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    posted a message on IMMORTALUS [RP] [BUKKIT] [WHITELIST]
    Still sleeping?

    Edit: Is there a new IP?

    Edit2: Good news! I think . . . . .

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on total miner: forge quicky review
    I just really hope the minecraft does end up like the FPS genre at present. Also that it is always called the minecraft genre.

    I think that Terraria is a DIFFERENT game from minecraft, taking inspiration from it like minecraft took inspiration from Dwarf Fortress. FortressCraft and TotalMiner are examples of what the gaming industry is at present.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is Your Most Hated Feature of Minecraft?
    Quote from Yoshinat0r

    Funny about the whole lava being OP. Try jumping into a pit of lava in real life, you won't even know what hit you you would die so fast. Just standing too close to a pit of lava would probably burn your skin. But I do agree it is way too common, in real life you would have to dig DEEP to actually find some, ridiculously deep, like hundreds of miles down.

    My most hated feature though would have to be the way chunks are saved and loaded. Currently, a chunk consists of a 10x10 area of blocks (or somewhere around that number) and ALL of the blocks in the y direction within that radius. This is what is making it so difficult to increase the height, because the blocks in the y direction aren't loaded separately, they are all loaded together with each chunk. If a chunk was a 10x10x10 area of blocks, we could easily have all the height we ever wanted without any issues, as it wouldn't get all loaded at once and wouldn't cause any lag issues. This is what I understand of it anyway, correct me if I'm wrong or missing something.

    There's a mod for that. I think it's called cubic chunks or something similar. If you can't find it, go look for minecraft revamped and go snooping round the more recent pages. The developer of it tells netblitzer something or other. Anyway . . . . .

    Biomes are waaaaaaayyyyy too small. Seriously. I wouldn't even mind if there was a mode where the further north you go the more snow there is. That would be cool.

    And also the way that Minecraft takes no notice of how ridiculously I die. No matter whether I trap 3 creepers in a pit, go to sleep, and fall into it in the morning, or just find out there was a lack of block where I next planned to step, Minecraft just gives me the same respawn screen. No witticism or even a "You Suck!" message. Nothing. Jeez.

    Now you know why I didn't put lava or creepers as a choice. Everything in Minecraft bears a grudge against me. Even dirt. I think it's because I keep on using force update after failed mod installation. I am honestly starting to veiw creeper explosion as a type of transport. God help me.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Revamping Herbs and Plants
    Quote from Skullkrusher

    You must be on herbs and plants if you think I will read all this :happy.gif:I know mods are very serious about their work, so just to make it clear. I did read it, and I love the idea.

    I'll shorten the post, or maybe just organise it a bit better so that it's easier reading.

    Quote from joejoe571

    Great idea :biggrin.gif:

    I'm glad you like it :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Revamping Herbs and Plants
    Quote from assassin10

    I like the concept.Maybe as you explore you can come across new species.And maybe the different species can only grow in the general region they were found in.

    Yeah, I thought about that too. My only worry was that it could take up too much memory if you explore too much.

    I like the idea. It was a little too complicated for me though.

    Yeah, sometimes I go on a bit. I'll probably streamline it a bit later

    Quote from Gameguy602

    Ideas for telltale signs in wolves:Flavour enhancer: The wolf will be healed more, just look at its tail.Protein shake (I suggest renaming it to high-protein): The wolf will deal more damage. Strong effects may cause the wolf to grow in size.Blood rage: Eyes will turn red as if you had turned the wolf hostile, particularly strong effect may cause them to attack you.Fire brew: The wolf might catch on fire, it doesn't get much more obvious then that.Happy state: Will not attack mobs you attack. Particularly strong effects may cause the wolf to randomly start following mobs and other players, including hostile ones.Paranoia: Will avoid getting close to any mobs, and even you, particularly strong effects may un-tame the wolf.Headache: Will take damage, what more do you need? Particularly strong effects may cause the wolf to whine as if it had low health, even at full health.

    Thanks, I'll add them to the post later, when I tidy it up too. Any chance you could think up some more effects?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Revamping Herbs and Plants
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Revamping Herbs and Plants
    Herbs and Plants

    What I am proposing here is a system that allows for much more farming, improved food, a great use for books, something that people cannot resort to the wiki for, and, finally, a decent use for wolves.

    And so, let us get into the meat of the topic:


    This would be random, but based on a list of characteristics. For example, in any given world, during its creation process, would create a number of plant species, randomly selecting one or more characteristics (as needed) for each plant, making them unique to that world. this would, along with the random terrain generation, make each minecraft world more unique. Of course, there would be the option to go with a pre-made set, or create your own (especially good for servers), but I think that one of the joys of minecraft is discovering. (Unfortunately, one of my flaws is that I am pretty lazy, and end up reading the wiki from top to bottom. Oh well, at least if this is implemented I'll have to work to achieve something).

    Along with this comes the use for books, my favourite suggestion is llama66613's The Arts. Using the system in their, you could easily write down the traits that you know of a certain plant. This would encourage information sharing on friendly SMP servers, and the selling of secrets on PvP ones (and so goes the saying: Knowledge is power). "So what would these plants do?" asks my imaginary and convenient audience. Well, some of the effects can be found below, and, as for all of this topic, suggestions are welcome.

    Effects of plants:
    Chemical effects are effects gained with the use of the product of the plant, when it's being eaten or when the food it was applied is eaten.
    (Note: X and Y are numbers corresponding to the plant. If attached to a negative effect, more likely to be stronger)

    Flavour enhancer - When added to food, add X to the hearts healed (Obvious, really).

    Protein shake - Add X to your damage for Y mins.

    Blood rage - Screen gets slight red misting, makes it harder to move away from hostile mobs, increased speed towards for Y mins.

    Fire brew - has X% chance to set you on fire

    Happy state - Monsters X% less likely to attack you, but hostile mobs look like passive ones (For Y mins)

    Paranoia - every single mob looks hostile for Y mins. (Who wouldn't love this as a poison?)

    Fish-kin - Breath underwater for X mins.

    Headache - Hurts X hearts every 20 seconds for Y mins.

    Physical effects
    Physical effects are things that will be done by the actual plant itself. These may be in combination with chemical events.

    Thorny - Hurts you half a heart to walk through.

    Kleptomaniac - For each second walking through one of these plants, they have a 30% chance of stealing the item in your hand if it's edible, and 10% if it's not. The only way to get it back is to destroy the plant. If the item swallowed was wooden or food, then you have 30 seconds before the plant can start digesting them, and really, you don't want a half digested porkchop. Wooden tools lose half their duribility, and there is a 50% chance of losing a wooden box.

    Attuned - When destroyed the plant will give off a redstone signal like a pressure plate.

    Dense - slows movement through the plant.

    Harvesting and growing
    (To be expanded soon)
    When you find one of the plants in the wild, you actually need to harvest it.The safest bet is harvesting it with a sickle (recipie wanted) which will 90% of the time return something, rather than try one of the methods below, which, when applied to the right plant, will give you the maximum amount you can get.

    Berries: Simply right click with an empty hand (Removes Berries, but not the plant). berries are both seeds and (Fruit?)

    Leafy: Right click with sickle (Removes leaves, Each click goes back a stage in growth, best little and often) Left click to harvest the whole plant and get seeds.

    Wheat-like (better name?) - Behaves exactly like wheat in this respect, drops seeds and (fruit?) separately.

    Suggestions especially welcome in this area.
    Fruit, for lack of a better word, is what you turn into the potion/poison.
    Plants would hint at what type they are in appearance, but not be easy to define by it.

    Preparation and application
    "So I have my resources from growing the plants, what exactly do I do with them now?" asks my convenient and imaginary audience again. Well, some things, like berries, can be eaten straight away, but are less effective than a prepared product. To prepare most products you must crush it, by simply putting it in the crafting table, but you will crush it into smaller pieces by using a pestle and mortar (this will become important later, also could someone give me some ideas for the recipe).

    Now you have a choice of what to do with it. You could add it to food immediately, but if you want to change how strong or how long a potion lasts, you have two options: Diluting, and concentrating it. Concentration requires cooking, and increases the effect (X) of things, while decreasing the duration (Y)

    So, if you had some headache berry, which did 1/2 a heart of damage every 20 seconds for 5 minutes, if you concentrated it would become about 1 1/2 hearts of damage every 10 seconds, for 2 1/2 minutes. If you dilute it again, you would get something that did 3 hearts of damage every 5 seconds, for a minute. At that point you cannot concentrate it further, and you must add it to food now, or store it for further use.

    If you had the same berry and diluted it, by crafting it with a bucket of water, so nstead of doing 1/2 a heart damage every 20 seconds for 5 mins, it does 1/2 a heart damage every thirty seconds for 10 minutes. And if you dilute it again, you would get it so that it does 1/2 heart damage every minute, for 20 minutes.

    So, now you've concentrated or diluted your food, what do you do? well, it's simple as crafting the product with the food you wish to add it to. But, you say, how do I know what's going to happen when I eat this porkchop covered in a mysterious substance? Well, you know what I said about finding a new use for wolves? Yeah. In minecraft, we have run out of rats and now use wolves. Sentimentalist? Don't want wolves to suffer? Well, you can take the possibly incredibly deadly mixture yourself then. Have fun!

    Wolves would react to effects in noticeable ways. For example, if the porkchop you gave him had something on it that conferred the fish-kin ability, he would take a few dives in water, and if it was particularly strong, he would turn slightly blue. A comprehensive list of reactions to come soon.

    But Superior_Tomato, you say, how do we tell that our friend hasn't just handed us a poisoned porkchop? Well, I say. You simply put it in your inspection slot, and you will try to see any suspicious substances in your food. A magnifying glass would improve your chances of seeing something that's there, and the more substances you put in the easier it is to notice. (More coming tomorrow)

    The tl;dr is a lie. Now I'm sure you trolls have better things to do than listen to me make outdated references. Shoo.

    To come soon:
    Cultivation and plant environments.
    Better lists for everything.
    Pictures and recipes.
    Related items.
    Other things I can't remember at this time of night.

    If you read through this whole post, you deserve a :Bacon:. I swear it isn't poisoned!

    And again, thanks for reading. Free piece of iron! :Iron:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Which Materials Need More Uses?
    And what about string? You collect, say, seven string and you're set for life. I really think there should be something like rope or anything that you need more than one of, so that string does not become obsolete.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Endermen Scenario
    Quote from rockgodmalcolm

    HIT IT UNTIL IT STOPS MOVING or just set it to peaceful

    This is probably my reaction to most hostile things. Especially chickens.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A new type of MMO?
    Quote from cubby989

    This looks very interesting, thanks for sharing... bookmarking the site! :Diamond:

    You're very welcome :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on IMMORTALUS [RP] [BUKKIT] [WHITELIST]
    Quote from Sand Viper

    Anyone mind telling me the new IP?

    It's on the website. Since I'm feeling kind:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Tree climbing clhallenge
    Sounds like a nice Idea. Once I've finished building my tree for my tree spirit challenge, I'll destroy a few staircases and add a little TnT (Fire spreads soo slow nowadays that you need to spice it up).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Games You Think Noone Else Here Played
    Alpha Centuri. Beats any newer Civ game. Hands down.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Post your most HATED game.
    Quote from bowserchomp

    All gamers will want new games. Durr. Maybe I'm disappointed because I thought the gaming industry would go much farther in this period of time than it has. Considering the strides made in the 80's, 90's, and early 00's, it's pathetic how little progress has been made the past decade.

    Back in 2000, when I was playing SimCity 3000, I was dreaming of a SimCity in 3D maybe just a few years into the future. I was playing games like Midtown Madness, Driver, and later, GTA III, envisioning the ability to create playable cities with ease to roam and rampage in, much like the failed Streets of Simcity. I also imagined destructible environments, guns on cars, segmented decapitation of pedestrians, extremely realistic car damage, etc.

    Fast-forward to 2011, where the **** is it? What happened? Oh, your pal Microsoft dropped by, he said "**** you and your stupid ambitions! This is the era of electronic entertainment *****! Go back to your nap! You are slaves to us all!" <_<

    I have to say, I am exactly the same. Now I have to go back and play good games like Alpha Centuri. The only reason I keep playing Civ 5 is that I Want to bomb the native Americans. Not for any racist reasons, but because they are the only ones close to my level of technology, in fact they are above it. So, a nuclear bomb for them. Teach them to beat me in a Civ game.

    It seems.in alpha century, the game designers successfully guessed the main powers of the future. In no particular order:
    The insane captialists (the Russians and America).
    The uber religious (again, parts of America)
    The Eco friendly (Um, ecowarriors?)
    The mind over body, ant like typesb(Japan, more or less)
    The people obsessed with the right to bear arms ( for the third time (sorry) America)
    And those are the only factions I can think of.

    OT: Mostly spelunker, though that's a love/hate thing. So addicting, yet I die so much. I hate you, but I can't stop playing!
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A new type of MMO?
    A few years ago, I discovered this website. Citadel of Sorcery. Recently, (in the middle of the night) I remembered about it, and went to check it out. It doesn't seem to have changed too much, but I saw some recent blog entries commenting on E3, showing signs that it is not, infect dead, and still in the works.

    Though the graphics from the screenshots look crap, to be Frank, I would probably play it for the main selling point; a game in which the story progresses, and quests are small stories in themselves. It does promise, more than anything, no grocery lists, which is good, because if there's anything that I really hate, it's grinding.

    The link to the gameplay section is below, I'd also recommend checking out the tour, which sounds, pretty much, like a utopia, with actual story elements in quests, rather than things you never participate in, only hear about.

    I hope you're as intrigued as I am as to how this game will turn out, if it does at all.
    Thanks for your time.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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