Some info about the case.
Golem spawn is not infinite, its just the cap is stupidly high. It looks like the number of golems equals the number of villagers, but it is finite so you can safely AFK in your village. For me Golems spawned mostly inside homes, I kept killing them and they kept spawning again, but when I just dragged them out of homes without killing, they eventually reached the cap and stopped spawning.
Spawning rates are extremely high, when I was killing them and then I was returning to a home I took them from (in like a minute) there have been usually alredy 2-3 of them.
As for a death trap lava is a past sentury. You can use magma blocks now, which will not destroy any occasional items fallen into the trap (including leads) and they will also kill everything else (like mobs or pillagers). I made some 10x10 sinkhole with a 4x4 pit in the center 3 blocks deep (else only one golem will be able to drop there at a time) with magms blocks on the floor of the pit and 3 minecarts with hoppers underneath. This pit also serves as an only entrance to my walled village to keep any nasties outside
I'd love to see some version of this added.
You're right of course: this would drastically change the method of getting apples. But I think the change is arguably an improvement for several reasons:
The only real worry I can think of is that apples would be much easier to obtain in the long run (though potentially harder in the short run if not all oaks produced them). I don't see how this would be any kind of problem though. Apples aren't currently good for much until coated in gold.
Yes, ScotsMiser, you are correct. The idea is based on actual fungus cultivation, and that can include the use of wax to seal certain areas.
(McNubberson, this would also be what I'd say to your point about mushrooms being wild and unpredictable: they do tend to be. But actual farmers have figured out ways around this--and there are already ways around it in game.)
You dislike them being obtainable with silk touch? I had reservations about that too. It seems too easy. But the game is pretty consistent about allowing it. If an exception could be justified, this seems like the place.
Yup! That's the idea.
You've expanded this out with further cultivation possibilities. That could be fun too. But I'd be content if it were limited to hives.
And yes, there are many options for what to do with honey. Obviously, like anything else, it can be incorporated into alchemy with new potion recipes. But also, I'd hope that the food system will someday be made more sensible offering some sort of incentive for more elaborate cooking, and then honey (along with berries, coco, milk, and etc.) could have a perfectly good purpose just as an ingredient.
Why the chance of extra ingredients? It seems like this sets up a resource generation loop: craft an item with expensive ingredients, de-craft, repeat. You could do it all standing in place. This doens't seem like the sort of thing that should generate resources.
As to de-crafting in general, I'm not sure. Ideas like this have been floated, and featured in mods, for many years--it would be convenient. But I take it that part of survival play is that if your choices matter because your resources are limited--and that if you use a resource for something you may not be able to use it for something else is part of that.
The metal in many items can be somewhat reclaimed now, though at significant loss. There's also repairing. And that seems to reflect where survival is at with regard to reclaiming resources. Full de-crafting would entirely change those dynamics.
You're right. Perhaps this idea is superfluous, all things considered. Still, here's how it feels to me: it's like the cultivation of everything else is rather realistic (after Minecraft's fashion), but cultivation of mushrooms is done by fairy story magic! It does work well, and I have no complaint with fantasy elements in Minecraft, but it feels funny that this is the one crop that you can't farm in a down-to-earth way...
I'd love to see fruit bearing trees added to the game. And apples don't seem an especially rare commodity, so it doesn't seem it would break anything.
But why have harvesting destroy leaf blocks? It seems like this would use up the tree rather rapidly. Why not instead have certain flowing leaf blocks under which the fruit would grow. This would also allow for the possibility of automatic harvesting since where fruit would form would be predictable.
I enjoy the farming aspect of Minecraft and would like to see it further expanded, especially in ways that add flavor. To that end I have two ideas:
--New Mushroom Farming Method: Right now, farming mushrooms is not especially practical unless one grows giant mushrooms. I'd like to see an option to cultivate mushrooms more like other crops: a way of growing ordinary-sized mushrooms which is faster and more reliable than their current random spread. Here is my idea: in real life, a method for farming mushrooms is inducing them to grow on specially treated wood. Here's my idea: add a crafting recipe for "inoculated log" which takes a log, four mushrooms, and water (in bottle or bucket). Inoculated logs would look like rotting wood, and would be placeable. If placed in a sufficiently low light environment mushrooms would sometimes sprout on the log.
(This has the advantage of altering the existing game very little. For survival play, this does not upset the ordinary curve, as inoculated logs will generally be harder to obtain than a number of other food sources. But they could provide a new option for certain survival challenges and the like.)
--Beehives: Beehives would be naturally occurring, forming either on the ground or in trees in the appropriate biomes--which would be those which naturally feature flowers. A beehive would be a single block, would make a buzzing noise noticeable from nearby, and it would generate bees. (It would be fun to have bees be mobs like bats, but if that were too intensive a particle effect would do.) Bumping into or striking a beehive would generate a swarm of bees status effect which would take damage over time for a minute and could be removed by submerging oneself in water. Hives could be prevented from producing swarms by building a fire so that smoke is present in any block adjacent to the hive (bellow or on any side).
Hives would have two states, full and empty, which would be subtly different visually. Using an empty jar on a full hive produces a jar of honey (like milking a cow) and makes the hive empty. Hives refill at a rate determined by the number of flowers within a fifteen block radius of the hive (similar to the mechanics of an enchanting table).
Beehives can not be obtained except with silk-touch tools. Breaking one normally produces 3-4 pieces of comb. Using sheers on a full hive produces 1 comb and empties the hive which will then take longer than usual to become full again. 5 comb can be crafted into a new hive.
There are all sorts of ways to plug honey and comb into crafting. Honey will feature in cooking and potion making. Comb could be used to make wax by melting it in a furnace. Wax is a versatile substance, and in-game it could be used for any of the following, though none is an essential part of the idea:
Sure! I mean, as far as I'm concerned, there are tons of options for things to do with wax, some more obvious than others. I suppose I should stick some in to the original post. I just didn't feel like this idea needed to be committed to one use or another.
I really like the new bamboo, but it might be nice if it had a few more uses. Here are three suggestions, very much in keeping with how bamboo is used in real life:
Bamboo Mat - This would simply be an appropriately patterned carpet block made from bamboo rather than wool. Given the fecundity of bamboo in game, two bamboo to one mat (using the current carpet crafting pattern) seems about right.
Bamboo Block - Scaffolding is great, but what about a more durable bamboo construction option? I have in mind a solid block of bamboo. It would be handled by the game like a log, from the sides giving the impressions of a bamboo wall with bamboo stems running parallel to each other. It would be easier to break than wood, but would lack scaffolding's specially fragile properties. The crafting pattern would be a 3x3 square of bamboo, producing 3 bamboo blocks.
Bamboo Fence - This is pretty self-explanatory. It would be crafted from bamboo block and bamboo, and would act like other sorts of fence, save that, again, it would be somewhat easier to break. In appearance it would work like wall, only with uniform thickness and a thinner profile view. (It would provide a nice aesthetic element for making things like bamboo screens.)
All of these together would allow for some new, Asian influenced elements in building aesthetics. They would also, just as bamboo sometimes does in real life, provide some economical building options (with trade offs) for those blessed with an abundance of bamboo.
Yeah, I knew about the giant mushrooms. That was why I said, "Right now, farming mushrooms is not especially practical unless one grows giant mushrooms. I'd like to see an option to cultivate mushrooms more like other crops"
It isn't that I want more mushrooms, it's that I'd like a more agricultural method of farming them.
Ah, for as long as I've been playing, I somehow did not know this. That's an oversight on my part. I still like my idea and think it worthwhile, but I'll fix my post to reflect facts.
Indeed, the normal arguments against new foods would apply. In fact, the game already includes many more foods than there is good mechanical reasons for. Red berries, for example, add nothing of actual use in the way of new food. I do not think this is a good reason not to include more food options. (And, judging from the berries, beats, and etc, neither do the devs.) This does, however, seem like a great reason to fix the food system up. That's been asked for so many times I don't need to to rehears the reasoning.
I'm not sure what you mean by "utility"--but sweet berry bushes also seem to lack it. Per your reductive description, bushes are just a cactus-like cobweb that spawns like a flower. That doesn't seem to render them pointless: they add to ambiance and immersion, make the world more diverse, and provide new things for players like me to seek out and cultivate. And they can be given important interactions with existing systems (as when the berries are used to attract foxes, even though other foods could have easily done this job). If the "utility" you're asking for isn't present in features being added to the game right now, then I'm not sure why new ideas need to have it.