Where you are located (to know when we could record): I'm in New York (Eastern time)
Skype: msg me for it.
Youtube Channel (preferable if you have one): I have it up but I need to make vids.
Something unique about you: I am nice.
Why I should choose you: I have always wanted to do an SMP server. I really want to get more subs and I need to get more content up on my channel. I haven't been able to start up because I couldn't figure out what I should put on my channel first. I love to meet new people that have the same interests as me.
Name(and what your nickname is if you have one): Victoria. You can also call me Striker or Pony due to my IGN or YT
IGN(username): Ponylover245
Skype: Msg me for it
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSoDURxDmJe6JLhy1hCu4cQ
Age(preferred 13-17): 15
Experience(how long have you played): 2-3 years
Skills(what are you best at): I'm good at mining, I'm getting better at building. I'm also trying to pvp better.
Timezone: Eastern
Do you have Skype? If so, put down your name. (this is so we can contact you when needed.) eatsleepjump
How old are you? 15
Are you mature? Yes
How long have you played Minecraft? 2-3 years
How often would you play on the server? Everyday.
Would you take part in the community? Would you interact with other players? Yes.
Why do you want to join the server? I love vanilla minecraft. I would love to help the community out with whatever I can do. I am a very social person and I would love to meet new people. I may not be such a great builder or redstoner, but I have good ideas. I am not super bad at building, but I never give up on whatever I'm doing. I always give it all my best even if it doesn't look the best.
Age: Very mature 15 year old turning 16 in January
Skype: eatsleepjump
Will You Do A YouTube Series: I will make a minecraft related account and start it up.
Minecraft Play Style (Builder, Redstoner, Modder, etc.): Very weak builder but a good miner.
YouTube Channel Link: N/A Will make an account for Minecraft if whitelisted
Why You Should Be Accepted: I adore Minecraft and any other SMP type servers. I would love to make new friends due to being in a close knit community with everybody. I love to help people with MC related. I would be online every single day and if I'm not it is due to Regents that I have soon. During the summer, I'd be on about 3 hours a day.
Major City Around You (For Timezone purposes only): New York City
Few Words About Yourself: I am a very down to earth person. I have had Minecraft since 2012 and I would say that I am a social person.
Age: 15
Why you should be accepted: I love to be part of a community that gets work done yet has fun at the same time.
How much do you play: Everyday
What timezone are you in: Eastern
What is your skill in minecraft (building, pvp, potions, etc.): All a rounder
Skype Name: eatsleepjump
Email Address: [email protected]
IGN(username): Ponylover245
Skype: Msg me for it
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSoDURxDmJe6JLhy1hCu4cQ
Age(preferred 13-17): 15
Experience(how long have you played): 2-3 years
Skills(what are you best at): I'm good at mining, I'm getting better at building. I'm also trying to pvp better.
Timezone: Eastern