Expand on RP example, I know you and I know you can do a bit more.
Expand on sig traits(Also you basically have built in PA which is kinda OP). Out of curiosity what type of robot is this? I notice its a nexusmod link I'd like to look into it, mainly cause if we do robots its usually protectrons or eyebots, so I want to see what this is exactly. Please expand on RP example.
Hi, I am not whitelisted yet, do you think if you have the time could you whitelist me?
Quote from Bennastick»OOC:In Game Name: Bennastick
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male, I honestly don't see how this is relevant.
Timezone: Central Standard
Have you played any Fallout games? Which one(s): Yes, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, & Fallout New Vegas. The last two excessively.
Why do you want to play on this server?: Currently the server that I'm waiting to join is in building mode. While I'm helping build on it, the progress is too slow for me to wait for its completion. So I'm joining this server in the meantime to get some quality RP in and enjoy myself.
As you're walking north along a desolate highway to a few hundred meters ahead you can see 2 large black birds circling in the sky, to the east a few miles off large thunderheads can be seen. Hopeful to avoid the storm you begin to walk a bit more briskly scanning your area to find shelter from the rain. You observe a small light grey smoke plume coming from the median of the highway only a couple hundred meters away. Before approaching the scene you take a quick look in your bag (below is a list of your items). As you approach the scene you can see that it is a Emerald Trading Company Caravan that has been hit, the merchant lies dead near a slaughtered Brahman blood covers his clothing and a box of items is scattered near him. Of the two guards, one lies near a jersey barrier; empty shell casings from the cowboy repeater are scattered around the body. The other guard is struggling to pull himself upright using the one of the carts wheels, his leg has been blown off below the shin and is now nothing but a bloody mix of singed skin and asphalt.
Bag contents: 1x 10mm Pistol 7x 10mm Pistol rounds 1x bottle of dirty water 2x mentants 1x salisbury steak 1x Squirrel on a stick 1x small radio (working) 1x stimpak 1x Half-used first aid kit (missing supplies)
What do you do?: As Winhelm surveyed the scene, looking over his meager supplies he pulled out the pistol. Checking the clip and slowly moving forward between cover as he looked around, watching his surroundings. As he neared the man he opted to stay out of general sight and got the attention of the severely injured man with a low whistle. As the man looked up Winhelm motioned for the man to stay quiet, and quickly made a small circle with his hand in an attempt to ask if the area was clear. The man took a moment to comprehend the motion then nodded as he stumbled forward and fell onto his face.
Winhelm moved forward, taking out his medkit and placing it beside the man, speaking to him as he did so. "Have ye' got any idea what to do with this?... I need t' clear the perimeter." The man nodded, his motions slow and his skin pale from blood loss. Winhelm moved away as the injured man began to look through the supplies for something to stem the blood flow. He stopped, groaning out to Winhelm in a low quiet voice, "You... Haven't got enough.." He said, then stilled as he felt the barrel of a gun pressed against the back of his head. "I know, and I'm sorry, but I need your supplies. And you wont live without taking enough supplies to kill me."
The bullet was quick as it penetrated his skull and splattered his brain matter against the ground. And soon afterwards the caravans supplies had been gathered together in a neat bundle hung across Winhelms back as he departed from the scene.
Character biography (At LEAST 2 paragraphs): Arriving in the Wild Wastes as an experienced trader, not much was different from the far south, save the lessened amount of Raiders. Though folks talked a bit different and the trade was a bit rougher. It was a good change, for the most part. The many factions always demanding supplies from passing caravans. Raiders setting up camps in all kinds of places he passed through. It took him quite some time to get used to the routes and avoid any contact with the men that refused to take, "No, go out an' get ye'r own damn supplies." as a proper answer and walk away in a gentlemanly fashion.
Being used to the confrontation he's taken down his fair share of men that tried to raid him for the meager supplies he carried 'round. [Meaning he's still a newer trader to these parts, so he can either be in a position to have nothing due to a recent situation or a simple meager amount of supplies when I join the server. Likely the former.] Always carrying his fathers trusty trench coat he refuses to let go of it under any circumstance. He can usually resolve his problems by using a bit o' the silver tongue to 'convince' them he isn't worth the trouble. But with firearms, practice makes perfect, and he's left enough bodies in his wake a few times before in his little practice sessions.
But anything that came before he journeyed into these parts is unknown to anyone but him. Though it's clear when you talk to the man enough that he's hiding many secrets. Everything about him is hidden and mysterious, and he makes the clear impression all he wants to do is trade and make his due without causing too much trouble. One thing is sure, Prodigal Winhelm isn't a real name. And there's got to be some reason or another that he's walking around with a caravan full of secrets and a name full of lies.
[The back story gives away little on purpose. As I like to have a lot of room to build on my character as I play them. Having a character that's entirely pre-made and writing down something only he should know for everyone to see kind of ruins the fun of character development.]
"The ends always justify the means."
Bravo, even though I'm not an admin. That was really good, I hope you get accepted
In Game Name: orangeporrige
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Timezone: Pacific Time
Have you played any Fallout games? Which one(s): A tiny bit of Fallout 3 and about an hour of New Vegas, would of loved to play more but had computer problems.
Why do you want to play on this server?: I would like to play on this server because I think roleplaying is very fun, and in a world filled with lore like fallout its great for it.
Did you read the rules?: Yes
Have you read the lore?: At the time of writing this app I have read the faction bios and the setting bio and have reached part 4 of the fallout lore videos.
IC: Name: Malcolm Moore Age: 63 Gender: Male Character's signifying traits and attributes:
You should read the character biography first as it would make this scenario make more sense.
I also apologize for the horrible formatting.
RP Scenario:
Time:3:18 P.M.
Location: 27 miles South of Seattle.
As you're walking north along a desolate highway to a few hundred meters ahead you can see 2 large black birds circling in the sky, to the east a few miles off large thunderheads can be seen. Hopeful to avoid the storm you begin to walk a bit more briskly scanning your area to find shelter from the rain. You observe a small light grey smoke plume coming from the median of the highway only a couple hundred meters away. Before approaching the scene you take a quick look in your bag (below is a list of your items). As you approach the scene you can see that it is a Emerald Trading Company Caravan that has been hit, the merchant lies dead near a slaughtered Brahman blood covers his clothing and a box of items is scattered near him. Of the two guards, one lies near a jersey barrier; empty shell casings from the cowboy repeater are scattered around the body. The other guard is struggling to pull himself upright using the one of the carts wheels, his leg has been blown off below the shin and is now nothing but a bloody mix of singed skin and asphalt.
Bag contents:
1x 10mm Pistol
7x 10mm Pistol rounds
1x bottle of dirty water
2x mentants
1x salisbury steak
1x Squirrel on a stick
1x small radio (working)
1x stimpak
1x Half-used first aid kit
(missing supplies)
What do you do?:
I cautiously walk over to the guard supporting himself by the wheel,
“Hey” I say to him while putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
He immediately turned back to face me and pointed a loaded pistol at my face
“God Damnit! There’s nothing left! Leave me alone you already have caused enough damage!” he screamed at me with tears forming around his eyes,
I jumped back and put my hands up. I had to show this man I am not a threat to him,
“Please lower your gun! I am not a threat! I saw your damaged cart and wanted to see I can help!” I talked softly to him hoping that it would calm him down.
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” he yelled back, he was holding back tears.
“YOU ARE PART OF THE LOOTERS, YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!” the guard was getting more furious with each passing second, his finger tightening around the trigger of the gun.
The situation was escalating every second, and at any point it could turn ugly. I had to defuse it, but how?
“Please, I don’t want to harm you. Listen, I can fix your leg up. I had some first aid supplies in my bag, I can fix you up, give you a meal than bring you to safety. Please believe me” I said as I pulled out my med pack.
The guard thought for a moment then took one look at the medpack, lowered his gun and started to cry.
I took this as a “yes” and walked over to him and knelled beside his leg.
It was looking pretty rough, it was bleeding pretty bad and I swear I could smell singed flesh. I pull out my medpack and try to stop the bleeding, as this is going on I hear the guard blubbering about his some looters ambushed them, killed the merchant they were suppose to be protecting and killed the other guard. He told me how he tried to fight back but failed to protect his fellow guard.
Poor fella I thought to myself as I finished up the bandaging.
“Well there you go! Your leg is looking pretty uh, fine” I muttered to him trying to sound confident about the whole situation. But at the back of my mind I felt worried
What if he is actually part of the looters and are waiting for the moment to ambush you?
What if he is lying?
What if he killed the merchant and the other guard?
I tried to push these thoughts to the back of my mind. But they kept coming back, I had to get my mind off these thoughts so I had an idea
“I am going to get some wood for a fire, just stay there alright?” I asked him.
The blubbering mess of a guard agreed and curled up into the fetal position.
As I was gathering wood one of my voices came back
“Hes lying to you” the sharp rattling voice told me.
I ignored and began setting up the fire
“He wants to kill you” it whispered in my ear
“Go away” I growled under my breath
“He’s waiting for his chance to strike, kill him before he has the perfect opportunity!” its rattling voice whispered to me
“GO AWAY!” I yelled
the guard looked up startled with his pistol drawn
“Is-is everyth-ing alright?” he stuttered
“Yeah, everything...is fine. Just trying to scare away some rats.” I said with fake cheery tone
The guard looked a little worried but just muttered an “ok..” before putting his head down.
I got the fire going and started sharing some steak with the guard.
I was telling him about some of my stories from the wasteland
“So there I was, gun pointed at a bandit” I said as the guard was listening intently
“I said to him, ‘I know what you're thinkin', punk. You're thinkin' did he fire six shots or only five? Now to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But bein' this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and it'll blow your head clean off,’”
I paused for dramatic effect before continuing
“you've got to ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?!” I paused again for more dramatic effect
“THAN BLAM! I blew his head clean off! Turned out I only fired five shots!”
The guard began to laugh and was about to say something before being interrupted by the sound of thunder and the downpour of heavy rain.
“Well drat, there goes our fire” I growled as the plumes of the now extinguished fire smothered my face with its smoky embrace.
“You get inside the caravan, I will get the rest of our stuff inside” I commanded
the guard moved inside the caravan as I began to move our now soaked stuff inside,
as I began to pick up my bag the voice came to me again.
“He's fooling you, I bet right now hes loading his gun so he can blow your brains out as soon as you walk through the door” his venomous voice said
I pondered this for a moment, but remember about his leg I piped back
“No he won’t!” I shouted at the non existent voice.
I heard a voice behind worriedly call out “ Are you alright?!”
I expected to see the guard behind me but when I turned around I saw a monstrous “ghoul”
I got my pistol and loaded it with ammo and pointed it at the “ghoul”
the “ghoul” looked startled and hobbled back
“Wait, don’t do this I’m your friend!” the villainous “ghoul” said
but I knew their tricks, I know of the schemes of ghouls and how they always lie for attention. I pointed my gun at his head and shot.
The “ghoul” fell over backwards with a nice clean shot right between the eyes.
As I walked over to the body I felt something wrong, I felt like the ghoul went down too easy. But when I got over to the body, I could hardly hold back tears
There was the body of guard, I killed him because my brain thought he looked like a ghoul.
I fell to my knees and held the body close to me and cried.
Character biography :
Malcolm Moore was born in the Montana Wasteland in 2228 and raised in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker that resided in that area - the daughter of Casey, a Scribe, and Joseph Moore, a Paladin. Malcolm spent most of his childhood playing and reading about the “Pre-War” life, everything was fine for the Moore family until 2242. In order to get more soldiers for the NCR war, the Brotherhood of Steel ordered almost all paladins to go and help fight, Joseph was one of the few unlucky paladins and was sent off. Joseph never returned, upon hearing the news, Casey Moore fell into a pit of despair, often neglecting herself and Malcolm. It was ruled by the Brotherhood in 2245 that Casey was unfit to be a member of the society due to her current mental state and was promptly taken care of. No one knows what happened to her after she was taken away.
The next year Malcolm was assigned to the role of “Journeyman Scribe” and became the apprentice of “Senior Scribe” Adam Holochuck. Adam taught Malcolm many things about the “Order of the Quill” which were one of the three “Orders” Scribes could join. In the “Order of the Quill” Malcolm learned about the preservation of history and all about the world pre war. Training was going great, that was until the year 2274, at the ripe age of 46 Malcolm began to hear “voices” and see “People” that weren't there. The reason was because of a condition called “Schizophrenia” which caused people to see and hear things that weren't there, people before the “Great War” also got this condition but had various medication to help get rid of the voices. Malcolm had no such luxury and was forced to deal with constant onslaught of voices and imaginary people. Malcolm tried to ignore the voices but it got harder as the years went on, it got worse after his old master died in the year 2280, due to his master's death Malcolm was promoted to Senior Scribe and was forced to select an Journeyman Scribe to make his apprentice.
This stressed Malcolm to unbelievable levels, who would now sometimes get in shouting matches with his “voices” in private. This would be his downfall though, because during one his shouting matches his apprentice walked in and saw the whole argument. The apprentice was rightfully scared that was master was a lunatic and tried to run to a high ranking official to tell them of Malcolm's insanity, Malcolm fearing of having the same fate as his mother ran and pinned down his young and fragile apprentice. He put his hands around the apprentices throat and began to choke him, he didn't let go until he saw that his apprentice stop breathing. When he finally came to his sense, he realized he did an unspeakable act, he killed his own apprentice. Not wanting to feel the aftermath of his actions Malcolm ran, he ran straight out of the bunker and into the wasteland and didn't look back, he was scared.
Malcolm spent the next years of his life wandering the wasteland, going from town to town making his living, often telling his knowledge and stories for caps or doing a few odd jobs for food. But it would never last, because as his Schizophrenia got worse and worse it would get the best of him and he would lash out more violently and frequently than before, he could never be at peace for too long, but now at the ripe age of 62 he stumbles upon a region he has never been to before, with new journeys and adventures before him, maybe he can finally have his happy ending.
guys I am trying to p over and over again! and it says communacation error! I use the ip ravien.sytes.net and it does not work! I keep on telling you this but noone is helping me!
Please note that I have edited my Post from my last one to fit with the lore
OOC (Out of Character Application) Username: Orangeporrige Prior RP Experience: D&D One server I used to play on but forgot the name Why do you want to join Ravien?: I love servers where you can make and live in your own story. Have you ever been banned? Yes once for griefing. But that was in 1.8 when I just started minecraft and thought "LOL IT WILL BE SO FUNNYZ" now I have changed and want to punch my younger self in the face!
IC (In-Character Application) Character Name: Names lack meaning to me. But if you want call me "Onyx" Age:In your human years I would be about 26 but in my years I am 5 Sex (Male/Female/Androgynous/Transgender): Androgny Backstory (3 Paragraph minimum, proper grammar and spacing required):
Alignment (you can usehttp://tinyurl.com/8pf8eey if you are unsure): Green White Profession/Intended Class: Mage/Warrior or Human/Elf
Ah... where to begin? My origin or my arrival? I say we go how I became....this thing...Well anyone I come from a far off land of Minecraftia. In this world a hero named Steve rid the land of an evil called "The Ender" now The Ender had been causing chaos in Minecraftia for years and when Steve killed their leader the Ender-Dragon they lost their source of power. To try to gain more power they sent a virus onto the world. The Ender Flu, this flu would cause the body to turn a shade of grey and make you lose most of the fat in your body. After awhile you would die leaving a only a black burnt corpse. The virus took the world by storm and millions were dying each day, Mages started working on a spell to counter the flu as fast as they could. But what does this have to do with me you may ask? Well the only creature immune to the disease was a creeper, so the Mages took some Creeper and mixed it with an Ender Eye before casting the spell on a pig. Now a certain pig reacted badly with the spell started undergoing painful transformations and started to take a humanoid shape and rough green skin. The Mages were amazed at this and kept this pig for study. While others were working on a spell for the flu some others were doing painful experiments on the pig. Experiments like how will the pig react to a cut wound? Or what will the pig do while starving? After awhile they stopped with painful experiments and started with tests like, can we teach it basic English, or can we teach the pig history and alchemy? Well lets say about 5 months after the tests started it all came to a unfortunate end. You see the other Mages could not create the right potion or spell to get rid of the virus and the civilians in the outside world were getting desperate. They got so desperate that in a attempt to find cures and food the people broke into the Tower and started killing the Mages and destroying years worth of research.
The Mages researching me took me and lots of potions and runes and casted a teleportion spell. The teleportion spell landed us in the ruined kingdom of Hickryu . Everything was in ruins because the other kingdom raided this kingdom for supplies. Well the mages took home in the old Castle, The Mages started working on the castle to make it livable in so they gave the pig to a someone . And that's when the pig met a girl called Penny, Penny was a loving caring and beautiful girl, she was also the most eager one to look after the pig. The Mages suggested since most of humanity is dead lets teach the pig about all of history and spells so he can preserve it and pass it on throughout history. So Penny and the Ace Mage Alford decided they were the ones for the job and took the pig in. But unlike Alfrod Penny took care of the pig like it was her own son. Teaching him how to talk more advanced English and all about the world before the flu and gave him a childhood of playing games and listening to stories and even giving him a name...”Onyx” yes that pig was me not a big surprise. But anyway me and Penny were very happy for about 3 year. I had fully grown and could walk and talk like an average human and was about as smart as a normal Mage, Penny and I were washing the clothes for the group when a band of people broke into the factory. Penny told me to hide behind one of the thrones so I did. I watched as the men slaughter all my other friends and took all the women including Penny away. I was disgusted and enraged so as soon as they left I picked up the stone sword that one of the Mages in my group had and chased after the bandits that took away Penny. I followed them deep into a forest and eventually to a big hut. I watched as the bandits took Penny and the girls inside.
Also before we go on I must tell you that due to having Creeper essence mixed with mine I gained some traits from the creepers like a short temper and I hiss when I'm angry and slur on my S and sometimes but not often if I get angry enough I can shoot tiny sparks out of my nose but anyway back to the story, I peeked into the window of the building and saw Penny and girls getting thrown around with a bunch of men laughing. I overheard one saying “We are going to have some fun tonight...” this made me snap and I broke down the door squealing and hissing. The bandits were scared at first but then drew their swords. I fought the bandits but was easily out matched due to my poor sword skills and inferior weaponry. So I was getting slashed and stabbed until I was on the ground. They were preparing for a final blow that would send my head off, but then Penny noticed that it was me and broke free of a bandits grip and pushed down the bandit trying to cut off my head. The bandits turned and looked at her. Another bandit lunged at Penny and stuck a dagger through her neck. I watched horrified as Penny fell to the ground covered in blood. And in that moment something happened. I felt a taste of gunpowder in mouth and I got up even though I was greatly injured. Then I felt a horrible rage inside of me. I started to attack back at the bandits again hissing very loudly and ignoring all injuries done to me. Knowing that I would still die from the amount of people I threw a flint and steel I found on a table onto the floor and caused the carpet to go on fire. The Bandits were panicking now and the leader tackled me to the ground. I kicked him off and ran out of the house. The leader of the bandits chased after me still, and then he tried to jump onto my back. I pinned him to the ground and chopped off his leg. He yelled horribly, I held the sword to his neck as he said “Please have mercy” I paused for a moment. Penny always told me if possible give people mercy, but my rage was too deep and out of control so I swung the sword down onto his neck. Two years passed since the incident and I had went far away from any civilization and made a little house in a forest miles away from any town. I had found some nice iron armour and sword in the ruins of a barraks, now the day was going off as normal, I would tend my garden, go hunting and sit down and play with my wolves. But that day when I was out hunting a terrible thunderstorm crept into the sky. Seeing this I started heading home, but by the time that I was near my house the storm was horrible, lighting was flashing and the wind and rain was pouring down. I just got to my front door when I turned around and saw the worst sight of my life. I saw Enderman, I stared into his eye lost in his glance. I snap out of the trace and rush inside and lock the door. The Enderman rushes to my door and smashes it down, I pull out my sword and get prepared to fight this beast and as soon as the Enderman got inside I slashed him with my sword. But it had no effect, the Enderman grabbed me and threw me threw my window and into my garden. I felt the rain down on my body and looked up to see the Enderman inches away from my face. I remember hearing one last thing “Its time for us to claim you now Onyx...” Then I heard the snap of my neck .
I woke up in a field. I touched my face and realized that I was still alive. “What!? But..but I died!” I thought to myself. I stand up and look at myself and see I had no armour on! I searched for my sword and realized its not their as well! I walk for awhile and find myself at the edge of a mountain and I see a busy city filled with people. I thought to myself “What have I gotten myself into?”
RP (Roleplay Application) As you disembark from the Imperial Ship Leviathan, you notice a group of soldiers standing in the gangway. They draw their swords, with the captain of the guard standing intimidatingly. "We have recieved an order to take you into custody - you are wanted for the murder of Sir Raleigh, Earl of Dragnor."
How do you respond?: "Idiots" I think to myself, "What is your proof?" I say to them "We have an eyewitness!" The Captain says "Sir I just arrived here. I have no idea who are talking about and I also doubt you have an eyewitness" I responded, "We have an eye witness you pork plump! GUARDS BRING MARYANNE OVER HERE!" the Captain said. The guards brought out a middle aged lady "Is this the man you were talking about Mary?" The Captain says, "Yes! I remember it clear as day! I was walking along to the store when I saw a green thing enter Raleigh's estate! Then I heard a scream and a explosion!" Mary said, "Explosion? Ah good" I thought to myself before yelling out "Hah! If you saw an explosion I would not be here right now! Guards check me! Do you see any explosions wounds?" the guards come over and do a check on me. "Uh Captain there are no wounds of any kind on him." a guard said to the Captain "Hmm I guess your logic is correct you seem to have no explosion wounds and an explosion big enough to destroy Sir Raleigh's room would leave you with a scratch or too.." "I am sorry to have troubled you sir" The Captain said while walking away.
OOC (Out of Character Application) Username: Orangeporrige Prior RP Experience: D&D One server I used to play on but forgot the name Why do you want to join Ravien?: I love servers where you can make and live in your own story. Have you ever been banned? Yes once for griefing. But that was in 1.8 when I just started minecraft and thought "LOL IT WILL BE SO FUNNYZ" now I have changed and want to punch my younger self in the face!
IC (In-Character Application) Character Name: Names lack meaning to me. But if you want call me "Onyx" Age:In your human years I would be about 26 but in my years I am 5 Sex (Male/Female/Androgynous/Transgender): Androgny Backstory (3 Paragraph minimum, proper grammar and spacing required):
Ah... where to begin? My origin or my arrival? I say we go how I became....this thing...Well anyone I come from a far off land of Minecraftia. In this world a hero named Steve rid the land of an evil called "The Ender" now The Ender had been causing chaos in Minecraftia for years and when Steve killed their leader the Ender-Dragon they lost their source of power. To try to gain more power they sent a virus onto the world. The Ender Flu, this flu would cause the body to turn a shade of grey and make you lose most of the fat in your body. After awhile you would die leaving a only a black burnt corpse. The virus took the world by storm and millions were dying each day, scientists started working on a vaccine for the flu as fast as they could. But what does this have to do with me you may ask? Well the only creature immune to the disease was a creeper, so the scientists extracted some creeper DNA and mixed it with Ender DNA before putting it in a pig. Now a certain pig reacted badly with the mix of creeper and Ender DNA and started undergoing painful transformations and started to take a humanoid shape and rough green skin. The scientists were amazed at this and kept this pig for study. While others were working on a vaccine for the flu some others were doing painful experiments on the pig. Experiments like how will the pig react to a cut wound? Or what will the pig do while starving? After awhile they stopped with painful experiments and started with tests like, can we teach it basic English, or can we teach the pig history and math? Well lets say about 5 months after the tests started it all came to a unfortunate end. You see the other scientists could not figure out a correct vaccine and the civilians in the outside world were getting desperate. They got so desperate that in a attempt to find cures and food the people broke into the lab and started killing the scientists and destroying years worth of research.
The scientists researching me took me and lots of papers and supplies and went to a emergency exit. The scientists got to some minecarts and met some other scientists working on childhood development, well they hopped into the minecarts and powered the tracks up will redstone. The pig and the scientists raced down the track as the emergency doors closed the track off from the civilians. We stopped in the remains of one of the biggest cities in Minecraftia “Great-cobble”. Everything was in ruins probably due to the fact that civilization collapsed. Well the scientists took home in old brick factory, the scientists that worked on me gave me to the childhood development group because they had to go and try to find other people. And that's when the pig met a girl called Penny, Penny was a loving caring and beautiful girl, she was also the most eager one to look after the pig. The scientists never returned so the group suggested since most of humanity is dead lets teach the pig about all of history so he can preserve it and pass it on throughout history. So Penny decided she was the one for the job and took the pig in and treated the pig like it was her own son. Teaching him how to talk more advanced English and all about the ancient people and gave him a childhood of playing games and listening to stories and even giving him a name...”Onyx” yes that pig was me not a big surprise. But anyway me and Penny were very happy for about 3 year. I had fully grown and could walk and talk like an average human and was about as smart as a collage graduate, Penny and I were washing the clothes for the group when a band of people broke into the factory. Penny told me to hide behind one of the machines so I did. I watched as the men slaughter all my other friends and took all the women including Penny away. I was disgusted and enraged so as soon as they left I picked up the stone sword that one of the scientists in my group had and chased after the bandits that took away Penny. I followed them deep into a forest and eventually to a big hut. I watched as the bandits took Penny and the girls inside.
Also before we go on I must tell you that due to having creeper DNA mixed with mine I gained some traits from the creepers like a short temper and I hiss when I'm angry and slur on my S and sometimes but not often if I get angry enough I can shoot tiny sparks out of my nose but anyway back to the story, I peeked into the window of the building and saw Penny and girls getting thrown around with a bunch of men laughing. I overheard one saying “We are going to have some fun tonight...” this made me snap and I broke down the door squealing and hissing. The bandits were scared at first but then drew their swords. I fought the bandits but was easily out matched due to my poor sword skills and inferior weaponry. So I was getting slashed and stabbed until I was on the ground. They were preparing for a final blow that would send my head off, but then Penny noticed that it was me and broke free of a bandits grip and pushed down the bandit trying to cut off my head. The bandits turned and looked at her. Another bandit lunged at Penny and stuck a dagger through her neck. I watched horrified as Penny fell to the ground covered in blood. And in that moment something happened. I felt a taste of gunpowder in mouth and I got up even though I was greatly injured. Then I felt a horrible rage inside of me. I started to attack back at the bandits again hissing very loudly and ignoring all injuries done to me. Knowing that I would still die from the amount of people I threw a flint and steel I found on a table onto the floor and caused the carpet to go on fire. The Bandits were panicking now and the leader tackled me to the ground. I kicked him off and ran out of the house. The leader of the bandits chased after me still, and then he tried to jump onto my back. I pinned him to the ground and chopped off his leg. He yelled horribly, I held the sword to his neck as he said “Please have mercy” I paused for a moment. Penny always told me if possible give people mercy, but my rage was too deep and out of control so I swung the sword down onto his neck. Two years passed since the incident and I had went far away from any civilization and made a little house in a forest miles away from any town. I had made nice iron armour and had a nice sword, now the day was going off as normal, I would tend my garden, go hunting and sit down and play with my wolves. But that day when I was out hunting a terrible thunderstorm crept into the sky. Seeing this I started heading home, but by the time that I was near my house the storm was horrible, lighting was flashing and the wind and rain was pouring down. I just got to my front door when I turned around and saw the worst sight of my life. I saw Enderman, I stared into his eye lost in his glance. I snap out of the trace and rush inside and lock the door. The Enderman rushes to my door and smashes it down, I pull out my sword and get prepared to fight this beast and as soon as the Enderman got inside I slashed him with my sword. But it had no effect, the Enderman grabbed me and threw me threw my window and into my garden. I felt the rain down on my body and looked up to see the Enderman inches away from my face. I heard one last thing before I passed out “Its time for us to claim you now Onyx...” and then I blacked out.
I woke up in a field. I touched my face and realized I had no armour on! I searched for my sword and realized its not their as well! I walk for awhile and find myself at the edge of a mountain and I see a busy city filled with people. I thought to myself “What have I gotten myself into?”
Alignment (you can usehttp://tinyurl.com/8pf8eey if you are unsure): Green White Profession/Intended Class: Human/Elves (I found nothing that spoke of a class sorry ) RP (Roleplay Application) As you disembark from the Imperial Ship Leviathan, you notice a group of soldiers standing in the gangway. They draw their swords, with the captain of the guard standing intimidatingly. "We have recieved an order to take you into custody - you are wanted for the murder of Sir Raleigh, Earl of Dragnor."
How do you respond?: "Idiots" I think to myself, "What is your proof?" I say to them "We have an eyewitness!" The Captain says "Sir I just arrived here. I have no idea who are talking about and I also doubt you have an eyewitness" I responded, "We have an eye witness you pork plump! GUARDS BRING MARYANNE OVER HERE!" the Captain said. The guards brought out a middle aged lady "Is this the man you were talking about Mary?" The Captain says, "Yes! I remember it clear as day! I was walking along to the store when I saw a green thing enter Raleigh's estate! Then I heard a scream and a explosion!" Mary said, "Explosion? Ah good" I thought to myself before yelling out
"Hah! If you saw an explosion I would not be here right now! Guards check me! Do you see any explosions wounds?" the guards come over and do a check on me. "Uh Captain there are no wounds of any kind on him." a guard said to the Captain "Hmm I guess your logic is correct you seem to have no explosion wounds and an explosion big enough to destroy Sir Raleigh's room would leave you with a scratch or too.." "I am sorry to have troubled you sir" The Captain said while walking away.
Minecraft is not working right. I got some mods and start up minecraft and everything is loading fine. I go to my new world and click play and then BAM this pops up
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
This error has been saved to C:\Users\Lighthouse\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-10-19_22.34.56-client.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 990e1272 --------
Generated 19/10/12 10:34 PM
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at moreHealthSave.getName(moreHealthSave.java:19)
at mod_moreHealthEnhanced.onTickInGame(mod_moreHealthEnhanced.java:87)
at BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:37)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:104)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:80)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:58)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:22)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:137)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onRenderTickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:367)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:884)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:775)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 12428722 ----------
I need some help and I am wondering if you can help me
Yup, got the pm. And like I said in the PM I really appreciate all the hard work that goes into this server
Hi, I am not whitelisted yet, do you think if you have the time could you whitelist me?
Bravo, even though I'm not an admin. That was really good, I hope you get accepted
In Game Name: orangeporrige
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Timezone: Pacific Time
Have you played any Fallout games? Which one(s): A tiny bit of Fallout 3 and about an hour of New Vegas, would of loved to play more but had computer problems.
Why do you want to play on this server?: I would like to play on this server because I think roleplaying is very fun, and in a world filled with lore like fallout its great for it.
Did you read the rules?: Yes
Have you read the lore?: At the time of writing this app I have read the faction bios and the setting bio and have reached part 4 of the fallout lore videos.
Name: Malcolm Moore
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Character's signifying traits and attributes:
Strength- 5
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 5
Intelligence- 8
Agility- 5
Luck- 5
You should read the character biography first as it would make this scenario make more sense.
I also apologize for the horrible formatting.
RP Scenario:
Time:3:18 P.M.
Location: 27 miles South of Seattle.
As you're walking north along a desolate highway to a few hundred meters ahead you can see 2 large black birds circling in the sky, to the east a few miles off large thunderheads can be seen. Hopeful to avoid the storm you begin to walk a bit more briskly scanning your area to find shelter from the rain. You observe a small light grey smoke plume coming from the median of the highway only a couple hundred meters away. Before approaching the scene you take a quick look in your bag (below is a list of your items). As you approach the scene you can see that it is a Emerald Trading Company Caravan that has been hit, the merchant lies dead near a slaughtered Brahman blood covers his clothing and a box of items is scattered near him. Of the two guards, one lies near a jersey barrier; empty shell casings from the cowboy repeater are scattered around the body. The other guard is struggling to pull himself upright using the one of the carts wheels, his leg has been blown off below the shin and is now nothing but a bloody mix of singed skin and asphalt.
Bag contents:
1x 10mm Pistol
7x 10mm Pistol rounds
1x bottle of dirty water
2x mentants
1x salisbury steak
1x Squirrel on a stick
1x small radio (working)
1x stimpak
1x Half-used first aid kit
(missing supplies)
What do you do?:
I cautiously walk over to the guard supporting himself by the wheel,
“Hey” I say to him while putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
He immediately turned back to face me and pointed a loaded pistol at my face
“God Damnit! There’s nothing left! Leave me alone you already have caused enough damage!” he screamed at me with tears forming around his eyes,
I jumped back and put my hands up. I had to show this man I am not a threat to him,
“Please lower your gun! I am not a threat! I saw your damaged cart and wanted to see I can help!” I talked softly to him hoping that it would calm him down.
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” he yelled back, he was holding back tears.
“YOU ARE PART OF THE LOOTERS, YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!” the guard was getting more furious with each passing second, his finger tightening around the trigger of the gun.
The situation was escalating every second, and at any point it could turn ugly. I had to defuse it, but how?
“Please, I don’t want to harm you. Listen, I can fix your leg up. I had some first aid supplies in my bag, I can fix you up, give you a meal than bring you to safety. Please believe me” I said as I pulled out my med pack.
The guard thought for a moment then took one look at the medpack, lowered his gun and started to cry.
I took this as a “yes” and walked over to him and knelled beside his leg.
It was looking pretty rough, it was bleeding pretty bad and I swear I could smell singed flesh. I pull out my medpack and try to stop the bleeding, as this is going on I hear the guard blubbering about his some looters ambushed them, killed the merchant they were suppose to be protecting and killed the other guard. He told me how he tried to fight back but failed to protect his fellow guard.
Poor fella I thought to myself as I finished up the bandaging.
“Well there you go! Your leg is looking pretty uh, fine” I muttered to him trying to sound confident about the whole situation. But at the back of my mind I felt worried
What if he is actually part of the looters and are waiting for the moment to ambush you?
What if he is lying?
What if he killed the merchant and the other guard?
I tried to push these thoughts to the back of my mind. But they kept coming back, I had to get my mind off these thoughts so I had an idea
“I am going to get some wood for a fire, just stay there alright?” I asked him.
The blubbering mess of a guard agreed and curled up into the fetal position.
As I was gathering wood one of my voices came back
“Hes lying to you” the sharp rattling voice told me.
I ignored and began setting up the fire
“He wants to kill you” it whispered in my ear
“Go away” I growled under my breath
“He’s waiting for his chance to strike, kill him before he has the perfect opportunity!” its rattling voice whispered to me
“GO AWAY!” I yelled
the guard looked up startled with his pistol drawn
“Is-is everyth-ing alright?” he stuttered
“Yeah, everything...is fine. Just trying to scare away some rats.” I said with fake cheery tone
The guard looked a little worried but just muttered an “ok..” before putting his head down.
I got the fire going and started sharing some steak with the guard.
I was telling him about some of my stories from the wasteland
“So there I was, gun pointed at a bandit” I said as the guard was listening intently
“I said to him, ‘I know what you're thinkin', punk. You're thinkin' did he fire six shots or only five? Now to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But bein' this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and it'll blow your head clean off,’”
I paused for dramatic effect before continuing
“you've got to ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?!” I paused again for more dramatic effect
“THAN BLAM! I blew his head clean off! Turned out I only fired five shots!”
The guard began to laugh and was about to say something before being interrupted by the sound of thunder and the downpour of heavy rain.
“Well drat, there goes our fire” I growled as the plumes of the now extinguished fire smothered my face with its smoky embrace.
“You get inside the caravan, I will get the rest of our stuff inside” I commanded
the guard moved inside the caravan as I began to move our now soaked stuff inside,
as I began to pick up my bag the voice came to me again.
“He's fooling you, I bet right now hes loading his gun so he can blow your brains out as soon as you walk through the door” his venomous voice said
I pondered this for a moment, but remember about his leg I piped back
“No he won’t!” I shouted at the non existent voice.
I heard a voice behind worriedly call out “ Are you alright?!”
I expected to see the guard behind me but when I turned around I saw a monstrous “ghoul”
I got my pistol and loaded it with ammo and pointed it at the “ghoul”
the “ghoul” looked startled and hobbled back
“Wait, don’t do this I’m your friend!” the villainous “ghoul” said
but I knew their tricks, I know of the schemes of ghouls and how they always lie for attention. I pointed my gun at his head and shot.
The “ghoul” fell over backwards with a nice clean shot right between the eyes.
As I walked over to the body I felt something wrong, I felt like the ghoul went down too easy. But when I got over to the body, I could hardly hold back tears
There was the body of guard, I killed him because my brain thought he looked like a ghoul.
I fell to my knees and held the body close to me and cried.
Character biography :
Malcolm Moore was born in the Montana Wasteland in 2228 and raised in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker that resided in that area - the daughter of Casey, a Scribe, and Joseph Moore, a Paladin. Malcolm spent most of his childhood playing and reading about the “Pre-War” life, everything was fine for the Moore family until 2242. In order to get more soldiers for the NCR war, the Brotherhood of Steel ordered almost all paladins to go and help fight, Joseph was one of the few unlucky paladins and was sent off. Joseph never returned, upon hearing the news, Casey Moore fell into a pit of despair, often neglecting herself and Malcolm. It was ruled by the Brotherhood in 2245 that Casey was unfit to be a member of the society due to her current mental state and was promptly taken care of. No one knows what happened to her after she was taken away.
The next year Malcolm was assigned to the role of “Journeyman Scribe” and became the apprentice of “Senior Scribe” Adam Holochuck. Adam taught Malcolm many things about the “Order of the Quill” which were one of the three “Orders” Scribes could join. In the “Order of the Quill” Malcolm learned about the preservation of history and all about the world pre war. Training was going great, that was until the year 2274, at the ripe age of 46 Malcolm began to hear “voices” and see “People” that weren't there. The reason was because of a condition called “Schizophrenia” which caused people to see and hear things that weren't there, people before the “Great War” also got this condition but had various medication to help get rid of the voices. Malcolm had no such luxury and was forced to deal with constant onslaught of voices and imaginary people. Malcolm tried to ignore the voices but it got harder as the years went on, it got worse after his old master died in the year 2280, due to his master's death Malcolm was promoted to Senior Scribe and was forced to select an Journeyman Scribe to make his apprentice.
This stressed Malcolm to unbelievable levels, who would now sometimes get in shouting matches with his “voices” in private. This would be his downfall though, because during one his shouting matches his apprentice walked in and saw the whole argument. The apprentice was rightfully scared that was master was a lunatic and tried to run to a high ranking official to tell them of Malcolm's insanity, Malcolm fearing of having the same fate as his mother ran and pinned down his young and fragile apprentice. He put his hands around the apprentices throat and began to choke him, he didn't let go until he saw that his apprentice stop breathing. When he finally came to his sense, he realized he did an unspeakable act, he killed his own apprentice. Not wanting to feel the aftermath of his actions Malcolm ran, he ran straight out of the bunker and into the wasteland and didn't look back, he was scared.
Malcolm spent the next years of his life wandering the wasteland, going from town to town making his living, often telling his knowledge and stories for caps or doing a few odd jobs for food. But it would never last, because as his Schizophrenia got worse and worse it would get the best of him and he would lash out more violently and frequently than before, he could never be at peace for too long, but now at the ripe age of 62 he stumbles upon a region he has never been to before, with new journeys and adventures before him, maybe he can finally have his happy ending.
“The ends always justify the means…”
OOC (Out of Character Application)
Username: Orangeporrige
Prior RP Experience: D&D One server I used to play on but forgot the name
Why do you want to join Ravien?: I love servers where you can make and live in your own story.
Have you ever been banned? Yes once for griefing. But that was in 1.8 when I just started minecraft and thought "LOL IT WILL BE SO FUNNYZ" now I have changed and want to punch my younger self in the face!
IC (In-Character Application)
Character Name: Names lack meaning to me. But if you want call me "Onyx"
Age:In your human years I would be about 26 but in my years I am 5
Sex (Male/Female/Androgynous/Transgender): Androgny
Backstory (3 Paragraph minimum, proper grammar and spacing required):
Alignment (you can use http://tinyurl.com/8pf8eey if you are unsure): Green White
Profession/Intended Class: Mage/Warrior or Human/Elf
Ah... where to begin? My origin or my arrival? I say we go how I became....this thing...Well anyone I come from a far off land of Minecraftia. In this world a hero named Steve rid the land of an evil called "The Ender" now The Ender had been causing chaos in Minecraftia for years and when Steve killed their leader the Ender-Dragon they lost their source of power. To try to gain more power they sent a virus onto the world. The Ender Flu, this flu would cause the body to turn a shade of grey and make you lose most of the fat in your body. After awhile you would die leaving a only a black burnt corpse. The virus took the world by storm and millions were dying each day, Mages started working on a spell to counter the flu as fast as they could. But what does this have to do with me you may ask? Well the only creature immune to the disease was a creeper, so the Mages took some Creeper and mixed it with an Ender Eye before casting the spell on a pig. Now a certain pig reacted badly with the spell started undergoing painful transformations and started to take a humanoid shape and rough green skin. The Mages were amazed at this and kept this pig for study. While others were working on a spell for the flu some others were doing painful experiments on the pig. Experiments like how will the pig react to a cut wound? Or what will the pig do while starving? After awhile they stopped with painful experiments and started with tests like, can we teach it basic English, or can we teach the pig history and alchemy? Well lets say about 5 months after the tests started it all came to a unfortunate end. You see the other Mages could not create the right potion or spell to get rid of the virus and the civilians in the outside world were getting desperate. They got so desperate that in a attempt to find cures and food the people broke into the Tower and started killing the Mages and destroying years worth of research.
The Mages researching me took me and lots of potions and runes and casted a teleportion spell. The teleportion spell landed us in the ruined kingdom of Hickryu . Everything was in ruins because the other kingdom raided this kingdom for supplies. Well the mages took home in the old Castle, The Mages started working on the castle to make it livable in so they gave the pig to a someone . And that's when the pig met a girl called Penny, Penny was a loving caring and beautiful girl, she was also the most eager one to look after the pig. The Mages suggested since most of humanity is dead lets teach the pig about all of history and spells so he can preserve it and pass it on throughout history. So Penny and the Ace Mage Alford decided they were the ones for the job and took the pig in. But unlike Alfrod Penny took care of the pig like it was her own son. Teaching him how to talk more advanced English and all about the world before the flu and gave him a childhood of playing games and listening to stories and even giving him a name...”Onyx” yes that pig was me not a big surprise. But anyway me and Penny were very happy for about 3 year. I had fully grown and could walk and talk like an average human and was about as smart as a normal Mage, Penny and I were washing the clothes for the group when a band of people broke into the factory. Penny told me to hide behind one of the thrones so I did. I watched as the men slaughter all my other friends and took all the women including Penny away. I was disgusted and enraged so as soon as they left I picked up the stone sword that one of the Mages in my group had and chased after the bandits that took away Penny. I followed them deep into a forest and eventually to a big hut. I watched as the bandits took Penny and the girls inside.
Also before we go on I must tell you that due to having Creeper essence mixed with mine I gained some traits from the creepers like a short temper and I hiss when I'm angry and slur on my S and sometimes but not often if I get angry enough I can shoot tiny sparks out of my nose but anyway back to the story, I peeked into the window of the building and saw Penny and girls getting thrown around with a bunch of men laughing. I overheard one saying “We are going to have some fun tonight...” this made me snap and I broke down the door squealing and hissing. The bandits were scared at first but then drew their swords. I fought the bandits but was easily out matched due to my poor sword skills and inferior weaponry. So I was getting slashed and stabbed until I was on the ground. They were preparing for a final blow that would send my head off, but then Penny noticed that it was me and broke free of a bandits grip and pushed down the bandit trying to cut off my head. The bandits turned and looked at her. Another bandit lunged at Penny and stuck a dagger through her neck. I watched horrified as Penny fell to the ground covered in blood. And in that moment something happened. I felt a taste of gunpowder in mouth and I got up even though I was greatly injured. Then I felt a horrible rage inside of me. I started to attack back at the bandits again hissing very loudly and ignoring all injuries done to me. Knowing that I would still die from the amount of people I threw a flint and steel I found on a table onto the floor and caused the carpet to go on fire. The Bandits were panicking now and the leader tackled me to the ground. I kicked him off and ran out of the house. The leader of the bandits chased after me still, and then he tried to jump onto my back. I pinned him to the ground and chopped off his leg. He yelled horribly, I held the sword to his neck as he said “Please have mercy” I paused for a moment. Penny always told me if possible give people mercy, but my rage was too deep and out of control so I swung the sword down onto his neck.
Two years passed since the incident and I had went far away from any civilization and made a little house in a forest miles away from any town. I had found some nice iron armour and sword in the ruins of a barraks, now the day was going off as normal, I would tend my garden, go hunting and sit down and play with my wolves. But that day when I was out hunting a terrible thunderstorm crept into the sky. Seeing this I started heading home, but by the time that I was near my house the storm was horrible, lighting was flashing and the wind and rain was pouring down. I just got to my front door when I turned around and saw the worst sight of my life. I saw Enderman, I stared into his eye lost in his glance. I snap out of the trace and rush inside and lock the door. The Enderman rushes to my door and smashes it down, I pull out my sword and get prepared to fight this beast and as soon as the Enderman got inside I slashed him with my sword. But it had no effect, the Enderman grabbed me and threw me threw my window and into my garden. I felt the rain down on my body and looked up to see the Enderman inches away from my face. I remember hearing one last thing “Its time for us to claim you now Onyx...” Then I heard the snap of my neck .
I woke up in a field. I touched my face and realized that I was still alive. “What!? But..but I died!” I thought to myself. I stand up and look at myself and see I had no armour on! I searched for my sword and realized its not their as well! I walk for awhile and find myself at the edge of a mountain and I see a busy city filled with people. I thought to myself “What have I gotten myself into?”
RP (Roleplay Application)
As you disembark from the Imperial Ship Leviathan, you notice a group of soldiers standing in the gangway. They draw their swords, with the captain of the guard standing intimidatingly. "We have recieved an order to take you into custody - you are wanted for the murder of Sir Raleigh, Earl of Dragnor."
How do you respond?: "Idiots" I think to myself, "What is your proof?" I say to them
"We have an eyewitness!" The Captain says "Sir I just arrived here. I have no idea who are talking about and I also doubt you have an eyewitness" I responded, "We have an eye witness you pork plump! GUARDS BRING MARYANNE OVER HERE!" the Captain said. The guards brought out a middle aged lady "Is this the man you were talking about Mary?" The Captain says, "Yes! I remember it clear as day! I was walking along to the store when I saw a green thing enter Raleigh's estate! Then I heard a scream and a explosion!" Mary said, "Explosion? Ah good" I thought to myself before yelling out
"Hah! If you saw an explosion I would not be here right now! Guards check me! Do you see any explosions wounds?" the guards come over and do a check on me. "Uh Captain there are no wounds of any kind on him." a guard said to the Captain "Hmm I guess your logic is correct you seem to have no explosion wounds and an explosion big enough to destroy Sir Raleigh's room would leave you with a scratch or too.." "I am sorry to have troubled you sir" The Captain said while walking away.
Username: Orangeporrige
Prior RP Experience: D&D One server I used to play on but forgot the name
Why do you want to join Ravien?: I love servers where you can make and live in your own story.
Have you ever been banned? Yes once for griefing. But that was in 1.8 when I just started minecraft and thought "LOL IT WILL BE SO FUNNYZ" now I have changed and want to punch my younger self in the face!
IC (In-Character Application)
Character Name: Names lack meaning to me. But if you want call me "Onyx"
Age:In your human years I would be about 26 but in my years I am 5
Sex (Male/Female/Androgynous/Transgender): Androgny
Backstory (3 Paragraph minimum, proper grammar and spacing required):
Ah... where to begin? My origin or my arrival? I say we go how I became....this thing...Well anyone I come from a far off land of Minecraftia. In this world a hero named Steve rid the land of an evil called "The Ender" now The Ender had been causing chaos in Minecraftia for years and when Steve killed their leader the Ender-Dragon they lost their source of power. To try to gain more power they sent a virus onto the world. The Ender Flu, this flu would cause the body to turn a shade of grey and make you lose most of the fat in your body. After awhile you would die leaving a only a black burnt corpse. The virus took the world by storm and millions were dying each day, scientists started working on a vaccine for the flu as fast as they could. But what does this have to do with me you may ask? Well the only creature immune to the disease was a creeper, so the scientists extracted some creeper DNA and mixed it with Ender DNA before putting it in a pig. Now a certain pig reacted badly with the mix of creeper and Ender DNA and started undergoing painful transformations and started to take a humanoid shape and rough green skin. The scientists were amazed at this and kept this pig for study. While others were working on a vaccine for the flu some others were doing painful experiments on the pig. Experiments like how will the pig react to a cut wound? Or what will the pig do while starving? After awhile they stopped with painful experiments and started with tests like, can we teach it basic English, or can we teach the pig history and math? Well lets say about 5 months after the tests started it all came to a unfortunate end. You see the other scientists could not figure out a correct vaccine and the civilians in the outside world were getting desperate. They got so desperate that in a attempt to find cures and food the people broke into the lab and started killing the scientists and destroying years worth of research.
The scientists researching me took me and lots of papers and supplies and went to a emergency exit. The scientists got to some minecarts and met some other scientists working on childhood development, well they hopped into the minecarts and powered the tracks up will redstone. The pig and the scientists raced down the track as the emergency doors closed the track off from the civilians. We stopped in the remains of one of the biggest cities in Minecraftia “Great-cobble”. Everything was in ruins probably due to the fact that civilization collapsed. Well the scientists took home in old brick factory, the scientists that worked on me gave me to the childhood development group because they had to go and try to find other people. And that's when the pig met a girl called Penny, Penny was a loving caring and beautiful girl, she was also the most eager one to look after the pig. The scientists never returned so the group suggested since most of humanity is dead lets teach the pig about all of history so he can preserve it and pass it on throughout history. So Penny decided she was the one for the job and took the pig in and treated the pig like it was her own son. Teaching him how to talk more advanced English and all about the ancient people and gave him a childhood of playing games and listening to stories and even giving him a name...”Onyx” yes that pig was me not a big surprise. But anyway me and Penny were very happy for about 3 year. I had fully grown and could walk and talk like an average human and was about as smart as a collage graduate, Penny and I were washing the clothes for the group when a band of people broke into the factory. Penny told me to hide behind one of the machines so I did. I watched as the men slaughter all my other friends and took all the women including Penny away. I was disgusted and enraged so as soon as they left I picked up the stone sword that one of the scientists in my group had and chased after the bandits that took away Penny. I followed them deep into a forest and eventually to a big hut. I watched as the bandits took Penny and the girls inside.
Also before we go on I must tell you that due to having creeper DNA mixed with mine I gained some traits from the creepers like a short temper and I hiss when I'm angry and slur on my S and sometimes but not often if I get angry enough I can shoot tiny sparks out of my nose but anyway back to the story, I peeked into the window of the building and saw Penny and girls getting thrown around with a bunch of men laughing. I overheard one saying “We are going to have some fun tonight...” this made me snap and I broke down the door squealing and hissing. The bandits were scared at first but then drew their swords. I fought the bandits but was easily out matched due to my poor sword skills and inferior weaponry. So I was getting slashed and stabbed until I was on the ground. They were preparing for a final blow that would send my head off, but then Penny noticed that it was me and broke free of a bandits grip and pushed down the bandit trying to cut off my head. The bandits turned and looked at her. Another bandit lunged at Penny and stuck a dagger through her neck. I watched horrified as Penny fell to the ground covered in blood. And in that moment something happened. I felt a taste of gunpowder in mouth and I got up even though I was greatly injured. Then I felt a horrible rage inside of me. I started to attack back at the bandits again hissing very loudly and ignoring all injuries done to me. Knowing that I would still die from the amount of people I threw a flint and steel I found on a table onto the floor and caused the carpet to go on fire. The Bandits were panicking now and the leader tackled me to the ground. I kicked him off and ran out of the house. The leader of the bandits chased after me still, and then he tried to jump onto my back. I pinned him to the ground and chopped off his leg. He yelled horribly, I held the sword to his neck as he said “Please have mercy” I paused for a moment. Penny always told me if possible give people mercy, but my rage was too deep and out of control so I swung the sword down onto his neck.
Two years passed since the incident and I had went far away from any civilization and made a little house in a forest miles away from any town. I had made nice iron armour and had a nice sword, now the day was going off as normal, I would tend my garden, go hunting and sit down and play with my wolves. But that day when I was out hunting a terrible thunderstorm crept into the sky. Seeing this I started heading home, but by the time that I was near my house the storm was horrible, lighting was flashing and the wind and rain was pouring down. I just got to my front door when I turned around and saw the worst sight of my life. I saw Enderman, I stared into his eye lost in his glance. I snap out of the trace and rush inside and lock the door. The Enderman rushes to my door and smashes it down, I pull out my sword and get prepared to fight this beast and as soon as the Enderman got inside I slashed him with my sword. But it had no effect, the Enderman grabbed me and threw me threw my window and into my garden. I felt the rain down on my body and looked up to see the Enderman inches away from my face. I heard one last thing before I passed out “Its time for us to claim you now Onyx...” and then I blacked out.
I woke up in a field. I touched my face and realized I had no armour on! I searched for my sword and realized its not their as well! I walk for awhile and find myself at the edge of a mountain and I see a busy city filled with people. I thought to myself “What have I gotten myself into?”
Alignment (you can use http://tinyurl.com/8pf8eey if you are unsure): Green White
Profession/Intended Class: Human/Elves (I found nothing that spoke of a class sorry
RP (Roleplay Application)
As you disembark from the Imperial Ship Leviathan, you notice a group of soldiers standing in the gangway. They draw their swords, with the captain of the guard standing intimidatingly. "We have recieved an order to take you into custody - you are wanted for the murder of Sir Raleigh, Earl of Dragnor."
How do you respond?: "Idiots" I think to myself, "What is your proof?" I say to them
"We have an eyewitness!" The Captain says "Sir I just arrived here. I have no idea who are talking about and I also doubt you have an eyewitness" I responded, "We have an eye witness you pork plump! GUARDS BRING MARYANNE OVER HERE!" the Captain said. The guards brought out a middle aged lady "Is this the man you were talking about Mary?" The Captain says, "Yes! I remember it clear as day! I was walking along to the store when I saw a green thing enter Raleigh's estate! Then I heard a scream and a explosion!" Mary said, "Explosion? Ah good" I thought to myself before yelling out
"Hah! If you saw an explosion I would not be here right now! Guards check me! Do you see any explosions wounds?" the guards come over and do a check on me. "Uh Captain there are no wounds of any kind on him." a guard said to the Captain "Hmm I guess your logic is correct you seem to have no explosion wounds and an explosion big enough to destroy Sir Raleigh's room would leave you with a scratch or too.." "I am sorry to have troubled you sir" The Captain said while walking away.
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
This error has been saved to C:\Users\Lighthouse\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-10-19_22.34.56-client.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 990e1272 --------
Generated 19/10/12 10:34 PM
- Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
- Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
- Java Version: 1.6.0_18, Sun Microsystems Inc.
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
- Memory: 316407936 bytes (301 MB) / 535494656 bytes (510 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB)
- JVM Flags: 1 total; -Xmx1024m
- FML: FML v3.1.35.394 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.3.2_HD_U_B4 10 mods loaded, 10 mods active
FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
mod_ReiMinimap [mod_ReiMinimap] (minecraft1.3.2mods.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
mod_moreHealthEnhanced [mod_moreHealthEnhanced] (minecraft1.3.2mods.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
CraftGuide_forge [CraftGuide] (CraftGuide- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
DivineRPG [DivineRPG - Coder - blued00r from d00rcraft.com, Art Director - Xolova, Modeler - Holo from d00rcraft.com] (DivineRPG.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
eplus [Enchanting Plus] (EnchantingPlus- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
Millenaire [Millénaire] (millenaire3.1.7.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
Pixelmon [Pixelmon] (Pixelmon1.7.6b.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
weaponmod [Balkon's WeaponMod] (WeaponMod.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
- LWJGL: 2.4.2
- OpenGL: GeForce 310M/PCI/SSE2 GL version 3.1 NVIDIA 189.50, NVIDIA Corporation
- Is Modded: Definitely; 'forge,fml'
- Type: Client
- Texture Pack: Default
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- World MpServer Entities: 1 total; [atg['OrangePorrige'/39, l='MpServer', x=8.50, y=66.62, z=8.50]]
- World MpServer Players: 1 total; [atg['OrangePorrige'/39, l='MpServer', x=8.50, y=66.62, z=8.50]]
- World MpServer Chunk Stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 0
- Forced Entities: 1 total; [atg['OrangePorrige'/39, l='MpServer', x=8.50, y=66.62, z=8.50]]
- Retry Entities: 0 total; []
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at moreHealthSave.getName(moreHealthSave.java:19)
at mod_moreHealthEnhanced.onTickInGame(mod_moreHealthEnhanced.java:87)
at BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:37)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:104)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:80)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:58)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:22)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:137)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onRenderTickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:367)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:884)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:775)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 12428722 ----------
I need some help and I am wondering if you can help me