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    posted a message on Cheap Graphics Card Help
    Quote from Quanni123X

    Agreed. The 7750 is good for under a hundred and it plays Minecraft well. Also, it doesn't add any extra wattage so a 300w power supply can handle it.
    It does indeed play Minecraft like a boss.

    Really I could care less if it played Minecraft well or not since I really don't play it often enough for it to bother me I'm mainly sick of not being able to play anything somewhat new to a decent capacity. Thanks though for the info, it's been noted.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Cheap Graphics Card Help
    It's a 300w PSU,

    Speccy file: https://www.dropbox....c80/MyPC.speccy

    Need anything else?

    Quote from Draconbane

    On pre-builts it's always size/ PSU/ Mobo Slots that make it hard to upgrade >.<

    Doesn't need to be fancy or powerful just better than integrated
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Cheap Graphics Card Help
    I want to get myself a new card, doesn't need to top of the line or even middle pack just something that I can game on with my crappy pre-built computer. I know it's probably not worth it but I'm sick of integrated graphics bogging me down. Since I've mostly forgotten what each of the various chipsets mean and etc. I'm coming to you guys for help. Anyway It needs to be:

    Here's my motherboard specs

    Preferably 1 gb RAM
    Directx 11 support

    Besides that go ahead look

    Budget: $100 cheaper the better since I just want to be able to run stuff smoothly, I'm sick of choppiness on even low settings.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Shoplifting, how wrong is it?
    One stick of gum for only one time, no biggy but if you're a frequent shoplifter you're not only hurting the company's profits but they're employees, every $1 of merchandise you steal is a dollar that some minimum wage worker who needs it can't have. I don't care about profits, I worry more about how it effects their employees since they always cut from the bottom up when they need cash.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Your top 5 of most hated misspells
    For me, I constantly type teh instead of the due to my funky typing method. Another one I've since corrected was definite, I used to spell it definant and some other stupid way. Plus I have a terrible problem of capitalizing the first two letters in a sentence LIke this.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Will YOU be deal shopping today? (blackfriday)
    I would but that might interfere with me trying to save money.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Is it bad that I watched all of yesterday episode was looking for some friendship is Witchcraft humour? I also thought that Celestia voice was wrong for the first 5 minutes too.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
  • 1

    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    *Walks sees shipping discussion and still no Season 3 date set

    Oh well, I guess I'll just leave for now.

    P.S. Sorry for this spam delete it if you must
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from Dimondium

    I'm 14. But I get lots of money on holidays, and for my grades, good ones, I get often excess of 80. I have no job. XD

    Maybe I should just get the full version of FruityLoops-yes, I figured it out-and use the VSTi's built into it. THat's within my price range...

    Here. Also, this is higher quality. The original was 128 kbps, but I managed to get it up to 310 kbps.


    Lucky *******, If I could get $80 for good grades every quarter or semester I'd be loaded. Too bad I don't and have to deal with whatever money I can get. I really need a job :( I feel lazy now oh well.

    Quote from Dimondium

    Glad to see you think so. I have an instrumental rip for about the first eighth of the song here.


    Chrysalis is best villain.

    @Symphonic metal...

    SERIOUSLY? I shared that 3 days ago.

    Shows how much I'm ignored...

    Could say something along the lines of how I barely visited these thread or I could take the a-hole route for fun, lets try that for a change.

    Hmmm, did you say something about music all I heard was crickets ;)
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Went about 7 pages didn't see this posted but it's over a week old so it's probably has been already but I like to put this as the best remix I've ever heard and my ears are blessed to hear it.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on What are you listening to right now?
    Listening to some to some classical up in this biznatch.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from jmm98

    Bad news, everypony. My great grandma, "nana", might not be with us any longer. My dad is driving to Michigan to check up on her. They said she is having a hard time breathing, and can't move around well.

    All I ask is to see her one more time before she passes. :steve_tearful:

    Know how you feel man, my Nana died last year around this time, she was bed ridden for months before she passed but just remember any pain she's in will be over soon and no longer has to worry about anything.
    Quote from Soduh_Man

    Well, I think it's all good, I think that even if the next season has 13 episodes, it may be a big huge adventure, with multiple stages with one episode involving one of the mane six and some other characters, I can already see an episode just for derpy...
    I'd hate to see just 13 episodes but if they do this way it'll basically be the MLP movie which be fantastic way to end the series if it does end and it be on massively high note.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from rumblealex

    I realized something when listening to Cadence's song again, though it's not about it:

    The Mane6 -> 50 to 100 Changelings for themselves

    Huge military presence in Canterlot -> no guards in front of the Hall of Harmony, no guards inside, no guards outside at all.
    Where are they all? I'm sure they're fighting off-screen, but everywhere the Mane6 goes, not a single guard is seen. It would've been nice to have guards fight with the mane6. At least they would've been useful for once.

    another thing for me is how long it took Celestia to react to Chrysalis. Yea you can write it off as being shocked or simply assessing the situation but she had a good minute to attack Chrysalis while she was explaining who she was. Plus wasn't right next to Chrysalis before she transformed but then she appears off from the side?
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Well I haven't posted here in forever but DAT FINALE!

    Wow, is all I can say, the music was just amazing, the story was good and I'm glad they didn't go all EoH on Chrysalis and abuse that cliche. But how long it took Celstia to react what a good minute? Wasn't she standing right by Chrysalis and have a quick surprise attack during her speech? Pus were was Luna? I know she wouldn't fare much better than Celestia but at least you could have gave her more then 4 lines and a total of 15 seconds of air time. Hasbro always be hating on best pony.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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