If I may, from experience I would like to say that it isn't the staff that make these servers (These as in Fallout/The Vault's) but the community that shapes it. Without the community these servers wouldn't continue to thrive and it wouldn't be a great environment for new Roleplayers. It doesn't matter who owns it at the time, because when they resign and give it to the next owner, the community stays and the community grows. People tend to say "[Insert Owner here] had the best launch," but to be honest, that's not true. I know from my own experience running the Vault that I barely had to do anything, because the community was right there asking me if I needed help or if they could give me a hand and that is what the Vault is about.
You can look back on all the launches before this one and really, there is only one thing that stays consistent, which is the community. Pap and Bacon can do a great job with this server, doesn't matter if they have the greatest staff members of all time or the best plugins.
They just need the community to stop fighting and be a real community.
You damn ignorant ****, there was traps along the perimeter of the camp, he didn't even engage in melee combat either. He used projectiles to take them out, alongside the traps. You should read **** before you say ****. This server is absolutely ridiculous telling by the administration.
He's a new whitelister, give him a break, please. I am quite sorry and I will be revisiting your application sometime today.
OOC (Out of character) IGN -TobTrev Age -14 Time you can dedicate to server weekly -i can be on most of the time, except when i have football practices. Do you have teamspeak? If not, will you get it? - i will probably get it Have you read the rules? - Why do you want to join our server? -Cause i love rp servers alot and i've only been on one before a long time ago.
IC (In character) Name -Etheram Race -Human Age -23 Gender -male
RP example -A young adventurer who has a major thirst for adventure. Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - (As a young man I had a thirst for adventure) This is the most exiting thing that can happen to you if you are an adventurer. I asked the innkeeper if there was anything interesting going on in the town region, she said no and I decided to get a beer. As i sit down to enjoy my beer a town guard walks in and says that there is a small discovery about a mile from the town! With hearing this i wanted to check this out so I drank my beer as fast as i could and asked the guard where this discovery was, he said to the east and I was on my way. It didn't take very long before I got there and I noticed that it was a dig-site, and was very big for a dig-site, which was about a mile long and a mile wide. I looked around for anybody, but nobody was there. I went exploring in this dig-site and found this ruined entrance, which i could probably go in and see what's in there. So I did and when i first got in there a chilling breeze ran down my back. I went deeper into these ruins, and past some coffins along the way. As I came to the end of these ruins, there was this gold helmet on a stand that look like something from greece. This item looked valuable and I took it for myself and took off with it. Afraid of something happening I ran. But as I ran by one of the coffins, the lid flew off! And out of it came this massively built zombie. It drew its sword and I drew my sword. He threw a strike, I threw another.(this fight lasted a while of us just repeating each others moves over and over, for about 12 minutes) Finally I slew the zombie by barrel rolling underneath his legs and jumping up and slicing off his head with my sword! Out of his head flew gold coins instead of blood. With this advantage, I grabbed as much as i could and ran out of the temple and back to the town. When I got back to the town I couldn't believe my eyes all of the townsfolk were lying on the ground slewed, then out of nowhere i hear a loud screech, I look up in the sky and see a dragon. I could not fight a dragon for I am a weak guy, so I ran away before the dragon could see me, but I am not perfect and it spotted me. It charged the ground and hit it with so much force it nocked me on the ground. It was getting ready to charge the ground when out of the blue, a Lightning force knocked the dragon over and another Lightning bolt hit it, this time chunks flew and it was over. I don't know what happened but between you and me, I think my destiny doesn't end here. As I fallowed the road to another town to stay at, I came across the oceans shore and a crew of 100 men where loading it, the captain spotted me and asked what I was doing here and I said "Im looking for adventure, Cap'n!" with this he said," Why aren't you in luck Matey, we are heading for Akantor and its full of adventure why don't you come along?" I agreed with this and boarded his ship. I cant wait for what adventures I will find.
Denied, please make a proper RP example.
This is a biography, not your tale of adventure.
Whitelist App OOC (Out of character) IGN -TobTrev Age -14 Time you can dedicate to server weekly - well usually during the weekends and some weekdays Do you have teamspeak? If not, will you get it? - yes, im getting it Have you read the rules? - yes i have read the rules Why do you want to join our server? -cause it is rp and i like rpg stuff alot.
IC (In character) Name -Eranor Race -elf Age -23 Gender -male
RP example - A young swordsman/marksman in training Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - I was a young child before i heard of Akantor and wanted to explore the realm so i decided to take a ship there as fast as i could, little did i know my ship would get caught in a terrible storm and i drifted back out into the seas. i landed on a large island full of my elven brothers. My time on the island proved worthy and they taught me many skills in which i will use in the World Of Akantor.
Hello, TobTrev. Sadly, I am going to have to deny your application because, for one. You have not read the rules, your RP example was not done correctly and your Biography had little to do with your character. Tell me more about the lands that you came from, what was it like? Why did you move to Akantor? How did you make it to Akantor and what happened once you got there?
For the moment, you are denied. Revise and edit your application and repost it, thank you!
Im sorry if my history to long... Skip most of it if you want it at start mostly my childhood I cramed as much as i could
OOC: Jayden
IGN: Ciba1234
Name: Plade
IC Age: 19
Race: Wood Elf / Human
Profession: Farmer / Guard
Background: My Name Is Plade and this is my Story...
My parents weren't the common people who roam the land in love they married secret for my Dad was a Elf and my Mother was a Human they were mysterious but supportive many people including their friends hated the idea of marriage for that they traveled at night to a small village where races could live in peace they bought a small hut that was nothing the the house they had in the Town it was a wooden shack with no beds and only a floor to sleep on, because of the village being hidden, no goods such as beds could be delivered my parents loved each other so much that on the 3rd day in the town they made me it was the best and worst mistake in their lives...
My parents were weak and hungry for my mother being pregnant my dad had to get anything that was edible they would find mice and cockroaches and roast them over a pile of smoldering ash mostly raw, would eat before they could taste it.
When my Mother gave birth to me I came out weak and thin barley fed and villagers gave my pieces of bread for hospitality I had the braveness as a human and The Body of my Father, People said I was good at heart I would almost never cry unless something had died, and would giggle if I heard the sound of birds chirping my parents never understood me...
I Grew up hard my parents and I would sleep on the floor sometimes my father had to stay up all night to keep me sitting up for I was so Odd when I was little I would choke on my own spit and people were afraid that if I were to sleep laying down I would die...
I outgrew it quickly but I learned to sleep standing up and had troubles sleeping laying down but once I did my parents finally could take the break off me that they finally deserved when I was 5 I learned that my favorite month of the world was Fall when it was hot as it was cold I picked up all the leaves I could, and made a idea to place all my leaves under my dried pig skin that I found in the wilderness along with a lot of blood I stirred the skin and used it as a bed the village would call me "scooper" for because I had no education I would spend all day picking all the leaves up around the village until my parents sold the idea of how I made beds out of them for a piece of steak and I got out of it the smallest piece
My parents though still treated me fair my father taught me how to aim a bow, how to farm crops, and my mother taught me how to prepare fungi soup and bread even thought I was a weak child my mother taught me how to wield a sword and was better at it then the bow for all my father did was put dandelion dye smeared onto a tree into a target and each time would take now step back and shoot the poorly crafted arrow into the tree over and over and this fighting could have saved my family's life...
When I was 7 my parents and I had a okay life it was simple and was common for me for I lived in it 7 years sleeping on our comfortable leaf beds me and my parents awoke to crying, screams, and the crackling of burning wood our village was getting raided by bandits coming in on warpigs with a torch running a path burning all the homes one by one, the bandits demanded items robbing the village and then slaughtering them, after my parents and I Ran for a small wagon cloaked by foliage, their was only one but we managed to get all of us on it it was a poorly crafted wagon it's wheels we're stone and we only had a piece of steak for all of us once we got there I looked up to see the people I was running with... Weren't my parents...
I was confused, sad, and felt abandoned someone on the wagon asked me where are my parents I said "I don't know..." dry tears dripping down my face as the heat from the fire dehydrated me they said they were going to a city I never heard of since I was born in a life of poor I decided to join them they knew a few people in the town and gave me food the most food I've gotten in my life when I was eating on a plate with my hands tearing ito the food I heard "Were not letting you keep him give his somethings and get him out!" later after 5 days passed I was given 3 loafs of bread a steak some clothes and had the door slammed in my face as the people who I trusted abandoned me....
Its been 3 years I am was 10 living hand to mouth it was a better life than in the village if I could go back though I would imagine the ash would have made the town overgrown besides it was a long journey starving and sleeping I never knew we're I was going, never payed attention the town never could take me in I looked to frail as in I would die on them so they gave me money and food I didn't know what this coin did at the time at the start I thought they were mocking me, throwing shiny stones at me later I learned what it did when a merchant tried to trick me he told me how all these coins were useless but he would trade me it for a piece of bread but quickly another merchant ran to me told me what it really did and gave me bread, steak, and even some milk...
I worked hard I grew up living 7 years more in the town living as the mutt that would sleep on leaves and eat bugs, meat and bread later I saw that with the money I have gathered I could change my life I rented a smallest shack I could find it was surprisingly bigger than the house I. The village I bathed got some clothes that fit and got a job...
I am now 20 living nor poor nor rich I am a normal citizen now... But this is not the end of my story....
This I just the beginning...
Srry I can't put skeleton I use iPad plus spellcheck bad so Srry for any mistakes
Ps my last name gurr and I am I big fan of gir I know it doesn't help just sayin
I love your backstory, your story is great! Use the right format, please.
You are Denied you would be accepted but you app is denied because first off you app is unoriginal secondly you powered gamed by killing a whole camp of orcs one orc can kill a whole camp of humans if anything.
Prolly can't take out a whole camp of humans. I mean, if you've got three archers in the back and five melee attackers in front the Orc would be dead, quickly
Umg guys. Today I got locked outside of my house for three hours. In these three hours I watched a man walk up to park cars and see if they were locked (To try and steal them). I talked to a crack head and walked around my neighborhood..Wtf?
You can look back on all the launches before this one and really, there is only one thing that stays consistent, which is the community. Pap and Bacon can do a great job with this server, doesn't matter if they have the greatest staff members of all time or the best plugins.
They just need the community to stop fighting and be a real community.
If you had filled out your application correctly, you wouldn't have been denied.
Yes, metagaming is a bannable offence, I've seen many people be perma-banned from our last server because of it, too!
He's a new whitelister, give him a break, please. I am quite sorry and I will be revisiting your application sometime today.
Denied, please make a proper RP example.
This is a biography, not your tale of adventure.
Hello, TobTrev. Sadly, I am going to have to deny your application because, for one. You have not read the rules, your RP example was not done correctly and your Biography had little to do with your character. Tell me more about the lands that you came from, what was it like? Why did you move to Akantor? How did you make it to Akantor and what happened once you got there?
For the moment, you are denied. Revise and edit your application and repost it, thank you!
I love your backstory, your story is great! Use the right format, please.
Prolly can't take out a whole camp of humans. I mean, if you've got three archers in the back and five melee attackers in front the Orc would be dead, quickly
Yeah, It was pretty fun. Smoked some of dat rock with the Crack head, too!