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    posted a message on are these alt account websites real
    Quote from Ptolemy2002»

    Real or not, you shouldn't use them, as it's illegal and very likely malware. How do you think they get those accounts to sell for those prices? They don't buy them - they steal them from other people by capturing their credentials and then resetting the password, essentially locking the original owner out of their account.

    Quote from webrosc»

    I have removed the links to these dodgy sites, and just to add ontop of whats already been said, someone came here for help the other day about login issues, their account suddenly didn't work, they had bought a dodgy alt, and unsurprisingly they had lost login access to it and been scammed

    Also the reason why lots of minecraft accounts get compromsied or stolen is because for the past decade mojang has provided the minecraft community with horrible tools to keep their account safe

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on are these alt account websites real
    Quote from webrosc»

    I have removed the links to these dodgy sites, and just to add ontop of whats already been said, someone came here for help the other day about login issues, their account suddenly didn't work, they had bought a dodgy alt, and unsurprisingly they had lost login access to it and been scammed

    Quote from Perez_Hilton»

    Always buy Minecraft from the official website: https://www.minecraft.net/

    (sorry for the late reply im replying now becuase this happened 2 weeks ago) yeah its better to always buy minecraft from minecraft.net and not any other site because they are most likely a scam more proof is that 2 weeks ago my sister bought minecraft from some random site and a few days later the account that she bought out of nowhere suddenly stopped working

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is the account migration taking so long

    I use linux to get away from microsoft's crap, I bought the game before it was bought by Microsoft, I should always be allowed to play using a mojang or minecraft.net account in my opinion, but apparently we'll be forced to migrate to microsoft accounts for some reason

    also one thing that the account migration will do is that it will make alt shops useless

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is the account migration taking so long

    I'm happy it's taking so long, I don't wanna use a microsoft account, ever


    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is the account migration taking so long

    hi so back in October 2020 Mojang announced the account migration to migrate from mojang to Microsoft this will make accounts more secure but it been like 6 months and the account migration still has not started why is it taking so long

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on are these alt account websites real

    one thing i realized is that alt shops and alt websites are mostly gonna go out of sale and be useless with the account migration

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My threads are being marked as spam for no reason
    Quote from Alvoria»

    This was my bad. We've been getting a lot of spam posts recently and one of your posts looked similar to those. It wasn't until after I'd hit the button that I looked more closely and realized my mistake. Sorry about that.

    I should have most everything of yours restored now. If you see a post of yours that hasn't been restored, you can Report it and ask for its restoration. Someone will get it fixed for you as soon as they're able.

    So sorry for the inconvenience. We moderators are but humans too, much as we may try to rise above that limitation. Not that this excuses my failure, but hopefully the quick response is enough to earn your forgiveness.

    ok thanks and if something is not restored ill report it requesting it to be restored

    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on What hacked client should i use on 2b2t or other anarchy servers

    Disclaimer please note that i only use hacks on anarchy servers and on private servers to test them with my friends and im not responsible for what you do with hacks if you install and use hacks and you get banned from hypixel or any other server don't complain to me

    hi so in Minecraft i want to play 2b2t and other anarchy servers in those servers Im trying to find hacked clients which are really good and useful and are not backdoored so what hacked client should i use on anarchy servers

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Is herobrine real

    hi so I've seen stories on the internet and youtube videos about herobrine a Minecraft legend that is a creepypasta and supposed to be scary but I'm wondering is herobrine real or is it all just a story and a joke

    Posted in: Discussion
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