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    posted a message on [32x] [1.6.4] Derivation RPG

    JetStorm's continuation is now dead, too.

    I wish someone else would pick the torch back up. I want to believe...

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.8.7 / 1.7.10 and earlier][update 4/23] MCPatcher HD fix 5.0.3
    When I try patching, and then I do "Test minecraft" it fails. This is the relevant part of the log:

    MCPatcher version is 4.3.1_01
    OS: Windows 7 6.1 x86
    JVM: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_25 (32 bit)
    Classpath: C:\Users\Arthur\Documents\Minecraft stuff\Programs\mcpatcher-4.3.1_01.exe
    Fetching https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/versions.json...
    Minecraft version is 1.7.4 (md5 f9ffe7e56b26d459560c48e228cc6ad4)
    --bunch of stuff I cut out--
    Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.OptionMissingRequiredArgumentException: Option ['userType'] requires an argument
    at joptsimple.RequiredArgumentOptionSpec.detectOptionArgument(RequiredArgumentOptionSpec.java:48)
    at joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.handleOption(ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.java:256)
    at joptsimple.OptionParser.handleLongOptionToken(OptionParser.java:496)
    at joptsimple.OptionParserState$2.handleArgument(OptionParserState.java:56)
    at joptsimple.OptionParser.parse(OptionParser.java:433)
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:87)
    Minecraft exited with status 1

    How do I fix it?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 3.0.5i (Outdated)
    I'm watching Zisteau's FTB Let's Play and when he starts off with ThaumCraft, he has no in-game way of telling him how to get the Thaumonomicon. The only way you know how to get it is if someone's told you it, or you read it somewhere. If the player started the game with a "Lost scrap of paper" item with a sketched out crafting recipe for Wand of the Apprentice that was drawn being used on a bookshelf, turning it into a Thaumonomicon, you'd have an in-game way of knowing how to get started with Thaumcraft that would make it more inviting to new players to use who don't want any spoilers about the mod.

    EDIT: Zisteau's Let's Play is an excellent example of what a very smart person who thinks very, very differently from a programmer (see also: Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences) does when playing Thaumcraft. Zisteau trying to pig-headedly figure out Thaumcraft without "cheating" by looking up the answer reminds me Wikipedia's entries on Imposter Syndrome and Dunning-Kruger Effect, and how maybe they're not so gendered after all, that different people have wildly different skill sets and forming an effective whole requires diversity. Have you ever been in a D&D game where the magic-users are all arguing in-character and the one guy who plays a barbarian gets asked what he does and suddenly the story is moving forward instead of getting stuck in what wizards are good at, talking and arguing instead of acting? Zisteau and Joe Hills are some of the most informative LPers because the more points of view you look at something from, the fewer things you miss. Take artistic, caveman-character-playing types like Zisteau or Simple-Country-Folk-character-playing types like Joe Hills, and put them in situations designed by Evil-Mastermind-­-character-playing types like Vechz or for more-INT-than-DEX-and-terrible-CHA-wizard-playing-characters like the assumed protagonist of Thaumcraft, you get a whole lotta "I never saw that / thought of that before!" Sometimes I think the IRL human playing the Internet character of Vechz is a lot like the character Joe Hills plays for his Super Hostile Let's Play series. In fact, Zisteau has found a whole lot of things in Vechz maps specifically put there for players like Zisteau to find where he drops the Vechz character and shows some of his true side, something he also does in his Uncharted Territory II Let's Play on occasion.

    EDIT II: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impostor_syndrome

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ghastia Server In Need of Admin's Before Public Release
    IGN: TS19

    Why is it you would like to be a Admin/Moderator?: I want the responsibility of handling griefers and the freedom that comes with being able to build however I want. I want input into justice-related decisions. Rule #1 can be re-phrased and generalized as "Don't be an asshole." That's something I believe in.

    How much experience do you have with being an admin or Moderator? Or have you ever been one?: I was briefly a builder/moderator on a couple of servers run by tweenies who then disappeared before the server grew legs. I was an admin on a handful of forums back in the day, but in terms of the modding/adminning on an active server, no real experience to speak of.

    Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why?: Once for foul language, once because the admin's boyfriend said something racist and I called him on it.

    If I needed your assistance in anything I asked, how useful would you be to the team of us?: Ya gotta narrow it down for me. Obviously if it's the middle of the night where I am (I live near New York City) I'm not gonna hop on to pitch in, but if you need help fixing something a griefer broke when I'm available or input deciding on rules, I can do that.

    What would you do to prevent or stop people who are griefing?: Logblock plugin is a must, to determine culprits and then ban them. That's your basic model, and it works.

    Do you swear to pledge yourself to this team, and our goal at making a place for everyone to have a good time, not a place of tyranny?: I cannot swear allegiance to an unknown quantity, and I almost never swear allegiance to known ones. If it turns out that the other admins/mods are dicks, I'm gonna say so before taking my bat and glove and going home. As long as everyone behaves decently and fairly, I can promise that I'll take my duties seriously. I can promise that I won't abuse my powers to **** with people. Other than that, I'll more or less stick to my own principles of behaving with fairness and justice.

    Do you have Skype? (This is important as all the current admin's have it, and we all Skype with each-other [just audio]):
    Yes, but I don't share it with minecraft people.

    Your strengths (Building, Redstone, etc.): Building, I built a whole town legit on my old server with every building different.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [32x](1.5+) ~Steelfeathers' Enchanted Pack~ [Updated 3/16]
    My vote is for ivy vines, and lemonade.

    Tea, to me, tastes like leaf-flavored water. I know that's what it is, but that's why I don't like it.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Inspiration by TobiwanK3nobi - v30, updated May 28
    Please include an optional adfly link. I want to support the texture pack makers who really care about their work, whose art shows both talent and hard work.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Protest against new license policy!
    If you want to get a reaction from the admins, make sure they're flooded with messages from users.

    Which will be easy to accomplish. Simple have a bunch of pack-makers united in protest replace the first posts of their pack threads with an explanation of why they don't have it up anymore and links to contact admins. Bumpmaft alone gets thousands of downloads a day. If Aageon, Scuttles, and other hugely popular pack makers (Like Joli) can get on board and all do this, it will create a justified stink that'll be aimed at the admins.

    Provided, of course, the text your replace your pack posts with is unified and written carefully.

    EDIT: Also, "license" is a REALLY hard word to spell.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on My first texture pack!
    It needs shading. There is no texture to your textures if they're just solid colors.

    Come on, you can do better than that.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on We already have too many clean texture packs.
    Quote from Teknician

    Hmm... What about a texture pack that was at different resolutions? You know, for varying degrees of "advancement", or something...
    So top + sidegrass, top snow, the snowy bit on the snow dirt, wooden logs, sponge, clay = 8x
    Dirt, the dirty bit on the sidegrass and sidesnow, sand, gravel, mushrooms, flowers, leaves, reeds, wild grasses/shrubs/deadshrubs, bed, white wool, netherrack = 16x
    Stone, Chests, Workbenches, Coal and Iron Ore, dyed Wool, Sponge, Cobble, mossy cobble (cobble part), Wooden Door, saplings, cake, ladder, hatch, wooden planks, torch, cactus, soulsand = 32x
    Redstone, Gold, Lapis Ores, Iron and Gold Blocks, Furnace/dispenser, Iron Door, Farmland, Wheat, half step, pine logs, pine leaves, sandstone, bricks, tnt, mossy cobble (mossy part), redstone torch (off), glowstone = 64x
    Cake, diamond ore, Lapis block, diamond block, jukebox, note block, bookshelf, repeater, minecart tracks, redstone wire, piston, birch log, web, bedrock, redstone torch (on) = 128x
    Water, Lava, Break animation = 256x

    Of course, it would all have to be resized textures on a 256x resolution canvas, but the in-game effect would be the same.
    It's just an idea though, I wouldn't even dream of carrying it out.

    Someone like aageon, though... *wink wink*

    Hey look! I made a place where this conversation would be on-topic!

    EDIT: Crap, did that come off rude? Sorry. I think it's a great idea.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [16x16] [1.7.3] Name?
    Look, kid, if you're going to make a texture pack at least have the decency to put some effort into it. Any effort. Any effort at all. This isn't good, you know it isn't good, all it is was a half hour spent in Microsoft Paint doing work a kindergartner could do.

    This is crap. And, think for a minute, you know it's crap. You know you spent next-to-no time and effort.

    There are too many of these texture packs around, we don't need another. There are artists here who put care and consideration into their packs. And some of them aren't good, yes, but what they did was give a ****. They gave a **** about how their packs looked, and you don't.

    All you've done is waste our time and help keep the people who actually care off the front page.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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