I'm not technical, so it's harder for me to create the pack. I apologize if I caused an inconvenience. Minecraft Forge doesn't work on my laptop for some reason, so that's why I was hoping for a mod pack with it already installed.
If at all possible, I was wondering if someone could make me a custom Modpack. I have the mods I want and I'll list them if someone is willing to help me with this mod pack. I would make a youtube series on it, and of course mention the creator of the pack.
Is it okay if I am part of more than one SMP server and post two different SMP server videos? I really don't want to feel as if I'm competing with the servers though.
Real name (first name, last name is optional): Victoria
Age: 15
Skype: eatsleepjump
Have you joined other SMP servers? If yes, how many?: 1
Do you make YouTube videos?: Yes
How many subscribes do you have?: 15
What's your channel: www.youtube.com/StrykerLyker
Will you grief?: No
How often will you be on?: Probably every day
How often will you be able to record?: Hopefully every other day
What are you good at in minecraft (redstone, building etc)?: I'm a decent builder. I like to mine a lot. I'm a good farmer. That's basically it.
Something unique about you: I am really nice and I love to meet other people!
Why I should choose you: I love to join a community with those who have the same interests as me. I also would love to start to have videos with other people on my channe. I've always wanted to do a Let's Play with others. I feel as if I have a lot to contribute to these Let's Plays. I may not be the best builder or be good with redstone, but I can always get better.
Minecraft PVP Experience (Rookie Veteran Pro, This doesn't affect your outcome): Rookie
Minecraft Name: Ponylover245
Time-zone (eastern,Western,Central): Eastern
Age(13+): 15
Is it all right if we record more then one Series?: Yes
Do you CHEAT?: No
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Microphone?: Internal
Gender: F
Skype name: msg me for it.
I have always tried to record my Skype conversations as I play and screen record. I never could get the conversation recorded and it sounds like I'm talking to myself. Help? I'm on a mac.
If at all possible, I was wondering if someone could make me a custom Modpack. I have the mods I want and I'll list them if someone is willing to help me with this mod pack. I would make a youtube series on it, and of course mention the creator of the pack.
Age: 15
Skype: eatsleepjump
Have you joined other SMP servers? If yes, how many?: 1
Do you make YouTube videos?: Yes
How many subscribes do you have?: 15
What's your channel: www.youtube.com/StrykerLyker
Will you grief?: No
How often will you be on?: Probably every day
How often will you be able to record?: Hopefully every other day
What are you good at in minecraft (redstone, building etc)?: I'm a decent builder. I like to mine a lot. I'm a good farmer. That's basically it.
I just posted my first Let's Play episode on my channel. Could you guys give me feedback on it? Thanks!
I just recently posted my first episode of the Let's Play series. If you guys could give feedback, that would be great!
Youtube: (Must Have) www.youtube.com/StrykerLyker
Maturity: (1-10): 8
Do you have other games than Minecraft?: Sims but I don't record that
Skype: msg me for it
Anything else? I am really shy with commentating. I will get used to you and then it will be fun!
Age [ Answer Here ] 15
Why Are You Applying Answer Here] I also have started my channel up recently and I would like to have people to record with.
YouTube Channel URL [ Answer Here ] https://www.youtube.com/user/StrykerLyker
Skype [ Answer Here ] msg me for it.
How Often can You Record [ Answer Here ] everyday. My timezone is EST.
Age: 15
Why you should be accepted: I love meeting new people, especially with the same interests as me.
How much do you play: Everyday
What timezone are you in: Eastern
What is your skill in minecraft (building, pvp, potions, etc.): All around
Skype Name: eatsleepjump
Email Address: [email protected]
Time-zone (eastern,Western,Central): Eastern
Age(13+): 15
Is it all right if we record more then one Series?: Yes
Do you CHEAT?: No
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Microphone?: Internal
Gender: F
Skype name: msg me for it.
I have always tried to record my Skype conversations as I play and screen record. I never could get the conversation recorded and it sounds like I'm talking to myself. Help? I'm on a mac.