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    posted a message on Your left hand
    So I was thinking about a few things and I came up with the idea of adding a left hand slot in the inventory. Your normally selected 9 items go into your right hand but the left would be good for including other things.

    Bow and arrow: Equipping arrows would essentially act as your quiver. This would give you a limited supply of arrows as well as let you choose what types of arrows you use in the future, (wood, stone and gold in the case of iron being in short supply and the addition of fire arrows)

    Shield: carry a shield in your left hand to aid in combat. Right click to block with a shield equipped

    Torch: Carry a light torch with you at night/underground so you can see to move around without having to leave torches everywhere.

    Possible many many other uses for a free hand.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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