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    posted a message on Creations Beyond! Looking for Builders - Staff!

    Im Trippn and i dont have perms to do anything including talk :/

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ⚔️ Roses Online | Townships | RPG | Survival ⚔️ Looking for Builders, Moderators and Helpers! [1.12.2]

    For me the discord name that you posted isnt roking... the BloodRose#3819 so here is my application...

    - Name: Christian Santos (People call me Santos)

    - Age: 18

    - Gender: Male

    - Minecraft Username: Trippn

    - Discord Username: (NAME#NUMBER) DiversitySwayy#8460

    - Timezone: PST

    - Languages that you speak: English

    - Experience with servers: Ive built for several small servers before and was once on a build team

    - Experience with plugins: I am fully functional with W.E. and Voxel Sniper

    - Why do you want to join our team?: Cause i like building for other people and impressing them

    - What can you tell about yourself (Qualities, flaws, personality traits.)?: I love to build when im not playing any other game and a flaw is that i have a bad habit of rageing during certain game that i play xD

    not minecraft though

    - How you will improve our team?: I will make great builds for the server and have fun with everyone while im doing it

    - Rank Desired: Builder

    - [Builders Only] Example of your buildings:

    Here are some links to some of what i have built in the past and or am currently working on... im sorry i cant upload pics im wofking with a laptop while i finish moving






    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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