It would appear that the file provided by the link in the first post has been compromised. I received the following this morning when running Malwarebytes.
I had just downloaded the file yesterday to play around with. You may want to put up a clean file.
It thinks its a virus, because the MineCraft Texture Pack Installer is a .bat file, converted to a .exe using a program, that uses another program, wizapp.exe, to give it a GUI. It uses wizapp.exe by calling 'wizapp /w (parameters here),' and it's really kind of hacky, so AntiVirus programs don't seem to like it. Mine picked it up to. Kinda makes me sad, because I could lose alot of potential users that way, but there's no other way to give a batch file a decent GUI. I'm learning Java, but I wouldn't know how to recreate my Texture Pack Installer in a different language yet, though, as I'm still only figuring out the basics. Hopefully I'll have a much nicer version up in a few months, but for now, it will just have to be hated by AntiVirus programs. D:
I assure you though, it's not a virus.
EDIT: Sorry for the late answer, got an XBox for Christmas, and I haven't been on the forums 'till today. :wink.gif:
Then I was all like
Yeh. I'll look into the sugar thing tomarrow, it's getting late.
Also, I added MineCraftTextures as a mirror download link.
Sowwy to burst your bubble, bubby, but I didn't edit items.png. I'll have to post a fix. D:
It thinks its a virus, because the MineCraft Texture Pack Installer is a .bat file, converted to a .exe using a program, that uses another program, wizapp.exe, to give it a GUI. It uses wizapp.exe by calling 'wizapp /w (parameters here),' and it's really kind of hacky, so AntiVirus programs don't seem to like it. Mine picked it up to. Kinda makes me sad, because I could lose alot of potential users that way, but there's no other way to give a batch file a decent GUI. I'm learning Java, but I wouldn't know how to recreate my Texture Pack Installer in a different language yet, though, as I'm still only figuring out the basics. Hopefully I'll have a much nicer version up in a few months, but for now, it will just have to be hated by AntiVirus programs. D:
I assure you though, it's not a virus.
EDIT: Sorry for the late answer, got an XBox for Christmas, and I haven't been on the forums 'till today. :wink.gif:
Added support for all the new 1.2 blocks, and fixed furnaces. :biggrin.gif:
Believe it or not, I saw that today WHILE I WAS ADDING IN THE NEW BLOCKS FOR THE UPDATE
TerraCraft 1.3 should be released shortly.
Edit: Remeber, you have to tell me if something is wrong, because if I don't find it, I don't fix it.
And I'm not good at finding things.
Most useful thread ever.
Also, you have to click on them to see them now.