I'm thinking about this, and I don't know if I should do it but...should I reskin mobs and weapons? Let me know..
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Quote from ClipTy »
Sure, I can put more into it, what do you think I should add?
Well, there are some textures that Doku's original pack doesn't have that are necessary with the current version, such as Lapis Lazuli, Netherrack, Soul Sand, etc. I just took a look at the OP. Seems like you beat me to the punch. However, it seems like you used some textures from the Painterly Pack, primarily one of the textures being the Lapis Lazuli ore block. Is it just going to serve as a place holder for right now?
Well, let's not forget about the new stuff, like that Pumpkin in the one screenshot, unless you already got that. which you didn't. You plan to work on this texture pack a bit more? If you put some more work into it, I'm pretty sure it'll turn out nicely.
I just saw a claptrap humping Chuck Norris, while flying in a Minivan.But he couldn't see Spock spying on Notch, so he assumed that the Moon was made of Creeper Poop.Clearly John did something retarded like urinate rainbows, so I ran away to Mars whilst riding your mother's corpse.Everyone laughed at how Miley Cyrus is high on saliva and reeds.Why bother smoking pedobear's awesome cigs? Because everyone loves minecraft.So I died. Pokemon loves Notch.My awesome salamander loves to rub gasoline on bookshelves because he sees x-ray beams telling him that fire is good.Mr. Salamander lives in a giant lava dome lined with wool.Then Justin Bieber radically humped his toaster like a (G6), but everyone laughed at a giant car.
MOO said "Howeth... I am thou shagmeister. You taste of retard, Balls, Cock, Magic Mushrooms and Your Mum is hot.Chuck Norris Molests Ross_H.Crap because the cake is a lie licking ice -cream O.o In double-rainbow land.Spy Chicken POTATOES!! DIE!!!!!1! In SPARTA!!While Leonidas watches Persians dance in blue explosives.Tecno Viking loves head-banging boys, Morgan Freeman watches Little Children brush hear.I love creepers in my house because they blow up my TV and ****. Meanwhile, Mecha-Mr. T was licking My asshole and sucking carpets up his spaghetti throat. Objection! The Power Rangers batmobile needs cake to fly or it can't fly. I smoked sugar. The new batmobile crashed due to poisoned cake parasites similar to flood toasters or purple headcrab-sheep with machine heads that GlaDOs sexy machine-ass noclips 24/7.Dogs getting ****ed by a creepy pedophile, and the dog has worms and the dog is a boy dog and getting ****ed by a man, however, the man gets worms after ****ing the dog. WTF. Instinctively humping cows vigorously, the Beast roared sensually and called "THIS HARD COWHIDE IS SOFT!"-The Buttsecks champion's Penis is big and soft and lumpy. Rapists love towels atop a mw2 PANCAKE! I want milkshakes.We liek Cheezburgers in
44 / 2 (-1) x (-1)
22 (-1) x (-1)
(-22) x (-1)
Simple equation is simple.
Or whatever I last rated your avatar, because I swear I rated the cuteness of your avatar before.
You sir, have earned my vote for quite easily one of the most beautiful texture packs I've ever seen. :biggrin.gif:
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Well, there are some textures that Doku's original pack doesn't have that are necessary with the current version, such as Lapis Lazuli, Netherrack, Soul Sand, etc.I just took a look at the OP. Seems like you beat me to the punch. However, it seems like you used some textures from the Painterly Pack, primarily one of the textures being the Lapis Lazuli ore block. Is it just going to serve as a place holder for right now?0
I like. :biggrin.gif:
unless you already got that.which you didn't. You plan to work on this texture pack a bit more? If you put some more work into it, I'm pretty sure it'll turn out nicely.0
Also, I like the pixel art you made there.
MOO said "Howeth... I am thou shagmeister. You taste of retard, Balls, Cock, Magic Mushrooms and Your Mum is hot.Chuck Norris Molests Ross_H.Crap because the cake is a lie licking ice -cream O.o In double-rainbow land.Spy Chicken POTATOES!! DIE!!!!!1! In SPARTA!!While Leonidas watches Persians dance in blue explosives.Tecno Viking loves head-banging boys, Morgan Freeman watches Little Children brush hear.I love creepers in my house because they blow up my TV and ****. Meanwhile, Mecha-Mr. T was licking My asshole and sucking carpets up his spaghetti throat. Objection! The Power Rangers batmobile needs cake to fly or it can't fly. I smoked sugar. The new batmobile crashed due to poisoned cake parasites similar to flood toasters or purple headcrab-sheep with machine heads that GlaDOs sexy machine-ass noclips 24/7.Dogs getting ****ed by a creepy pedophile, and the dog has worms and the dog is a boy dog and getting ****ed by a man, however, the man gets worms after ****ing the dog. WTF. Instinctively humping cows vigorously, the Beast roared sensually and called "THIS HARD COWHIDE IS SOFT!"-The Buttsecks champion's Penis is big and soft and lumpy. Rapists love towels atop a mw2 PANCAKE! I want milkshakes.We liek Cheezburgers in
Something that has bright colors.
I win.