Oh yeah I remember AVGN's "review" for this (I say "review" because it was moreso an over hyped review), but Superman 64 is easily picked as the worst game for the Nintendo 64, if not the worst of all time for obvious reasons.
Well, yeah, I wanted to do something to consume my time, so I decided to make a texturepack for Minecraft, rather than skins. These will be custom graphics, rather than following a certain theme. Below is the only image I have of my progress so far:
As you can see, the ground grass is a different shade of the grass in the stack of dirt. That will be fixed later on.
I think pictures of the Nether should go up too. There are texturepacks that aren't compatible with the Nether, and I don't want to see a good texturepack go to waste because it's not compatible.
Now, I want to ask Minecraft Forum's Other Games forum one question:
What would be the successors to the Nintendo Wii and 3DS?
Think about it. The Nintendo Wii has already perfected motion controls, plus it has a great library of games. What can succeed that? Same thing about the 3DS. The graphics are supposed to be tier of that of an X-Box if I recall, plus the graphics are supposed to jump out of the screen without the usage of 3D glasses. What can succeed this?
I'm not saying Nintendo is godly or is better than all 1st party game companies, I'm just asking what would succeed these systems.
You are now playing Jadusable's Haunted Majora's Mask game. What do you do first?
Do I win?
Anyways, a thread about a competing game with 282934 views, is pretty astounding. This is why we need to have communities like Blockland.
Edit: But the one that will never make my list is
SephirothCloudDr. Eggman. He isn't all that very good of a villain, compared to the old days of Dr. Robotnik. I mean, Eggman is always overshadowed by a stronger villain, such as Gaia (Unleashed), Metal Sonic 2.0 (Heroes), Chaos (Adventure DX), and his own father but then again, it possibly wouldn't count for some. (Adventure 2)0
As you can see, the ground grass is a different shade of the grass in the stack of dirt. That will be fixed later on.
The texturepack looks nice. Will download soon.
What would be the successors to the Nintendo Wii and 3DS?
Think about it. The Nintendo Wii has already perfected motion controls, plus it has a great library of games. What can succeed that? Same thing about the 3DS. The graphics are supposed to be tier of that of an X-Box if I recall, plus the graphics are supposed to jump out of the screen without the usage of 3D glasses. What can succeed this?
I'm not saying Nintendo is godly or is better than all 1st party game companies, I'm just asking what would succeed these systems.