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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Yeah. Bobert and I have been finishing up my last post. Ideas being tossed back and forth for what'd work best. I also have one last character to write up on my own too, but that doesn't require Bobert.

    For anything you could focus on... I'd say do more of those collabs. I think that last post was really amazing looking. It seemed much more put together, interactive, and flowed really nicely. I don't think Bobert and my post are going to come close to it, nor any other post in the rest of the RP, so something you did there really hit it. Possibly work on more connections to other characters?

    I'd also like to propose a 'character connection' requirement in the next RP. A list of other characters you're connected to in SOME way (Doesn't have to say what, but saying so would be nice) that aren't your own, that way you have something to interact with another character. I like the thought of someone's character, having directly, or indirectly, affected someone else's character. "You bombed my village, now I want you dead!" but waiting until the right moment. "You helped my mother throughout tough times, now I'm going to repay that deb." or just "You're my aunt, family sticks together. I never knew you before, but I'll stand by your side." Could end up being some really interesting stuff, just starting with a simple seed of *Is connected to X character*))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Wow Lavul, nice work. I think I'm inspired to get going some more. Let's finish this up! You too Bobert, of course. lol.))

    ((Too bad it wasn't Wii Sports Resort, doing that one sword-fighting game. I'm the all reigning champion so far. I've beaten every NPC without losing once, and all of my family without losing to them either. The trick: Don't swing. Like, ever. Just let them swing flail, and swing once back at them. Your'll win every time. lol))

    ((*Sees spoilers* *Opens* *Closes* Nope, too long. Plus, no spoilers for Undertale for me!))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Studying, planning for a party, and playing in between 'missions' from my mom for the next few days. Sorry guys.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((I still want to try that game.))

    ((Yeah... but my family doesn't know that :( I'm just bad, :P))

    ((Wait, what? Uhh... what did I say? About the OP thingymajig? I'm sorry about that... :S I am being serious about that though. I really don't know what everyone else is up to, and do think some of my characters may be under powered. Being able to make portals seems like a very powerful ability, which kind of sets everything off balance if not all of our characters can match that type of strength, which none of mine can except for possibly the tank, which still doesn't work if you can just portal right into it.))

    ((Oh no wait, was that about the transformers thing? I like the movies, a lot. I just thought people who liked the original shows don't like them. I haven't seen the shows personally, so I can't really compare if they're better than the movies.))

    ((Was it the beginner thing? Sorry, that's really just my own frustration, :S. My younger brother would play Easy difficulty with the rest of us, until beginner came out, and would just play that for no reason other than the fact it's easier.))

    ((I just think I'm trying to talk about things, but there's not really anything I connect with anymore... the only thing that really brought me together with the rest of you, was the RP. And my continuous messups with that has completely ruined my relationship there... Lavul's already said I haven't won him over yet... so... idk, I'll stop talking. I'm just muddying the waters right now.))

    ((I'm sorry Ragna, I'm not trying to aggravate you. Really, I'm not :())

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    I'm assuming you're talking about Hawaii Bobert. If so, then YAY! Great place there, wish I could go! I sooo wanna learn how to serf, lol. My dad's been there, on duty, sitting at a computer. Best job ever I'd think. lol))

    ((As the the epilogues, I believe you are correct. Because, well, I'm one of said persons.))

    ((I can play Medium mode, :D If that's what it's called, I can't remember, :P Got to hard at some point, but then no one else played so I got back into RPing again. lol Plus, I heard it's harder for people who play real instruments, to play Guitar Hero... so I've used that as my excuse, :)))

    ((Never got into Transformers. I talk about the 'lame' movies from time to time, though. (Lame being I think real transformer fans think they are. I think they're cool.)))

    ((*Joins Bobert in his confusion* I don't even bother reading the spoilers at this point, :P And Ragna, what happened to you thinking you're not REALLY apart of us, and 'one of the guys' and such? Pfft... you're just as active (If not more so) than the rest of us. You know what you're doing, you're cool.))

    ((OMG, Beginner... no, there is shame in that. If you can do Easy, NEVER touch Beginner again. That mode is crazy... I bet my nephew Adam could do it (Then again, he beats me at Angry Birds... wtf?)))

    ((Cool beans bro. I wanna start on writing mine, but a lot of them depend on how the world words. I have a whole family (90% of which die) that are based in one area, and require some of the kingdoms and laws to be set in place for them to work. I also have a pirate-dude who is kind of waiting to see how this RP ends up before I can work on him. Then the Leprechaun is waiting upon Ragna, and DEFINITELY will not work without the setting I've been planning. It might, but then I'd have to rewrite him significantly. There's also Redmond, his father, uncle, and bloody annoying uncle-toe-kisser that require 100% on the setting I've planned (They will be entirely scrapped if we go with something different. They literally are just characters that work in that setting.) Um... and Grun, I can write him I guess. He's not dependent on ANYTHING. Oh wait, still have to discuss him with Bobert... nvm.

    I feel all of my characters are under powered. Any one of Lavul's characters could walk up to the lot of them, snap a finger, and they just all collapse. Especially with that portal-magic-voodoo. I might have to up Grun's capabilities when it comes to his TANK! aka, give him bloody unlimited ammo, instead of the lame 1 rocket I was planning for emergencies. Are my characters UP? I might have to rethink all of them if everyone's characters are planning on being badtoe monster jumblers.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Guitar Hero Online? Is it any good? And yay, fellow bass player! That looks like my older brother's guitar amp too, you sure it has enough amps in it to handle the bass? :P))

    ((Yeah, I was asking Lavul if he would recommend it. He said he "liked it, sure", but I'm not sure what that means.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Yay! Science lesson time! Brown Recluses can be lethal. If you are bitten by one, you probably won't even feel it. Pretty much the only way to know you've been bitten, is seeing this giant gaping hole that's eating at your skin. You usually don't have very long to live once you see the hole, however, and should seek immediate medical attention. Black Widows usually aren't lethal, in fact, you can be bitten by one and have no effects. But, if you happen to be sensitive, or allergic (Which a lot of people are... which is why they CAN be dangerous), to the venom they have, you can die without medical help. My older brother is sensitive, and was bitten by a Black Widow, but he got help in time, so nothing happened. He's deathly afraid of all spiders now, however. I also have quiet a few family members who have been bitten and died from Brown/Black Recluse spiders. I never knew them though, so, yeah.

    Also, Ragna, those two spiders happen to be the two lethal spiders in my area too. So, I think it's safe to say, 'Howdy neighbor!' So, howdy neighbor! lol.))

    ((I know Final Fantasy 15 is getting a lot from the flack cannon because all of the main characters are dudes, and everyone's flaming about how "OMG, they are just SOOO flamboyant! This game was made for GIRLS! OMG, who want's to play as these LOSERS!" and blah blah blah. Pro tip for developers: Either A: be consistent with your audience, or B: Don't get trapped in one grouping. Spread your wings a little, take everybody in.

    That is all.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((I know Ragna. Like I said, would never work. Plus, you've already designed it. Go all out man. All out.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Want my definition? I have a simple definition. But my definition won't work in a fantasy setting, as we'd never (Or rarely) see them, and wouldn't be able to interact with them very easily.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((I think you mentioned family vacation earlier. NP Bobert, we'll be waiting! Take your time, get everything settled, and come back when you have a big chunk of time to let loose.))

    ((Aye aye, I feel the same guys. I feel like I really know all of you, yet there's still so much I have yet to discover. But with what I know now, I feel like we would make great friends outside of the internet. <3 P.S. Bobert, I'm already planning on finding out where you all live (Somehow... through your own leaks, perhaps?) and flying out to pick everyone up, and then move on to the next person. Then we can all sit in Canada, and... IDK what we'd do then. XBox? Shoot, I'm horrible at XBox... I've barely touched it since I got mine for my birthday, :P))

    ((Cool, so I am sensei in the sense I'm older than everyone else. Not wiser, just older.))

    ((Don't you mean... Back to the Past Day? Cus, now it's in the past. HAR HAR HAR HAR!))

    ((P.S., I'm driving out to an appointment today, coming back to finish up on the studying I can't do there, and then going to continue my posts with Bawb. I left some stuff for him to reply to, but there's still some more for me to add on. Toodles!))

    ((Oh gawd Lavul... what have you done? Have you written out an entire RP's worth of stuff, for this last post? Now people will have to read TWO RPs to finish this one. At least drama-wise, right?))

    ((Ragna, is that the real, or fake Hoverboard? I know there's a real one, I've seen it, but it's not that cool. The fake one is cooler, but alas, fake.))

    ((Pageclaim! in the name of my healing!))

    ((Don't you dare Lavul. DON'T YOU. BACK! BACK! *Lays spike traps around the Pageclaim* BACK!))
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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((NP Ragna.))

    ((Uhh... okay... let's see here. Stability is simply put: The resistance to vertical movement in air. So, high instability allows air to rise much more easily, allowing clouds to grow vertically, which is what thunderstorms do. The 'magic' could be that the area is always unstable, allowing for more storms than normal. And of course, they would produce snow and hail, like thunderstorms do often. In this case, I'm going to say it's safe to assume these storms would always be single cells, so they would probably last about an hour with each one, no more. I'm assuming the Steam kingdom would be nearer to the fields, but not right next door, so as to gather the lighting, heat, and weather produced from the storm.))

    ((Speaking of the fae... I just realized, my leprechaun character I have planned is technically one. How would he be able to fit in all of your fae-related stuff? I pretty much just have a few years of his travels up until the current point, but everything before that is still un-thought of. I was kind of thinking he was a sort of just outcast, or something... but, still not sure how their culture would work.))

    ((Ooh, forget I said I didn't like these names. From now on, call me Sensei Tek! :D! Speaking of which, I'm still not sure how old everyone is. I know I'm older than Ragna... but not sure about everyone else. All of you have said you've had jobs, so you're at LEAST 14... Bobert, not sure what your rules in Canada are, so no idea. Oh wait, it's 14 there too. But 15 for some other places, and 16 for others again, etc. So everyone's AT LEAST 14, Ragna is 18 (Might be 19 by now, *Shrugs*), and I'm 19, almost 20. Am I actually Sesnei in the thought of age, or just Roleplay creator?))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((Woah, wait, what guys? OMG, I'm incredibly sorry. I really never even thought about it that way before. I just thought of a few small ideas that could be cool to work up, not set in stone. I'm not set in having a lighting field area, or reverse gravity water stuff... they're just ideas I'm throwing around for us to work with. WITH, not a definite. I have no problem dropping those ideas, I just thought of them on the fly, and wanted to announce them beforehand so we can discuss them. I thought that'd be better than just dropping them like a bomb on everyone, then finding out then that no one likes the idea.

    And yeah, I actually do have a whole idea for the lightning geyser idea. Pretty much just a big field of geysers like normal, but as they shoot out the super-heated water, they quickly turn into clouds which form storms. Thunderstorms require three things to form: Instability (Magic? Could do it.), an act of rising air (The geysers going off.), and high moisture content (They're shooting out water.) The storms would then develop very quickly over the fields, and cause lighting, like a normal thunderstorm. So, I don't think THAT is too far fetched of an idea. We can't ignore the fact that the world has magic, and should use it to some extent. When we're given magic in a world like this, we need to use it. If we don't, then we shouldn't have any magic at all. Some of the plot in this RP were the aliens (Lavul's guys, Herobrine, and Rob's people) coming to Minecraftia to use the powerful magic.

    I do see what you're saying though, about going all nuts about it. The floaty water blah stuff, is pretty crazy. I just thought I should mention it before pulling it out of thin air for some random sub-plot, and then having to deal with it then, and then fix it all on the spot. I'm definitely glad I said it now, so I know everyone's having a huge problem with this, otherwise it could have just ended up worse if I waited until down the line.

    Did I repeat myself? I think so.))

    ((Can you stop saying Kohai, and Waifu? I keep getting confused about who you're talking about. Thanks.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    ((NP Bobert, I had to stop midway... working on the rest of it now. Going to commit the edit once I finish soon.))

    ((Finished it enough now for a response though.))

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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)
    Quote from bobert778»

    Quote from bobert778»
    ((ALL OF THIS CRITICISM, AWKWARD PLANNING, AND STUBBORNNESS IS JUST PASSION! That's where it's coming from. No hatred, no intentional meanness, no bias or ignorance; it is coming from passion for the world that we have created and hope to expand upon.At least that's what I see in it. If it somehow isn't the case, correct me, but if you both know that about yourselves then you can hopefully understand it in each other. We're in a state of fragmented communication right now which tends to happen on the internet. It's also hard to explain things and be sure other people understand it the way we intend.We good? I hope we're good. I also hope we can continue to discuss things and sort all of this out. Let's begin!))

    ((*Breaths in deeply, holds, lets go* Okay, I'm good. I'm cool. Let's continue this thing for the greater good of our world!))

    ((Tek, thank you for popping by and explaining your situation right now. It makes things a lot easier to understand than the whole 'Where in the world is Teknonick?' thing we had going on. I wish you continued luck on your flight tests, and if it does mater the weather on the west coast seems to have been pretty good. I mean it's cloudy but they're way high up in the air clouds and I still see planes every now and again so you know. That.))

    ((NP. I'm just really stressed right now, and RPing currently feels like a chore, more than a game right now. I'm trying to push more time into RPing though, but it does come last in my life right now. First being flight, second being my girlfriend, third being extra studies, fourth extra studies, fifth myself and family, sixth Roleplaying. Hopefully I can shrink down the time of all five things before, or at least some of them, and then I can have more time for the last, which hasn't been given any love for several months.
    And no, the clouds aren't important. Just thought I'd ask. And now I'm mad, because you've had better weather than I've been having over here, :P If the clouds are just a few thousand feet off the ground... then I negate that. And yeah, a lot more pilots can pilot in different weather than I can. I have to fly below the clouds, and retain line of sight with the ground for it to be legal and safe.))

    ((Coming back to the steam vs magitek thing, I think it'd be nice for all of us to start actually working on some of this stuff rather than continually skimming over it. We can explain in length any ideas we have to clarify them, criticize each other, and maybe begin to mold the world. We only have a singular solid guideline that needs to be followed and that is very simply: How much time has passed? We figure out a time frame that works for everyone, then begin to develop. We can even outline what it is we have concepts for just for communication purposes.

    Example: I have a fairly solid idea for what becomes of the island this RP took place on. It will not be a prominent location in the next RP given it's difficulty to access, but still a relevant one and influential to the new world in significant ways that you guys could potentially capitalize on or help develop.

    Building this world like we are is going to be a little stringy, but we need to start somewhere and we need to come to a consensus on where that somewhere is.))

    ((Note: Steam Vs. Magic. I was thinking Magitek would be a separate, more experimental thing. I think I remember Lavul saying he had some character planned to be fiddling around in stuff like that, so that can be all his game.
    I think we all need to get in a Skype call (No voice or video, unless we wall want. I'm cool for it, but I think it'd be easier to type a big thing and have everyone be able to respond immediately) to discuss what the next RP will be like.

    ((Continuing on what I just said, Tek some of those ideas for terrain and landscapes sound potentially very interesting. You're presenting them in the same way you've been presenting the magitek vs magic thing though in that it has nothing behind it. What is the logical and awesome history behind exactly why gravity on this lake works weirdly? That's the kind of depth ideas need to be presented with.

    Also in regards to your end collab, we can just do that over PM on the forums. Use the conversation I sent you a short while ago, or if you'd like I'll set up a google doc like I did with lavulman.))

    ((Explained just below. I'll go in more detail about the lightning thing in my characters bio, as it doesn't really have a place anywhere else (Other than a small side-event during everyone meeting him/them.)
    KK, sounds cool.))

    ((Ah yes, the purple moss. I think it's being eternally consumed by magical fire at this point. The edges just keep trying to grow out further, but the fire keeps eating away at whatever new grows. Perfect entropy.))

    ((Hmm, okay. I'm still going to post what I think was going on with that, but I'll mention the magical fire battling it too. Maybe leave it unanswered so we can deal with it later, like what you have planned.))
    Quote from lavulman»

    ((I keep getting the feeling that Tek is coming up with his ideas as if this is a video game. First there was that whole thing where he randomly sprung all of that nonsense on Arachne and enthusiastically shouted "map quest time!" as if this was some sort of hype-inducing idea by any means, and I don't think these lightning geysers and low-gravity waters and all that would work unless this was a video game, and you could just hand wave anything by saying that it would be a fun fight or something. Really, it's only nonsensical, and it raises a huge, huge amount of questions that I think would take a ridiculous amount of time to answer.))

    ((I am sorry about the Arachne nonesense... but that's been in the RP since the start. I felt I needed to keep it going, and that it would be somewhat enjoyable, and give our characters a goal. I had originally planned on that book being in our group, but it had slowly gotten into Herobrine's hands as the RP continued, and none of our characters figured out its existence. It actually played a big part in how Herobrine came to be and everything, we just never got the chance to explore it without making up some crazy stuff to have it float into our characters hands and delaying the RP even longer. If we had gotten to it earlier in the RP, it may have worked. But I kind of dropped it into Arachne, hoping she could uncover it for everyone, as our main characters traveled towards the final battle.

    The lightning geysers area is actually part of a character I have planned, it will be used in some awesome-mystical and eventful-throwing way. Like an uber-mini sub-plot for my character. It can actually go anywhere, I just thought the west would be good. It could even be several hundred miles away if we wanted, just not so far that we can't reach it. The low-gravity water is really just a 'game battle, let's be cool!' idea. It can be scrapped entirely, but I thought I'd like to share it in case we want to use it for something. Like I said, awesome floating battles! Who doesn't want one of those? An alternative could be falling from several thousand feet up in the air, and battling through a thunderstorm with intense updrafts... but yeah, randomness. *Throws out other crazy ideas, just to shoot them himself*))

    ((I'm working on my PM with Bobert now.))
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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)

    (Hey everyone. I'm really, honestly, flipping sorry for not posting earlier. I had taken the test with the FAA Examiner, Jerry, but failed the Oral Examination (Talking) portion of the test. He said I did pretty well, but there were one or two things here and there that I didn't know, and there was just enough of them that he couldn't continue with the test. Since then, I've been studying like some word I can't use, and been taking my brother to classes twice a week now. Not only do I have to drive him there, but my mom decided I should go ahead and take them since I was there anyway, so I did. Now I have lots of more studying for flight than normal, so I don't fail again, extra flights in between to catch myself up, and several extra classes that require an hour+ of studying each day.

    When I'm done with that, I'm usually pretty pooped out for the day, so my creative juices are all fried. They've been pretty run dry since the last few IC posts I've made, so I really apologize for their lack in quality, and quantity. At the end of every day... I feel drained, and either jump on a game, or talk with my girlfriend after her long day at work and or college. Then we usually unwind by playing MC, or some other game.

    Oh, and my family is upset I'm not watching shows with them like I used to anymore, so I've been trying to spend some of my downtime in the living room with them a couple hours before bed (We usually have 10-14 hours worth of shows recorded at a time... but it's more like 50+ since I haven't been watching any lately.)

    I also really feel like not posting, whenever Lavul comes around and says "Tek's ruining everything!" or "Ten years later... Tek has still been missing, ruining all of our lives, forcing us to post OOC meaninglessly." or stuff like that. It was okay at first, I understand the jokes, but hearing it every other post get's annoying, and makes me want to not post. Oh, and if I do post, then it won't be up to my usual standard, so I'll have to just come back and finish it when I have another hour to spend on it.

    P.S. The whole thing about my idea... I'm not calling you all idiots, Lavul, I'm just saying you're shooting the barrel when you don't even know if there's fish in it. The idea of Steam Vs. Magic is a bad idea, I get it. I believe it's pretty overused too... I just have a LOT LOT LOT more planned to it, than just that. When we're all done with this, I'd like to explain my whole story. I have everything planned since 10 years BEFORE this island was inhabited, up to the point now where the war in the mainlands is finally finished (Just 10 years), and then the 50 year long gap until the start of the next RP. It's not as simple as "Magic is better!" "No, STEAM is better!" it's just a tad more complex then that.

    And yes Lavul, there are wars over stupid things all the time. Like, religion, for example. Or the whole 'perfect race' thing. Or, "You're invading our land, we like our ways, don't try and come in and change everything." if you're familiar with the natives of North America. My idea is more similar to the last one, rather than "Solar energy!" "No! Nuclear!" But similar, not exactly. It was more of a revolt, for an appeal in new ways, rather than sticking to the old ways which are not improving.

    Oh, and medieval times, Kings WERE dictators. "My shoe doesn't fit. Off with his head." so, uh, yeah. P.S. that fits into my whole plot, about a dictator starting the war, but being put to a start to stop it because of how stupid it is to fight. Oh, and I already have a political enemy for the current king, being loyal to the old and wanting to revert ways for logical irrational (Yet not) reasons.

    If, after I explain everything I have in mind later in full detail, you guys still don't like it, I have no problem throwing it out the door and going for something different. Just hear it and take it into consideration once I explain it in full. (And no, your characters don't have to follow under one party, or another. You might live under one or the other because they tax better... or because they don't have a ban on salmon shoes that you so much love wearing. And duh, not the entire continent is ruled by them either.)

    I also have a lot of landscape planned around the kingdoms, which is all up for discussion. So far what I have has a LOT of room for improvement, suggestions, and collaborations (There's a lot of gray area around it.) I was kind of thinking of a great plains, that during rainy season all of the lower regions flood high enough for ships to sail through, while all the higher (Which isn't a lot) are built up castles and villages. South of it could be some magical area I have, to the west a small forest before the 'Lightning Geyser Fields", and east an ocean. North could probably be something cooool, like mountains maybe (Not sure, whatever we come up with.) and south some sort of great lake connecting to the ocean... but with mystical waters that make everything lighter (Flipping ships over, and allowing awesome low-gravity battles over the water!) And then more stuff between, around, etc.

    I do have the two castles planned (Ish... just location-esc) and a small village area where one of my characters comes in, and a few other spots where my other characters start out at.))

    ((Doing fine Bawb, just a little swamped with all this stuff. Thanks for asking, :) How you doin'? And how's the weather up there? Any sort of flying weather, unlike off to the East here?))

    ((I have Windows 10. Love it, hate it. At least my computer starts up a ton faster, can ACTUALLY USE SLEEP MODE, and has less viruses (0) than normal (No idea how that works. Maybe it's lying.) Though, it does help I have a programmer for a dad to help fix all the bugs that come with the Windows 10 upgrade from an old Windows 10 Asus laptop which had a million incompatibility issues.))

    ((Also Bob, I was wondering if we could get on Skype (Teknonick here, look for the dork with a hat and a Sonic Screwdriver) and collab a little for my last post. I really only have 1 character left that has anything remotely interesting left. Liera and Aaron is mild, but doesn't require any outsider interaction to have her whip up a portal under Aaron's feet and leave (Shocker! Why didn't they do that this whole time!?) And then a little thing about Steve fighting off the one thing everyone's seemed to have forgotten is not going away, and will consume the entire island within a few weeks.))

    ((Oh yeah, I think we had settled before, that the island we're on is just a recently settled island (10 or so years ago), and the dot off to the left is just a small bleh nothingness. The mainlands are somewhere far off, and unconnected. I think most people left the mainlands during the start of the war (Uh, hello? Who wouldn't?) and ended up on this island, hoping everything'd end up peaceful. Sadly not, still monsters everywhere, and then Herobrine rising out of the ores to dominate them like the alien he is))

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