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    posted a message on Public Service Announcement: Creeper Nesting Season.
    (Old pic, but...)

    This is what happens after breeding season if you don't try to keep their population in check.
    (10 creepers, spawned together legit(on the build site I was working on))
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Suicide booth
    My suggestions:

    *Quick and painless: A sticky piston in the floor drops you into a water filled pit with some live TNT.

    *Slow and painful: A piston in the roof opens and the room floods with water so you slowly drown.

    *Bludgeoning: A piston at head level that is wired to a redstone clock is activated, so it repeatedly bashes you into a wall to do suffocation damage.

    I must make this...
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Rotating blocks?
    Well it is possible to move blocks and not destroy the items attached to them, for example in a regenerating cobblestone wall, if you place a torch on it and destroy a block above it, new blocks will be moved to replace it, and the torch will leave its old block and stick to the new one that is in its old place.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Starting a fire with redstone
    It's not the embers, they're just particle effects. It's flammable blocks and their proximity to lava at any one time, even if it is contained in a non-flammable box. At any second there is a chance for a flammable block within a certain radius of any lava block to catch fire. It's like the random melting of ice in a radius around torches.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Jus realized something about Endermen...
    If I can catch one, I have made an ideal house for it...

    (Mods, I'm not trying to be racist, just funny.)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How do you seal your house off?
    Regenerating Cobblestone walls, dispensers wired to pressure plates, fake bridges over lava pits that push you to your death, obsidian lined railway tunnels and airlocks with lava purging systems, water pits to jump into when defenestrated, the works, basically. This isn't so mush for defence as testing my skills as an engineer though.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Challenge: Collectors drop cooked Porkchop
    Ho about something like this: (you might be able to substitute pistons for doors if you want vanilla)

    :Blue: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Pig: :stair: :stair:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: [] :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :Lava: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :Frame: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :stair: [] :cobblestone:
    [] :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Blue: :cobblestone:

    :Blue: , :Teal: is water and currents, :stair: is a piston, :Frame: is a sign etc. Might need tweaking.
    There is an inverter between the top and bottom piston, so when the top allows the pig(s) through, the bottom extends and allows the pig(s) (now on fire) to burn. Then the current is reversed after a long enough delay and the bottom piston allows cooked pork into the collection stream.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Seasons Idea
    1. This needs to go in the suggestions forum.

    2. Good idea, I also think there should be a 'heatwave' weather effect in summer and deserts, turning grass into dirt, defoliating trees, and possibly some minor torch-like smoke effect from the ground.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Ironic Desert Seed
    With the update to 1.5, and the addition of weather, I was keen to experience snow.

    *30 attempts at seeding a snow world later*

    I gave up and used the seed: "I want snow goddamnit!" (Without parentheses)

    It nets you an amazing large and arid desert area. Cool seed IMO.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Yogs-Craft (A series like Yogscast, PLEASE VOTE.)
    Can I get back on the whitelist please? Was rather confused when the server died spontaneously. Thanks in advance.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Worst Creeper Deaths(Poll)
    I managed to hit the creeper back just as he was exploding, so it didn't kill me. However, the explosion took out some sandstone and the sand I was standing on fell into a skelly dungeon. :Skeleton: [>>-i>] :Notch: [>>-i>] :Skeleton:
    I died.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on EATS road or mine cart track.
    C-booster Teleporter chain. You know you want to. Fastest mode of transport EVER.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Towns!
    bump extra words extra words
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Towns!
    Bumpity-ump. This is a cool server with a nice town, and we need more regular players! Come join if you're looking for a fun time and nice environment, but don't think about greifing, really.

    Beach lots Available!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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