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Ha! this is from the Strawberry Jam things right? I do believe I played this before, but i guess it doesn't hurt to play it again
Glad to see another CTM Map Maker! The Pics looks good.
Cool! Downloading now!
Good Job to everyone who participated, I'll be sure to add all of these on my extremely long list of CTM Maps
Good Luck on everyone who is participating! Cant wait to see it
Quote from McTsts» I'll add a Zombie with your head in the next update, do you want any powers (Laser/Shooting Fireballs/Speed/Resistance/Strenght/...) ?
I'll add a Zombie with your head in the next update, do you want any powers (Laser/Shooting Fireballs/Speed/Resistance/Strenght/...) ?
Thanks! I actually want to be a "tank" (Slowness + Resistance). If you can add that, that would be cool.
This looks cool!
Mind if you add my head too?
its Tankervenom
This looks good. Downloading now
Hey! I finished playing Artisan, and it was fun and challenging. Now I am going to play Jester's Court. I'll give proper feedback for both later
oh! That looks good! So.. is it going to be a full size ctm?
(I would like to beta test again :D)
I haven't been back here for so long. Hows this forum going?
Gonna download that map
Happy April Fools
Looks good. Glad to see another CTM map maker
Ha! this is from the Strawberry Jam things right? I do believe I played this before, but i guess it doesn't hurt to play it again
Glad to see another CTM Map Maker! The Pics looks good.
Cool! Downloading now!
Good Job to everyone who participated, I'll be sure to add all of these on my extremely long list of CTM Maps
Good Luck on everyone who is participating! Cant wait to see it
Thanks! I actually want to be a "tank" (Slowness + Resistance). If you can add that, that would be cool.
This looks cool!
Mind if you add my head too?
its Tankervenom
This looks good. Downloading now
Hey! I finished playing Artisan, and it was fun and challenging. Now I am going to play Jester's Court. I'll give proper feedback for both later
oh! That looks good! So.. is it going to be a full size ctm?
(I would like to beta test again :D)
I haven't been back here for so long. Hows this forum going?
Gonna download that map
Happy April Fools
Looks good. Glad to see another CTM map maker