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    posted a message on 3 Dedicated people needed for a Vanilla, Survival Multiplayer let's play series.
    IGN: Ponylover245

    Age: 15

    Why you should be accepted: I love to be part of a community that gets work done yet has fun at the same time.

    How much do you play: Everyday

    What timezone are you in: Eastern

    What is your skill in minecraft (building, pvp, potions, etc.): All a rounder
    Skype Name: eatsleepjump

    Email Address: [email protected]
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Looking for someone to join collaboration SMP with about 10 other youtubers
    • IGN (in game name) : Ponylover245
    • Age: 15
    • Gender: F
    • Where you are located (to know when we could record): I'm in New York (Eastern time)
    • Skype: msg me for it.
    • Youtube Channel (preferable if you have one): I have it up but I need to make vids.
    • Something unique about you: I am nice.
    • Why I should choose you: I have always wanted to do an SMP server. I really want to get more subs and I need to get more content up on my channel. I haven't been able to start up because I couldn't figure out what I should put on my channel first. I love to meet new people that have the same interests as me.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Anyone want to colab?
    Name(and what your nickname is if you have one): Victoria. You can also call me Striker or Pony due to my IGN or YT
    IGN(username): Ponylover245
    Skype: Msg me for it
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSoDURxDmJe6JLhy1hCu4cQ
    Age(preferred 13-17): 15
    Experience(how long have you played): 2-3 years
    Skills(what are you best at): I'm good at mining, I'm getting better at building. I'm also trying to pvp better. :)
    Timezone: Eastern
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on How do you take hamachi off a server?
    I am also having issues trying to get my server off hamachi, but how does taking off the server ip help take it off hamachi?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New Whitelisted Minecraft Vanilla Server
    • What is your in game name? Ponylover245
    • Do you have Skype? If so, put down your name. (this is so we can contact you when needed.) eatsleepjump
    • How old are you? 15
    • Are you mature? Yes
    • How long have you played Minecraft? 2-3 years
    • How often would you play on the server? Everyday.
    • Would you take part in the community? Would you interact with other players? Yes.
    • Why do you want to join the server? I love vanilla minecraft. I would love to help the community out with whatever I can do. I am a very social person and I would love to meet new people. I may not be such a great builder or redstoner, but I have good ideas. I am not super bad at building, but I never give up on whatever I'm doing. I always give it all my best even if it doesn't look the best.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on MineWarp Vanilla Server [Whitelisted] [Youtube!] [Epic Builds] [Strictly 16+]
    Name: Victoria

    Minecraft Name: Ponylover245

    Age: Very mature 15 year old turning 16 in January

    Skype: eatsleepjump

    Will You Do A YouTube Series: I will make a minecraft related account and start it up.

    Minecraft Play Style (Builder, Redstoner, Modder, etc.): Very weak builder but a good miner.

    YouTube Channel Link: N/A Will make an account for Minecraft if whitelisted

    Why You Should Be Accepted: I adore Minecraft and any other SMP type servers. I would love to make new friends due to being in a close knit community with everybody. I love to help people with MC related. I would be online every single day and if I'm not it is due to Regents that I have soon. During the summer, I'd be on about 3 hours a day.

    Major City Around You (For Timezone purposes only): New York City

    Few Words About Yourself: I am a very down to earth person. I have had Minecraft since 2012 and I would say that I am a social person.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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