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+ Updated server to 1.21.3
+ Fixed a bug preventing nametags from working on armorstands
+ Fixed an issue with renaming pets
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Updated the server to 1.21.1
+ Fix bug causing welcome messages to be repeated
+ Replace mute system with mute tier system + Fix a bug that would cause the scoreboard to not load for some users
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff + Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working + Fix a bypass that allowed players to crash the server
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff + Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
+ Nametags now show roleplay name and roleplay role
+ Nametags above the head of a player now supports hex colors + Roleplay name and roleplay role are now shown together under your username tag
+ Updated server to 1.21.3
+ Fixed a bug preventing nametags from working on armorstands
+ Fixed an issue with renaming pets
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Updated the server to 1.21.1
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix bug causing welcome messages to be repeated
+ Replace mute system with mute tier system
+ Fix a bug that would cause the scoreboard to not load for some users
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff
+ Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
+ Fix a bypass that allowed players to crash the server
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff
+ Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Nametags now show roleplay name and roleplay role
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Nametags above the head of a player now supports hex colors
+ Roleplay name and roleplay role are now shown together under your username tag