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    posted a message on Can someone help me?

    Yes please.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Can someone help me?

    Alright. I'm really bad at things like this and I don't want to screw up my Minecraft at all.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Can someone help me?


    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Can someone help me?


    I was wondering if someone could help me make a mod pack. I really don't know how to do it and I would love to have a customizable mod pack. If I end up recording the series, I will give you credit for it.

    If you're interested, please message me.

    *If some of the mods don't work together, let me know*

    The mods I'm looking for are:

    Copious Dogs
    Doggy Talents
    Simply Horses
    Fossils and Archeology Revival
    Local Weather
    Lucky Blocks Mod
    (More to come if I see some that I like)

    If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll give you my Skype.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    Quote from NetherSpartan5»
    Gonna help you out, laddie! I'm going to restate what most people said above!

    • Good Mic, Cheap Price: Logitech ALWAYS will provide a mic for a cheap price, but usually they lack in quality (I went from Logitech Mic to Logitech Headset to Blue Yeti). From my opinion, the MIC SUCKED and I grabbed onto the Headset expecting something better. It did improve, but it was constantly in my way and bulky. A headset is MUCH better. However, for PRICE AND QUALITY. Look no further: The Blue Yeti w/ Pop Filter and Shock Mount. THIS costs $115 from what I saw, and it picks up your voice, and YOUR voice ONLY. I would buy this if you're looking for the long-run on Youtube. If not, a GOOD logitech headset will work.
    • Good Screen Recorder, Mac: I... *gasp* am a fellow Mac user. I use Screenflow. It's decent, however, it's not worth $100+ (Reason why I'm buying an Ironside). A GREAT quality, Mac recorder is Screenflick. It's VERY cheap. $19. If you do it free, it will come with a lovely watermark that contaminates it. I would invest in this.
    • What Can You Talk About: Anything. Me, I'm a Natural Commentator. I have the voice, style, and the skill to last for an entire video and commentate. You can talk about the game, your life, what's going on in school, sports, games, or anything really. If you can't really do that, you can practice by talking to yourself in the shower. Honestly, no matter how weird it seems. It works. Just be yourself though.
    • In-Game Sound: There are programs for this. Type in "Computer Audio Recorder for Mac".
    If you need examples, here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheNetherSpartan

    Hope this helps!

    What would be a good first video? I really don't know.. I'm so lost as to what to post.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    Alright! :) Thanks guys! Can you check out my channel and recommend anything?

    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    Alright. Thank you.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    I have a Logitech right now but what people have told me is that it gets a bit weird when listening to me speak.

    Also, how do you record in game sound?
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    Any good mics that you know of?
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Any good video ideas?

    I'm trying to create a good channel and I really want to upload good content but I don't know what to upload.

    Any good ideas?
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Youtube Help
    I have a YouTube account that is not currently active.

    Reasons why it's not currently active:
    Can't find a good cheap mic
    Can't find a good cheap screen recorder that records Minecraft sound (Mac)
    I have no idea what to post.

    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Kingdom Of Ores SMP - For Youtubers Looking To Collab! - Vanilla Based/Custom Jar - Over 2 Years Old! - Just Started Season 5!
    Youtube Name: StrykerLyker
    Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/StrykerLyker
    IGN: Ponylover245
    Location(Country/Time Zone): EST USA
    How long has your channel been up?: Almost a year but I need to record more. I couldn't record a lot because my mine craft was really laggy and my software wasn't good.
    How much time can you spend on the server on a weekly basis?: Almost everyday.
    Any previous SMPs?: Yes.
    If so why did you leave?: I was getting kind of bored with it and I realized I couldn't record on it all the time.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on closed
    In-game name: Ponylover245
    Age: 15
    What got you interested in the server: I was looking for a community server to join and it seems like a lot of fun to join this server! The world looks amazing and I'm extremely excited if I could get in. :)
    Questions or comments about server: Is there an economy with shops?
    Solo/Group: Both but I am shy at first.
    PvP/Non-PvP: Non-Pvp
    Leader/Follower: Follower
    Giving/Reciving: Both

    About me: I'm a very friend-oriented person and I would love to meet more people who are interested in Minecraft and being in a community! :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Looking for Mindcrack Style Server (No YouTube)
    Is it possible for me to join Buster?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on SMP Server [Whitelisted] [Mature] [Vanilla] [Mindcrack like]
    What you will do on the server. (Recording, entertainment, etc.)

    Entertainment. If I can get my recording software situated, then I'd record.

    2. Why you want to join.

    I would like to join for fun and because I love being part of a community and to meet new people. I would love to get better at building as well so this is an opportunity.

    3. IGN (Username)


    4. Age (Not necessary)

    5. Skills (Redstone, building, shops.)

    Shops, hanging ou and farming. Mining as well. I'm a decent builder.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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