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    posted a message on Minecraft Coloring Pages Please! :D
    Quote from Koockaburra101

    A small suggestion, isn't it possible to just make a custom texture pack where every block is just white with some black outlines where appropriate? That way you'll just have to load that up and go around taking screenshots of the world :tongue.gif:

    Someone, get this guy a job. He's pure genius.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is it illegal to post previous jars?
    Quote from Fase

    Do kids these days really not know why you shouldn't be sharing program files?

    No wonder gaming companies spend so much cash on ineffective DRM systems.

    In all honesty, no. Most kids today don't. It's the lack of morals. They will actually go so far as to say stuff like, "But I'm too young to get a job" or "My parents won't buy it for me" as an excuse to steal it. Which is funny, because I'm 17 without a job and still find a way to make the money to buy the games I want to play.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I don't get Minecraft
    Minecraft is popular because of what it is. How many other games can you say are like this?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on umm...silverfish???
    Quote from whizkid07

    just 2 people
    me + friend
    and as far as i know, no plugins.(my friend was hosting it)

    Doesn't mean your friend didn't do it. And to my knowledge, that seems to be the only explanation.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on umm...silverfish???
    It sounds like someone is spawning silverfish. Check to make sure everyone on your server is trustworthy.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    I think primarily the reason she's been poked at isn't because of her, but primarily because people look for drama every chance they get. Take the Minecraft Forums for example...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is it illegal to post previous jars?
    Quote from MegaHatena

    I didn't think it was
    If it was, the downgraders would be illegal and they would be removed immediently

    But that's a different process then uploading a .jar to Mediafire, or whatever download site you use.

    Quote from Zakristone

    I was also wondering about this.

    What about prereleases? Wouldn't distributing those be illegal?

    Nope. Mojang released those for public use. No joke.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    There have been many people saying she's fat, ugly, annoying, etc. Aside from her hair, though, I'd say she's pretty attractive.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Coloring Pages Please! :D

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Authentication servers
    Quote from BloodyIron

    Mojang has been sufficiently financed for over a year now. Have you actually calculated their gross earnings?

    What does gross earnings have to do with data management? I mean, I know how they are related, but please, don't be so rude without making a firm statement.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Artifical Intelligence in video games, where are we at?
    I think you should aim for basic human interaction at the very least.

    If I punch Watson once, I'd expect a punch from him as well. If I beat him every now and then, I'd expect him to eventually snap.

    If I tell Watson to go mining, I'd like for him to do it like a player would. I wouldn't want him digging directly down or directly up, and I'd like it if he could plug up holes that let out lava/water. I would also be quite happy if he alerted me if he found a valuable resource.

    And finally, I think Watson should rely more on himself than on me. I don't want to tell him to eat some food, nor do I want to supply him with it all the time. If he is low on resources, I'd expect him to come to me and ask only after he's attempted to collect them himself. And on a slightly related note, I think he should have a sense of territory as well.

    It's a lot, I know. But if I am to consider Watson to be more than a "bot", then I think he should act as human as possible.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Artifical Intelligence in video games, where are we at?
    Where are we at with AI in video games? I think the greatest examples of that lie in the Bethesda games. I don't care what anyone else says. The interaction of characters is pretty well simulated.

    Anyway, nicely done. Room for obvious improvement, but you've still managed something nice. Props, my good man/woman.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on That song that's been stuck in your head all day...
    C'mon, I wanna hear what's been stuck in your head all day long.

    Links to song would be appreciated. Here I go:

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on we need steve back!!!
    It's okay, guys. I found Steve.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Should there be wind?
    Well, this is better than the anti-RPG threads...

    I, personally, don't think it'd be a necessary addition. But who knows.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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