    But before I explain it, please note:

    This post is in the wrong section. Seeing as you are a new member, it is excusable, but ignorance of the rules is not a free pass. I have asked for the post to be moved to the correct section, which is MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests, but please make sure going forward that you post in the correct sections. Since you are new, I suggest you read over the Rules, it's about 3 minutes worth of reading and will benefit you on this forum. I look forward to seeing you around!

    The Javascript type of modding is called ModPE, and was introduced mostly thanks to Treebl and Zhuowei back a few years ago. It was made because low level/assembly modding was very difficult for the types of users that Minecraft usually generated, (eg. a lot of young ones).

    Modding in C++ is called Native Modding or Addons (no, not the lame system Microsoft brought into MC:PE), and requires you to know C or C++, and have some minor assembly knowledge, or at least that's how it was not too long ago.

    The difference between the two types of modding can be explained in a somewhat simplistic (and mostly accurate) way:



    Modding Backbone written in C++, Java, and or C.
    Java bridge to access Backbone
    Blocklauncher/other utility for modding

    Native Mods:


    Modding Backbone Written in C++, Java, and or C.
    Blocklauncher/other utility for modding
    C++ addon

    And it may not look a whole lot different, but the Java bridge adds limitations because instead of using C++ to access the backbone by hand, you're going through a library that has to implement functions by hand. Each ModPE function was implemented by Zhuowei to access the C++ backbone that modifies game files.

    Anybody feel free to correct me on errors, but I feel this makes sense.

    As for learning to make mods, you will need to decide which route you would like to take.

    • You can learn Javascript and make ModPE mods which is easier, but also much more limiting.
    • You can learn C++, Java, and/or C, and start developing Native Mods which is harder, but much more functional and rewarding.

    A quick Google search will find you many resources, free and paid, for learning Javascript, Java, C, and C++. One example is CodeCademy.com.

    I hope this helps!

    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm Quiting MC-PE modding (sorry guys)

    Sad to see people go at any time, but I'm afraid that you were never here for the right reason. Back when I was active in this forums, (in the time of ModPE first being released w/ my buddies expir3dcow, MrNoahz, BeATz_UnKNoWN, and a few others), we made mods simply because we loved the game and the environment. It was never about the money. Sure, after a while, we all tried, but it was never about that. What drove us was the fun of sharing our projects and seeing people enjoy and crave updates.

    I am not trying to bash you, at all. But a little advice: You can't start by being in it for the fame and the money. Programming is something that, in my opinion, needs to be loved. You need to have a passion for it. And yes, it is a very big area for money and fame but getting to that point takes a lot of work. Also, if you're looking for money, programming game mods isn't the biggest market, especially Minecraft: Pocket Edition. I wish you the best on your adventures but seriously encourage you to keep working towards it by constantly learning and striving to be better, not striving to constantly make more money.

    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on My world can't be opened
    Quote from MeanMachine70»
    Hi everybody. On my tablet, a generic chinese model P706 no brand, 1GB ram 8GB storage, actions dual core procesor and android kit kat, i receive the same error trying to play, but yet i can play on wifi or external server without problem. The game runs fine in a Winok tablet of similar caracteristics, but android 4.2.

    The P706 cant open worlds on itself, but can open wifi an external worlds.

    Hope it helps to identificate the root of the problem

    Ok, thanks! If you know any other devices that do or don't work, can you please PM them to me? It has to be something with the devices that's causing this.
    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
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    posted a message on Byteandahalf's C++ Native Mods (Better than scripts) | Better Item drop mechanics
    Quote from LegoNinja39»
    Hm I learned something today. I did not know MCPE was C++, I just assumed that it would be Java like the computer version. Also that people think that MCPE is written in JS. Why would they think that? JS isn't designed for full games, it works better for websites. I must know, is ModPE/BlockLauncher a JS API written in C++? Or does it only supports certain function?

    MC:PE is written in C++ with OpenGL ES to run smoothly on mobile devices.

    The way BlockLauncher works, to my understanding, is like this: It uses Java to input the JavaScript code using the Mozilla scripting engine for Java. Then, it takes that code and patches it to MC:PE using C++ and/or C (with MobileSubstrate). I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is how it works. It is not a JavaScript API, it is a native API for patching MC:PE. Zhuowei decided to add a JavaScript engine to access this API. The API can also be accessed by Native code such as C and C++ using native addons in APK form through BlockLauncher. However, this is a mod thread, not a general discussion thread. If you would like to continue this conversation I feel as if the staff would appreciate if we moved it to http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/mcpe-mod-tool-discussion

    EDIT: I never saw Byteandahalf's post. It explains it all.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on ModEz: an Android app for making MCPE mods with no coding experience

    ModEz: an Android app for making MCPE mods with no coding experience

    Easily make MCPE mods without any programming whatsoever.

    With this app, you can make as many Minecraft: Pocket Edition mods as you want! It's very simple.
    You simply give your mod a name, pick what you want to mod (you can pick more than one!) and then use the simple GUI to mod.

    You can do so may things such as

    • Create your own items
    • Create your own weapons/tools
    • Create your own food
    • Add recipes to the crafting table/furnace
    and much more!

    There is also a prank section* where you can make people blow-up or leave the game right when they join.

    Here is a full list of what you can do:
    • Make custom items
    • Make custom weapons/tools
    • Make custom food
    • Add recipes to crafting table/furnace
    • Set the players health (good for making god mode or insta-death prank)
    • Join a server
    • Set the time
    • Set a blocks light level, color, destroy time, and explosion resistence
    • (prank) Make a player leave the game right when they join
    • (prank) Explode any position on the map (x, y, z)
    • (prank) Explode the player
    and more is being added.

    Also, ModEz has a security feature: you can set your name from the main menu and it will be put into the file-name of your mod and it will be put in the mod to help stop people from taking credit for something they didn't make.

    It also has some hidden features such as making mods with a URL. When you go to this URL: modez://custom.item?id=1&texture=wood_plank&name=BEST%20ITEM%20EVER it will launch ModEz and make a custom item with an id of 1, the texture set to wood_planks and the name is BEST ITEM EVER. Pretty cool, right? This is so that people can make items and then share them with others. All URL templates:

    Red = what you need to change

    Custom item = modez://custom.item?id=NUMBER&texture=STRING&name=STRING
    Custom tool = modez://custom.tool?id=NUMBER&texture=STRING&name=STRING&damage=NUMBER
    Custom food = modez://custom.food?id=NUMBER&texture=STRING&name=STRING&hearts=NUMBER
    Set Player Health = modez://set.player.health?hearts=NUMBER

    So, what are you waiting for? Get the app!

    *Pranks can be dangerous. Use with Caution

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.temena.modez
    Google Play - Adfly Link: http://adf.ly/qlYCC
    Amazon Appstore: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MKCVY6A
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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