If you're looking for a server, or need to contact me, currently the best place is through this PvP survival server: pvp.darkmines.net.
Download Automated Installation [COMING SOON]
for a video tutorial on how to use the installer
Download Manual Installation [Preferred] - [Link Removed]
Release Details
Command List
Item and Block codes
Installation Instructions
Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) Compatibility
Release Details
For Minecraft 1.6.2 - Download Here
Big thanks to q3hardcore for many of the new features
/killall and /butcher now work
/wand fixed
Compatability with Mod Loader, PlayerAPI and Forge
The current SPC installer is broken, a new one is being worked on which will be out in a few weeks (hopefully)
New installation instructions, below.
Many other things
How to install (Minecraft 1.6.2)
1. Close Minecraft launcher (if open)
2. Navigate to where minecraft is installed (eg: on Windows %appdata%/.minecraft)
3. Go to versions and copy the 1.6.2 directory and name it something else (eg: 1.6.2.mods). Alternatively, if you have done this for another mod already backup the Minecraft JAR.
4. Open the jar file (using an archive utility, such as 7zip) in the mod directory you created (eg: 1.6.2.jar) and copy all of the files into it except for WorldEdit.jar
5. Delete the files in the META-INF directory except for MANIFEST.MF
6. Close the jar file
7. Copy WorldEdit.jar into .minecraft/bin
8. Rename the jar file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.jar)
9. Rename the json file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.json)
10. Open the json file in a text editor and the line that contains the id (eg: "id": "1.6.2") change it to the same name as the directory (eg: "id": "1.6.2.mods")
11. Save and close the json file.
12. Start up the Minecraft launcher
13. Create a new profile
14. Select the version that you just created (eg: 1.6.2.mods)
15. Select the rest of your settings.
16. Launch the game.
Note: Using a 3rd party launcher such as Magic Launcher may save you a lot of time in managing mods.
Code is open source at: https://github.com/simo415/spc
For more information on commands use /help in game or visit http://youtube.com/user/spcmod
The Spotlight
Periodically I will put up a picture and video which I think are good representations as to what Single Player Commands is capable of. If you would like to get your picture or video featured here please send me a link (via PM or post) and if I like them they will get featured.
Note: Videos should focus on SPC and can be any length (preferably at least 30 seconds)
by drawingkid1313
Command List
Stuck on a command, confused or just looking for something new? Check out http://www.youtube.com/user/spcmod for a simple demo of most of the commands this mod provides.
To bring up the command "console" type 'T' then type in the command. Below is a brief run through of the command list:
ADMIN: Due to the number of youtube links here, this content has been removed.
WorldEdit Commands
For a list of WorldEdit commands please visit the WorldEdit wiki page: http://wiki.sk89q.co...dEdit/Reference
Global Command
//limit - Set a maximum number of blocks to change at most for all operations. This only affects yourself. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. This command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set.
//brush clipboard - Switch to the clipboard tool.
//brush cylinder [-h] [height] - Switch to the cylinder brush tool.
//brush smooth [iterations] - Smooth the region.
//brush sphere [-h] - Switch to the sphere brush tool.
//mask - Clear the mask
//mask - Set a mask
//mat - Change the material used by your current brush.
//size - Change the size of the current brushes
Chunk tools
//chunkinfo - Get the filename of the chunk that you are in.
//delchunks - Generate a shell script to delete chunks.
//listchunks - Print a list of used chunks.
//clearclipboard - Clear your clipboard.
//copy - Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your position relative to the selection when copying.
//cut - Cuts the currently selected region.
//flip [dir] - Flip the clipboard.
//load - Load .schematic into clipboard.
//paste [-ao] - Pastes the clipboard.
//rotate - Rotate the clipboard.
//save - Save clipboard to .schematic.
General commands
//search - Search for an item by its name.
//worldedit reload - Reloads WorldEdit's configuration.
//worldedit tz - Set your timezone. This is temporary.
//worldedit version - Gets WorldEdit's version.
//cyl [height] - Create a vertical cylinder.
//forestgen [type] [density] - Make a forest.
//hcyl [height] - Create a vertical hollow cylinder.
//hsphere [raised?] - Create a hollow sphere.
//pumpkins - Make a pumpkin forest
//sphere [raised?] - Create a sphere.
Getting around
//ascend - Go up one level.
//ceil [clearance] - Get to the ceiling.
//descend – Go down one level.
//jumpto - Jump to the block that you are looking at.
//thru - Go through the wall that you are looking at.
//unstuck - Go up to the first free spot.
//up [distance] - Go up some distance.
//clearhistory - Clear your history.
//redo [number of steps] - Redo your last (undo) action. This command replays back history and does not repeat the command.
//undo [number of steps (default – last)] - Undo your last action.
Region operations
//move [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area.
//overlay - Place a block on top of blocks inside the region.
//outline - Build walls, floor, and ceiling.
//regen - Regenerate the selection region.
//replace - Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region.
//replace - Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.
//set - Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.
//smooth [iterations] - Smooth the selection's heightmap.
//stack [count] [direction] - Stacks the selection.
//walls - Build the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor).
Obviously you don't have the intelligence to use Paypal, I have never used a credit card in my life and still have Minecraft
This guy knows what he is talking about
Playing cracked Minecraft is just stealing from Mojang
Also you need a roof and/or floor so you don't have to have two layers to have different floors and roofs in a multi level building, same as above really
And I tried the mod and you can't place it on stairs, you still need signs to make seats for now.
This is slightly different to that.