IGN: TheThirdImpact
Age: 13
Referred: Not at all just stumbled upon this thread
Where I found the server: Just stumbled onto it
Reasons for joining: None just a server to make friends on I guess
What I do best: Designing structure to make building look actually good. Plus I am good at disguising things.
IGN (In Game Name):Dunkman357
Steam (optional):Fat platypus
Referred? By whom?: Conordash
Where did you find the server?:i followed Dangitdrbob and Conordash over
Reason for joining: want to play with the two aforementioned players
What you do best in minecraft: i can do some redstone stuff, but i really excel in making big things.
IGN (In Game Name):123456boby
Steam (optional):ceej101
Reason For Joining: i need a server thts fun and small but yet almost like a community not an over croweded hell hole with little kids running around
What you do best in minecraft:build i have done work for servers and timelaspe youtube videos
Favorite Movie: Casablanca
IGN (In Game Name): pokemon10109
Age: 13
Where did you find the server?: jefe's blurb thingy
Reason for joining: It seems like a nice server
What you do best in minecraft: Build/Mine/Slay
IGN (In Game Name): Conneriscool Age: 16 Steam (optional): ChuckTestacles Referred? By whom?: No one Where did you find the server?: This Forum Reason for joining: This server caught my eyes while I was browsing the forum. Its the exact kind of server I was looking for. What you do best in minecraft: I don't really have a remarkable skill in Minecraft, but I can usually make decent-looking houses when I try
IGN (In Game Name): bagatur
Age: 22
Steam (optional): Shade_4
Referred? By whom?: None
Where did you find the server?: Here on the forums
Reason for joining: Looks like a good server
What you do best in minecraft: Variety of things from pwning monsters to building epic stuff lol.
IGN (In Game Name): smellysocks007
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Minecraft Forums
Where did you find the server?: Minecraft Forums
Reason for joining: It looks like the awesomest server!
What you do best in minecraft: Mining!
IGN (In Game Name): JaadynReed
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: My friend is apart of this awesome community!
Where did you find the server?: A friend
Reason for joining: It looks like so much fun!!
What you do best in minecraft: Build Structures
IGN (In Game Name): Panther
Age: 15
Steam (optional): veggies101
Referred? By whom?: No one.
Where did you find the server?: Minecraft Forums
Reason for joining: Looking for a reliable server that doesn't get shutdown without any notice, a server where my friends and I can build a big city with towny and rule over all the others.
What you do best in minecraft: Building and PvP.
IGN:FuzzyCreeper99 (also located beneath my name)
Rank Requested: Seasoned
Last Promotion Date: 12/5/05 (5th of May, 2012)
How often do you play on the server?:Nearly everyday.
IGN (In Game Name): dazerk
Age: 26
Steam (optional): yes
Referred? By whom?: no one
Where did you find the server?: minecraft forum
Reason for joining: ew server
What you do best in minecraft: build/pvp
IGN (In Game Name): MrHacker95
Age: 17
Steam (optional): Mrhacker95 (I think, not sure)
Referred? By whom?: The tread
Where did you find the server?: Minecraft forum
Reason for joining: Need a good survival server
What you do best in minecraft: Build
Oh and FYI I do use Nodus client, but only for the no render and auto fish/ helps my fps (Shitty computer)
IGN (In Game Name):jairo876
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?:saw a link
Where did you find the server?:on a post you made
Reason for joining:i wanna be a part of a cool server
What you do best in minecraft:explore
IGN (In Game Name): Pandamonium99
Age: 16
Steam (optional): N/A
Referred? By whom?: MC Forums ;P
Where did you find the server?: ^ MC Forums / Google
Reason for joining: Looks like an awesome server with a small nice community.
What you do best in minecraft: Farming
IGN (In Game Name): Angeles0505
Age: 14
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Jefe323
Where did you find the server?: From a PM on the minecraft forums
Reason for joining: I want to be more in the community and help people explore what minecraft has to offer.
What you do best in minecraft: I am quite good at redstone mechanics and building wise, if you tell me to do it I will. Thank you!
IGN: xZingx
Age: 14
Reason for joining: Looks like a great server, would love ot join
What you do best: Building, helping out around the area
favorite movie: Casino Royale
IGN (In Game Name)Boltzor
Age: 16
Steam (optional):
Referred? no
Where did you find the server?: MC forum
Reason for joining: Bored of single player
What you do best in minecraft: RPing
IGN (InGameName): aritzh Age: 16 Steam(optional): Referred?By whom?: No
Where did you find the server?: Here, in the signature of "jefe323"
Reasonfor joining: I like the mods the server has, and I have just logged in to give it a try, and the people were so kind with me! What you do best in minecraft: Redstone Circutry
Welcome to Republica my good sir
Added to the server
Both of you have been added, welcome to Republica
Added, see you soon
Added, welcome to the server
Why of course! Welcome
Added, welcome to the server
Added to the server, welcome
Promoted ;D
Added, welcome to Republica
Added, welcome
Added, welcome to the server
Added, welcome to the server
Added, welcome ;D
Added, welcome to the server ;D
Promoted, congrats ;D
Added, welcome to the server
Added, welcome to the server
Promoted ;D