This mod will add dungeons meant to resemble levels from retro "2 1/2d" first-person shooters and was inspired by earlier dungeons mods and by Oblige (especially version 3.57), a random level generator for Doom. The goal is to create interesting, tactically challenging, and highly varied multi-room dungeons that are fun to explore and rewarding to conquer.
Version 1.14.8 (still for Minecraft 1.12.2) is now out and finally fixes (as far as I can tell) the "cascading world-gen" problem. After almost eight years, this is probably the final version; the mod does more than I ever originally planned it to, including things I would never have thought of at the time. I don't think there are any more features I'd want to add, and as I reach a point of having been tired of Minecraft for several years and look to pursuing other interests, I have "retired" from modding, so I don't think there will any other updates to the mod. Fair well, and thanks for the all the ideas, suggestions, appreciation, support, and kind/flattering words. I'm glad people have enjoyed my little project, it feels good to have made something many have enjoyed.
Downloads Available from Curse
Source Code:
GitHub Repository (latest)
API for Devs: The old API system was broken. Moders wanting to add support to their mod, whether adding mobs to dungeons or to control how / when they generate (like, in a dimension) can just use the deobf provided on Curse. Really, any deobf jar for the same Minecraft version should work.
- First, make sure you have the correct version of MinecraftForge installed.
- Download the mod jar and place it in your mods folder, just like a typical Forge mod.
If you're having trouble with Dungeons spawning in recent version but not older ones consider check the theme files to make sure they start with "version 1.7" and that no field names have colons at the end (if so delete them). I think this will fix that problem.
Config File
MinChunkXY: No dungeons will spawn within this many chunks of spawn. Note that this applies to where the center of the dungeon is, not to its edge.
Difficulty: How hard the dungeons should be; this will affect the frequency and difficulty of mobs spawners.
0: No spawners or chests
1: Baby level ("I'm too young to die!")
2: Noob level ("Hey, not too rough!")
3: Default level ("Hurt me plenty!")
4: Hard level ("Ultra-Violence!")
5: Crazy level ("Nightmare!")
NeverInBiomeTypes: List any biome types you don't want dungeons to ever spawn in; the default list consists only of "END" but any valid biome dictionary type will do. These must be types from the Forge biome dictionary, using the names of actual biomes will not work!
ExportLists: False by default; if set to true three lists (mobs.txt, items.txt, and blocks.txt) will be exported to config/DLDungeonsThemes/Lists. These are lists for mod-pack makers and others to get lists of usable content for themes with IDs / correct names.
Dimensions: This list dimension, one per line by dimension ID (not the name, it must be a number) - whether or not they actually can depend on how that dimension handles world gen. The meaning of this is determined by the OnlySpawnInListedDims; if that is true it allows dungeons in the dimensions listed here, if that is false it blocks them from spawning in these dimensions. Put differently this may be either a list of allowed dimensions of a list of banned dimensions.
ObeyFeatureSpawningRule: If set to true (default) the mod will only generate dungeons if the world is set to spawn structures. If there will be dungeons regardless.
OnlySpawnInListedDims: If true (default) dungeons will only spawn in dimension listed in the Dimensions tag (above) and not in any other; these are allowed dimensions. If set to false this is reversed so dungeons will spawn in dimensions not listed and never in those that are (should help with Mystcraft compatibility); these are now banned dimension (any others are good).
SpawnWithWordgen: If set to false no dungeons will be created with world-gen, and will only exist if created using the /dldspawn command.
AnnounceCommands: If true, confirmation for commands will be sent to chat.
StingyWithLoot: If you think the chests are too generous, this will make them stingy!
EasyFind: If true, all dungeons that can normally have an entrance will have at least one and all entrances will have a building or ruin around them.
InstallThemes: Defaults to true. If set to false the themes folder can remain empty, though I don't know why you'd want that!
InstallThemesByCommand: Defaults to true. If set to false the /dldInstallThemes and /dldForceInstallThemes commands won't work. Intended as a safety/security feature.
AutoProfilingOn: May do nothing (usually) or write tons of stuff to the console (laggy), depending on what I have set up to profile. This should be kept turned off (leave it alone).
BuildPole: Should not be used except for testing; it places a quart pillar from y=5 to y=250 through the technical center of the dungeon and frames it with a flying lapis square marking the boundaries. Usually, I'd call this cheating.
DisableApiCalls: If set to true other mods cannot alter setting or themes/mob through the API (default is false).
DontAllowApiOnMobs: If set to true other mods cannot add or remove mobs from themes (defaults to false), even if API calls are allowed. This can be accomplished per-theme by not assigning a theme type.
Themes allow you and an easy way to mod the mod easily, changing blocks and mobs. You can have as many or as few themes as you like, and control the biome types they appear in. Also, if dungeons won't appear with newer versions, try re-installing themes.
/dldreload will reload the config file at run-time and from in-game. This effectively reverses any API based config changes.
/dlddimid will show the player's current dimension. Good if using with Multiverse (etc.) in a Cauldron (MCPC+) server.
/dldInstallThemes will (re)install and default themes that are missing. It will not be overwriting any themes that exist.
/dldForceInstalThemes will (re)install the default themes, overwriting any existing themes with the same name.
Doomlike Dungeons by JaredBGreat (aka, BlackJar72) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
My Other Mods
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I'm a geology student and I agree that rock variants should be different to underground biomes. An underground biome would basically be the "history" of minecraft giving some lore into what the ancient biomes were. I really believe that making underground biomes somewhat realistic would really benefit minecraft for everyone. It would make the underground more exciting and varied which people have been yearning for for years, it would provide education and make people more interested in geology and it would give the underground some lore. Not just the monuments underground, the rocks themselves would have lore.
Some ideas for underground biomes and how to implement them
- I have not been creative with names here, so please come with suggestions
- Photos are hyperlinked. Many of the photos are from older minecraft mods like the mineralogy mod, bettergeo, underground biomes, terrafirmacraft, geostrata etc. and they are there for illustration purposes.
Mountains and ancient mountains are metamorphic
- below mountains we should add a rock type called "gneiss" which is a metamorhic rock type. This is because mountains come from tectonic plates crashing into each other, transforming the preexisting rocks. We could have various type of gneiss, for example marble, schist (which could be a light source), granitic gneiss and just plain gneiss.
Different rock layers could be foliated or turned like this:
Images of gneiss, schist and marble in spoiler
Gneiss Foliated gneiss Granitic gneiss
Example of what gneis could look like
Schist (could be a light source)
We could also have foliation in other parts of the world, hinting to that "this was a mountain once".
Image Removed
Ancient oceans and ocean crusts
- ancient ocean with hardened sediments, and higher prevalence of underground oceans.
There would be a high prevalence of compressed sediments that are deposited on the ocean floors, so compressed versions of clay and sand (gravel is mostly deposited in rivers, minecraft deep oceans lied to you). Any igneous rocks would be felsic and in smaller dikes or pockets. There would be a higher prevalence of underground oceans.
In addition to normal minecraft stone, blocks would be hardened clay, sandstone and also pockets of clay and sand.
The sedimental colours from this are pretty accurate.
Fun fact, the "metamorphic rock layers" part actually resemble more an igneous dike (or "volcanic pipe"), though it wouldnt be layered. Spoiler for images of a dike:
It was hard to find good images, but imagine a mesa biome cave with gray, blue and green hardened clay. Spoiler for images
Some examples of hardened clay used in terrain. It was hard to find caves, so imagine the colors of the top row in caves
(ignore the brown in this one)
Other cave examples though I think they are too bright:
Underground oceans from a previous snapshot
They were quite spectacular in a snapshot but were toned down in a later snapshot due to being a bit annoying. This would be a good way of still implementing them without being annoying.
Beneath these oceans (but still above y=0) and edging on these underground oceans biomes would also be a lower prevalence of igneous rocks and instead have dikes or sills of felsic rocks like granite and diorite.The ocean tectonic plates have a higher prevalence of sediments and felsic rocks which makes the magma coming from the plates themselves more felsic.
THOUGH even further down and in mid ocean ridges the rocks are mafic, the complete opposite! So the deep underground should definitely still be filled with grimstone...
Oceanic crust
The oceanic crust is very mafic deeper down because its made from the mid ocean ridges. The most common rock is gabbro, which can be represented with grimstone. Oceanic crust is also thinner than continental, so the deep dark should start higher than continental crust. Maybe at y=15 ?
Mid oceanic ridges have ultramafic magma
Gabbro (which resembles grimstone, so imo we could just have grimstone at a higher level)
Ultramafic: Periodite which contains olivin. Not sure if this would be a good implementation though as we have emerald in mountains...
Also, lava can cool down so fast in the ocean that it turns into pillows. This texture resembles the obsidian texture a lot (and its accurate cause obsidian in minecraft is also lava that hardens that hardens really fast), so it would be cool to implement that.
Though it already kinda is there, maybe even purposefully.
It would be super cool to take it further with darker (mafic) rocks
Continental crust
Continental crusts actually have way more granites (granite, diorite...) than people think.
Image for illustration, it doesnt have to be like that all the way down...
Some images
Image Removed
Image Removed
Im guessing this would be pretty unpopular though unless they change the diorite texture, lol. A better solution would probably be to implement so many interesting different underground biomes that people wouldnt grow tired of the diorite.
Also, something that bothers me is that they put andesite in the deep dark when andesite is extrusive, meaning its more likely to be near the surface than granite and diorite.
And of course, volcanic/magmatic/ lava underground biomes. A cool idea would be to add lava pockets with granite and andesite around for thermal metamorphosis, cause the more felsic rock types melt first.
Put your spoiler here.
The volcanos should also have felsic (lighter rock) further underneath like granite, diorite and andesite.
Some other biomes that would just be fun lol:
Permafrost and ice
This should probably be specific to being underneath cold biomes, and not very deep down.
Fun fact: glacial caves often have a "with hat" shape as its formed from a glacial crevasse
super fun sliding down haha
Lush caves
More prevalent underneath jungles, but also underneath other biomes. Its not super realistic anyway, but it could represent organic material having been deposited. And it'd just be so cool to stumble across a cave like in the ice age
Underground mesa anyone?
Mushroom cave
Oh, yeah I agree! I would love for them to add basalt in the overworld. Pillow lava is actually basaltic, so it would be cool to put either the non-smooth version some places in the underwater ravines, or put obsidian there. (see the bottom section under Oceanic Crusts)
Also, basalt is very similar to diabas so it'd be fine for them to use it interchangeably tbh. Then they could use basalt for hardened magma dikes, either "cutting" a layer or going underneath it. While granite, diorite and andesite should be intrusions.
Some images to illustrate types of igneous intrusions. Intrusion is when magma "intrudes" the rock that was there before, trying to get to the surface. Dikes and sills are smaller, and often contain diabase (similar to basalt) or for example andesite. Bigger intrusions can be called batholiths or plutonic and are more often granite and diorite and they dont always get to the surface because theyre slower.
Dikes and sills cutting layers
In the last image here, there is both a dike (B) and a pluton intrusion (A)
Images of dikes "cutting" the prevous rock layers. In the first image its an igneous intrusion, cut by the white pegmatite (contains a lot of feldspar and quartz). Then the whole area has been subjected to regional metamorphism, foliating the dike. The "Black line" cutting the white pegmatite is dolerite a type of diabase which is similar to basalt. Afterward the whole area must have been subjected to more regional metamorphism, tilting it.
The main difference is that the plutonic rock types are intrusive and harden slowly, meaning that minerals can crystallize more, while extrusive and often also dikes and sills hardens more quickly so that we can't see the mineral corns that well/its fine-grained.
Some illustrations:
Here is also a cool illustration:
Wouldnt it be super cool with some cave generation symbolising there had been volcanic activity there before? For example long caves encased in granite, but other rock bedding around. Not suuper realistic, but the amount of caves in minecraft arent realistic anyway so I think they could take some creative liberties with that one
And also of course the underground magma illustrated in my first post. Not quite the nether, but maybe the closest resemblance to the nether in the overworld. Maybe it could be remaining magma underground, but less magma and more plutonic rocks above it.
Gigantic magma chambers could look like this and be super rare: (note: theres granite around, not netherrack)
and maybe huge lava chunks like this but bigger. Maybe they could have loot inside, or likely to have a nether portal inside or close by!
Images from first post about volcanic caves:
And another
I think it'd be better with it not being as vast lava oceans as the nether, but more open areas with lava pools and magma, (thats not geology speaking, but what would fit minecraft)
Quote from Puffy_Ponynext
Wow. This was a massively informative post, and the images are beautiful. I would love to see that in Minecraft
Thank you! I spent 5,5 hours writing it and getting good images But I count it as "studying" as its technically doing geology haha
Some updates from the latest snapshot 21w08a:
-> grimstone is now changed with deepslate so I guess that clarifies that it's sedimentary rock (very hardened clay) having gone through metamorphism and NOT gabbro. Gabbro is a very intrusive igneous rock, and the most common deep below ocean tectonic crust. Im thinking that this also clarifies that normal minecraft stone is supposed to be sedimentary metamorph (?)
-> they switched out andesite in the deep dark with tuff! Tuff is made from volcanic ash and is also only really on the surface. But this can be some minecraft lore, hinting to that long, long ago the minecraft overworld had lots of surface volcanic activity!
-> They also added more lava pools again! I would like to also see more vertical lava pools (maybe hardened at the top?) with igneous rocks surrounding it. Or that pockets of granite, diorite and andesite are more vertical, or horisontal between rock layers. It would also be SO COOL with some giant hot spots of magma that were rarer, and magma dikes or igneous rocks being generated in a way that resembled it in real life
Nice idea! Its not as OP as burning rotten flesh in a furnace this is really neat and balanced!
Wow this is really cool! Thanks so much for making this, I saw a video on it and it looked amazing! I love the medieval style decoration. No other decoration mods have that, except decocraft which have a few things but this is a lot cooler!
I saw this video on it, with an awesome house in case you havent seen that showcase:
Bumping these so more people on this post will see ^^
The guilib is also updated check the forum for guilib
Thats why you should never mass install mods. Always look into the details of each mod, especially where mod authors says please read. If you want many mods and youre too lazy to check into them you should rather just install a modpack
Change shift key to caps lock
woah this is amazing i wish i had a good pc instead of my crappy mac then i would get this and shaders mod i have money but i dont have space soeh ;/
and i also think its amazing how you add support for mods! i dont really have any mods on my mind that you probably dont know off, or maybe the ogre layer and wyvern layer trees in mo creatures? its easy to forget about that XD
Is this compatible with minecraft comes alive, or at least a config option to use normal villagers?