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    posted a message on [Alpha v1.0] [1.8.0] [Forge] Shur'tugal (Eragon) Mod Revived

    'Tis fine. Had it not been challenged, it would have been interpreted wrong to more people and it would have gone unnoticed for a while.

    Testing phase it works magnificently. It only breaks when I tried to export the mod and get it release ready. I tried to get Wiz to do it but he doesn't have a JDK or JRE or something of the sort setup correctly. I exported it on a Mac but I feel like something's wrong with the Mac port of Forge so I'm switching over to my new Windows computer to develop/export it. If that does not work, then I'll contact someone inside the team and ask if they can export it. If that still doesn't work... Onto Plan Z (steal Neptune's crown and take the Krabby Patty formula, sell it and pay Forge to get a bigger team).

    Another problem could be that the reason why it works in the testing environment is because I fixed it to work in that place but ended up breaking the release version in the process.

    The fact that it works in testing enviroment is what confuzzles me. Something is clearly not recompiling correctly... That or you've actually had the textures put in the wrong location. Yes, I know that's likely not the issue. I was being optimistic. Anyway, I see you plan to enact Plan Z. I did that months ago. Here's the crown, I don't need it.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Alpha v1.0] [1.8.0] [Forge] Shur'tugal (Eragon) Mod Revived

    Aye, I knew what I said would come out incorrectly. This is why I retain a quiet life to myself most of the time. What I meant was, I do not seek to please the individual, I seek to please the one ones who actually enjoy and can learn that I have difficulties. I started getting fairly annoyed after telling people about a stubborn bug, but still they kept asking about a release. I highly doubt anyone wants to see pink and black boxes in place of items and I highly doubt anyone wants to be wearing a pink and black box armor suit.

    And for this, I apologize. Not for what I said, but for what I didn't explain clearly. I will also apologize for my frustration with people (as Wiz knows I can hate people and he's seen me get fairly angry). I do need to learn to better control that.
    Carry on then. I apologize for being really super harsh there. This is one of those cases where it's super important to say exactly what you mean, this stuff doesn't transfer well on the internet. One wrong phasing and things can get very very harsh, very quickly.

    As for the bug, it's an interesting one, eh? I know it does it in the testing enviroment, but does it do it when it's fully recompiled into a ready release, or have you not tried yet? If it doesn't work then, have you had Code or someone else on the team try recompiling it too?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Alpha v1.0] [1.8.0] [Forge] Shur'tugal (Eragon) Mod Revived

    Alright then, go. I don't care about people like you. If you don't understand the problems Code and I run into and you expect a fix in two seconds, shame on you. We are not magical workers. There are only TWO of us. TWO CODERS. We both work on two aspects of the mod, him magic and I the main part (dragons, armor, etc). We have fix-six texture/model makers. Let me make one thing clear:


    I am working on this mod so I know how to BETTER PROGRAM 3D. Not to CATER to your whims. I will not speak for Code's behalf; that is what he wants. If you do not like it, get out. I am not going to devote 100% of my free time to making YOU happy. I want to become a programmer/game designer, not a SLAVE. Again, abandon your hope if you want to. I am not here to make you happy, I am here to learn. If I were here to make you happy, the mod would never be done because then I'd have to figure out how to program so many things that I still have to learn. I am not the God of Programming. I did not make Minecraft. I am a human and I am a mod coder. I seek my own happiness, I do not seek to please others I do not know or care not for.

    Do not expect an apology, because I am not apologizing for another human's want for something he or she cannot have patience for.

    I will state the error both Code and I run into at this time ONE TIME ONLY. After this, I will not state it again so READ THESE WORDS CAREFULLY.

    Code: He's running into texture problems that I believe are in the testing phase. I have no clue as to what he's done so far, only that he's modeled some alchemy thing from a lifestream one-two months ago. (If I have gotten the problem wrong Code, I apologize to you and you only for misunderstanding the error on your side of the mod. I'll come help you if you can't find the problem by the time I fix mine.)

    Me (Unitato): I am running into an exportation error problem with the textures. I will continue to do my research to fix this problem, but I do believe it is a problem with my computer being unable to compile everything. I will use my other computer to export and code once I have JRE up and running, which will be a while as I work on nerfing the mod's armor.
    Wow. Came in to see how progress was going and I see this... Just... Wow.

    Right, so I was previously the project head, a programmer, and a computer science major, so I'll call it out. You sir, are a jerk. I would use more profane words, but this isn't the place for it.

    Anyway, if you want to do this to become a better programmer/game developer, understand that you do not program or make games just for yourself. You make them for your fans, your user, whatever. You're making it to please them. While at the end of the day, yes, you just produced Duke Nukem Forever, you might've learned something, sure, but if you don't care about your users or their input whatsoever, you're going to have a terrible time, especially if you act like that. I know if you worked for me on any given project I'm currently working on, you'd be fired right off the bat.

    Seek the user happiness. Make it your end goal. It'll let you push your limits and learn more, and there's something incredibly fulfilling about it, believe it or not. Just because you are the one and only person breathing life into the project you're working on does not put you above the user. Someone gave up hope on the mod? Cool. So have I. It doesn't help matters that you haven't given an update for about a month until now.

    That being said, a majority of people around here are from the previous thread. They know that bugs happen to this mod. A lot. No reason to remind them that harshly. When you don't go and post on a thread, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I don't care what's going on in your life. It takes 5 minutes, so spend it. Believe me, I know.

    I built a pretty high pedestal for you guys to bring this mod back upon, complete with a shiny reputation focused on want the community wants, and not what I wanted the mod to be. Sure, I had to say no a couple of times, but I wasn't a jerk about it. Don't be a jerk and ruin what you have, eh? Otherwise, no one is ever going to work with you.

    That's the end of my rant. Enjoy your day.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from WarDog249
    Oh snap, Tak is becoming a game developer! Can't wait, either way. :D

    I thought I announced that was why I left this. Huh. But yep, that's a thing.

    Quote from CommanderBacon7
    Tak, as one of the many people who first downloaded this mod, I would be amazed if u work on another one. Plz let me know when u start it. TY

    Already have, back-end stuff is being worked on and I'm calling up a ton of old friends who have worked on a lot of different mods like Minecraft Cubed, if anyone remembers that.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from WarDog249

    Ah, sweet! Feel like dropping a hint as to what the mod is based on, or exactly what it is related to? I'm now quite curious as to where this goes.
    It's related to a bit of lore of a game that I'm working on. If I told you, you wouldn't know it.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from WarDog249

    Looking forward to both parts, Medieval and Sci-Fi Fantasy! I've always loved science-related mods, especially space-related. Let me know when you get somewhere!
    Well, since you asked nicely, I can say that IAmShortman is returning with me on this one, he's working on back-end stuff at the moment, and the lore is done. So that's a thing.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from WarDog249

    I'm interested in seeing what you come up with; be it 'Inheritance' related or not. In fact, I'd like to see you work on a mod that isn't involved with Eragon. If you do this, let us know! I'll be sure to follow it. :)
    It definitely wouldn't be Inheritance, but it would be Medieval/Sci-Fi Fantasy! This is going to be good.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from GedweyGarm

    I know it is probably never going on but it would be nice if some one code make a mod for the epic books but at this point I do not thank there will be such a mod.
    I too hope for such a mod, even if I'm not that big into the modding community anymore. I am tempted to make my own, huge mod however, just for the sake of doing it. Very.... RPGish, very large, very wow. Would anyone here be interested if I worked on that?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from HammerHoops4

    If you guys were still working on this mod(i understand it's discontinued) how much progress do you think would have been made?
    Hi. It's been awhile.

    Truth be told, not very much. The biggest problem with this mod as a whole was that it was far too ambitious for the team that wanted to do it. Plus, many, many members of the team were inactive or away a majority of the time, so a lot of the time when I was talking about updates and promising things was really just hopeful guesses to try to hype you guys up to what we COULD and WANTED to do in the future. How long it took to get them was debatable.

    Looking at what we're dealing with, I really don't have much hope for either of the two revivals going on at the moment. One because I know the guy in real life and I know he isn't touching it that much, the other because it's the same team that worked with me, and I know they're more ambitious than what they can actually do.

    When I let this die, I had very, very valid reasons.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Alpha v1.0] [1.8.0] [Forge] Shur'tugal (Eragon) Mod Revived
    Quote from JLC5087

    I really hope you guys can take over the mod again when you're all settled down or whatnot, I like the way you run things.
    I'm likely never doing any iteration of Shur'tugal again. You will be seeing me around the forums again very soon though.

    With that said, keep up the good work, Wiz and team.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Alpha v1.0] [1.8.0] [Forge] Shur'tugal (Eragon) Mod Revived
    Quote from Miners_Mod

    Revived by the same devs................ I really don't like how tak used it but sure!
    Came around to see how this was going, found this, wasn't happy.

    How I "used" it? I made videos on it before releases stating the new changes, additions, and things to look forward to in the patch AFTERWARDS because it's much easier of keeping track and amending countless changelogs, and it actually gives you a chance to see the mod in action? Yes, I used it /endsarcasm

    Regardless, you guys have become awfully rude and somewhat more immature. This saddens me.

    Wiz, skype me sometime, I have to talk to you about something sometime, nothing urgent, or about what I typed above.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from TMBOCHEEKO

    Holy hell I've been off of the internet for a while. I'm actually glad that other people are taking up this mod though, because (no offense Taklok) it hasn't been updated for a long while. :|

    None taken, once of the many reasons I decided to call it quits. Now if only some of the people taking it up could seem more professional about it..... No names in particular.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from Xentonic

    Seems a bit pointless.. You might as well just join the original team (minus tak and short.)

    No, it's not pointless, Xen. This is the reason we released the code in the first place. You (the team) are not the only team who wants to do something with the code, nor are you entitled to the sole right of it. The code is everyone's, and they can do as they please with it.

    If you want the books, and just the books, stick with Wiz and the crew. If you want something new and unrelated to the books (that will keep the "retarded" temples, by the way), go download Leaf's mod when it's ready. Or you can go and download both. I've talked to both people. Heck, I know Leaf in real life, so he's been asking me constant questions in person to make sure he gets everything right. Both teams have a solid plan in mind, at this point it's executing it, and I can't guarantee the mods will be solid at all after talking to both.

    It's not a competition on who can make the better mod first. It never has been. Get that through your heads now, Wiz and Crew, because your attitudes I do not approve of as of late. Please, keep that mentality out of this thread, which will be used to discuss releases and announcements of new mods.

    But then again, this is no longer my project. You don't have to listen to me anymore. I just don't like the attitudes I've been seeing out of my past team as of late. This isn't how we ran things, and you know it.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    Quote from Miners_Mod

    Ok so being that the mod never died there is no reason to restart it. Basicly we lost shorty and Tak and because of tak we are making a new topic. Thats it.

    I would just like to clarify this statement with the same thing I said in the chat when I was confronted by this.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    I do hope that someone eventually takes up and revives the mod. I have heard of a couple people taking interest already. Some personal friends, some members of the teams. If they take it up, it will be in good hands.

    And with that, here is the source code. I'll update the original post with this, so that way I'm not drowned in requests for it. Learn from it, make something from it, do what you will. If you create a mod or revive this one, send me a link via PM and I'll put it on the thread.

    Source Code: https://github.com/iamshortman/Shur-tugal
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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