Hey Prime, maybe you'd like Republica. We have mature staff and most of our players are mature and friendly. Our server also has its own TeamSpeak and forum. We have a few rules (such as no griefing/xray etc), our full list of rules can be found on our server forum or MCF thread. Hope to see you online sometime
I'm not sure what you'd define as small, but we typically have between 5-15 players on at one time. Our staff are quite friendly and as far as I can tell we don't have much of a lag issue. We also aren't pure white-list, we allow guests to join with very limited abilities. But applying to the server gives many more perks (like /sethome, ability to use buckets) Maybe you'll check us out?
Perhaps you'd like Republica. The server has a few plugins, mainly towny and iconomy. PvP is enabled, but I think the community of Republica is it's most defining feature. So if you're looking to make some good friends just click on the picture in my signature or check out our forum at: www.republicasmp.com
IGN (In Game Name): gamezonedude
Age: 16
Steam (optional): none
Referred? By whom?: no one
Where did you find the server?: On the minecraft forum
Reason for joining: clicked on survival servers, found this server on front page, have no "real" reason on joining, sorry
What you do best in minecraft: BUILDING
If you've yet to find a server you'd like to settle down into, perhaps I could interest you in Republica. Our server uses a few major plugins, towny, iconomy and chest shops. These just add a little bit of a mix to the typical survival server. We also have anti-cheat and anti-grief plugins so all your builds will be protected and xrayers and other cheaters will not be able to get away with ruining the survival aspect of the server. Just click on my signature and you'll be taken to our MCF page for some more information. I hope to see you online soon!
You may like a server that I'm an Admin on. The server is called Republica. The major plugins we use are towny, iconomy and chestshops. We also have a few anti-grief and anti-cheat plugins to ensure that our players are protected from griefers and that our servers are protected from cheaters that ruin the survival elements of the game. We have a great player-base with many mature members, and many people make quite a few friends after a couple of days playing on the server. My signature should lead you to our MCF thread if you'd like to check it out some more or even hop on. I hope to see you soon!
IGN (In Game Name): Satan130
Age: 21
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: nope
Where did you find the server?: here
Reason for joining: to play minecraft
What you do best in minecraft: build
IGN (In Game Name): Stjepan
Age: 15
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: NyanGrubbles
Where did you find the server?: first i found it on minecraft form
Reason for joining: i heard alot of good things about this server...
What you do best in minecraft: i'm very good at redstone, and connecting things, building large mansions, etc..
Rank Requested: Regular
Last Promotion Date: Last saturday (But I will marry emma and because of that I don't have to wait whole week for promotion)
How often do you play on the server?: everyday
October 21st (this Sunday) at 10 AM PST/ 1 PM EST, two infamous pirate ships and their crews will meet to battle in the Haunted Bay. Since Halloween is rapidly approaching, this will be our first Halloween-themed event. There will be working cannons, boarding parties and loot. Lots and lots of loot.
A couple notes:
All equipment will be provided. No outside items or donator powers allowed during the event.
Each ship will have crews of four players.
There will be several objectives and rules for each round that will be explained the day of the event.
To enter the battle, post the following in this topic (one post per crew):
Name of your ship
Names of all four players in your crew
While it is not required to enter prior to playing, teams that do post will start with a very slight advantage in each round. See you all on Sunday!
Forum: www.republicasmp.com
Server forum: www.republicasmp.com
Or click on my signature picture for our MCF thread.
More details here: http://republicasmp.com/topic/4505-wall-event/#entry21536
Added, welcome
Added, welcome to the server
More info here:
See you all there ;D
Added, welcome to the server
Added, welcome to the server ;D
Oops, misread
Upgraded, congrats
A couple notes:
See you guys soon!