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    posted a message on Tekkit windmills
    in the latest Tekkit, they SUBSTANTIALLY nerfed the windmill, so, now, the old ground level for energy production is now at height 95. Bellow that, you get no power. Are they even worth the iron anymore? Not to mention all the diamonds it takes to make glass fiber cables. Can anyone think of a godd set up that would make them cost effective?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Pinkraft
    Hey, I've made a server (Ip: Now I'm wondering, how should I get people to join? Should I tell people on other servers about it? Should I tell all my friends? Should I make a Youtube video? I don't know.
    :Notch: :DORE: :SSSS:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Technic pack 1.2.5 HELP!
    When ever I try to open an old save on technic pack 1.2.5, it changes everything in my world. Not even my way-points are there. The only remains are the people from one milliare village. Anyone know what to do? :Notch: :DORE: :SSSS:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Technic pack crash
    Thanks SO MUTCH Chimchar! That video you sent WORKED! To any one who con't get it to work THIS IS IT!
    BTW, Epic name :SSSS:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Technic pack crash
    When ever I try to open a world or create a new one, it just flashes the the game once, and then goes to SAVING CHUNKS. What do I do. I updated to the latest java and even made sure my anti virus stuff was A-Okay, but it didn't work! What do I do?
    :Notch: :DORE: :SSSS: SSSsss
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on YogBox Tekkit launcher
    I fell a bit stupid.
    After going into .techniclauncher 1 second after posting this, I soon realized that there was no coppy of .minecraft, and that does NOT violate any copyrights and what not. I'm just a worry wart. thank you to anyone who replied though!
    :feather: :Zombie:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on YogBox Tekkit launcher
    I have recently been using the yogbox's new launcher and have been wondering:
    How does it work?
    Does it violate Minecraft's copyright agreement in that is generates a new .jar, does it just really on .minecraft, or what?
    :SSSS: :DORE:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Grinchmas (A Holiday Story)
    my score is 46 :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on my map help
    When ever I try to go in to one of my minecraft maps, it has lag of about a minute! how do I fix this? should I just keep trying? should I just abandon it? pleas tell me.
    (P.S my cousin thinks that slimes are only in multiplier! :biggrin.gif: lol. pleas tell him otherwise.)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Alpha of New Indie Game: Gnomescroll
    tried playing it and after about 10 min, I figured out how to get it all working and play.
    1. plasma gun did NOT work at all
    2. the READ ME should be in the original folder so it is more easily seen
    3. It should explain in more detail how to get the game working and how to play
    4. I don't think dirt is the most bouncy material
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on [1.8.1] Injection Team - ElectricCraft (Alpha V.1_2) *UPDATES*
    electric fences r only 1 block high :sleep.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8.1] Injection Team - ElectricCraft (Alpha V.1_2) *UPDATES*
    lightning rods :Pig:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mad it, IF U DARE!
    I have a mod idea that I want YOU, miner and,or crafter, to make!
    A mod making a lot of new, spy like thing, such as strafing and putting gunpowder in a furnace to plow it up like a time-bomb.
    here is the list of things:
    gunpowder furnace time-bomb
    redstone timer
    strafing along edges
    powered spikes
    motion detector alarm (powers things when other players or mobs pass by)
    explosive and flaming arrows
    any other ideas?
    :VV: :Pig: :VV:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Sugestions?
    Anyone know any good mods?
    maybe some more obscure ones?
    :GoldBar: :unsure.gif: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on New idea for BOOKS
    So I got this new Idea for books.
    + shelves would be book only chests
    What's your opinion?
    :rolleyes: :Flint and Steel: :dry.gif: :Diamond: :SSSS:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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