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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!
    Quote from JonL98»

    You have to make sure you use an editor that doesn't get rid of the transparency of the "body.png" and "glow.png". This means that Paint won't work for these two. I'd suggest using Gimp or Photoshop.

    That's the word I was looking for, thanks lol. I'd also recommend Gimp, I use it for everything.

    Never mind, I fixed it! x3

    All good :D

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!

    I had some people over in another thread show some interest in a tutorial on how to add custom breeds and textures in BarracudaATA’s Dragon Mounts Mod, so without further ado, here is the lazy man’s* method on how to add these to the mod!

    NOTE: I have absolutely 0% Mac/Linux experience, all of this is in Windows 7.

    As well, this is for the 1.7.10 r41 version of the mod.

    *Lazy meaning I don’t have the coding experience to use the template and build one completely from scratch:P

    Part one: Things you’ll need

    Java JDK:


    Refer to this guide here to install it properly.

    Eclipse IDE for Java EE Devs: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/lunasr2

    This program will be used to edit the appropriate files. Just pick the correct version for your OS (32/64 bit Windows, OS X or Linux) and after it has finished downloading, move the .zip to your desktop, right click>properties>unblock and then extract the files.

    Minecraft Forge (for compiling the source code after editing): http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html

    Grab the latest version of the src, nothing else is need from this site. Again, move to desktop>right click>properties>unblock then extract.

    And last but not least, the source code itself:


    Grab the Source code (zip). No need to extract this one but you will still want to unblock it.

    Windows "blocks" any files that you download (for the reason that it "came from another computer") as a built-in "safety measure" and leaving them blocked can potentially affect the files upon extraction.

    Once you have all of this, we can move on.

    Part two: Importing the code

    Get Eclipse up and running. This is a simple as double-clicking the .exe after extracting the folder, it is an independent program that does not need to be installed. After you’ve created the project in the workspace (File>new>project) go to File>import. Select “Archive file” and then click “browse” (it’s next to “From archive file”) and find the source code for the mod. Choose the project folder you made in Eclipse and import it. If everything was done correctly, Eclipse should currently look like this, with the project and dragon-mounts-r41 folders expanded:

    If it does, great! The actual source code for the mod is in the folder named main, which is inside the src folder. Now here’s where the fun begins…

    Part three: Editing

    Open up the folder named “java”. this folder contains the main code that runs the mod and, as you have probably already guessed, the code we need to edit. In the case of adding breeds, open up the following folders:


    You should now see three folders named “ai”, “breeds” and “helper”, along with the files “EntityFlyingTameable” and “EntityTameableDragon”. We’ll need to edit files in both the “breeds” folder and the “helper” folder. When you open the “breeds” folder you will see the .java file for all the breeds in the mod (air, end, etc.). Highlight one (I tend to use the “end” breed) and hit copy and then paste. It will prompt you to change the name to “copy of -----.java”. Remove the “Copy of” and change the breed to whatever your new breed will be (“end” to “stryker” for example) and hit ok. It should add the .java entry to the folder. Once this is done, double click the entry and you will be presented with the editor:

    This is where you need to be careful. Only change the entries that say “end” (or whatever the base breed was) to the name of the new breed. In the case of the image, “end” is the command you will use to manually change the breed and “ender” is the name of the folder that contains the textures (we’ll get to that later). After making the desired changes, the editor now shows this:

    You can add immunity to certain types of damage via a copy/paste from other breeds (I added fire and lava immunity):

    In addition, you can change the "addHabitatBlock" lines to the block(s) of your choice. Look up the block(s) you want to use on the Minecraft Wiki to find the Minecraft names for them.

    How these lines work is when the growing process is started the game will use the surrounding blocks (a minimum of two) to determine the breed. This can be used to avoid custom breeds being unobtainable without commands or make them obtainable only with commands (special feature for server admins/OPs maybe?).

    Save this, and you are done with the actual breed file! You can add as many as you like.

    Next we need to add the new breed(s) to the registry so it/they can be used. Expand the “helper” folder and double-click “DragonBreedRegistry”. Scroll down slightly and you will see the list. Simply copy/paste any of the lines to make a duplicate and change the name to the name of your breed(s), like so:

    Hit save and you are done in this folder! Next, we add the textures…

    Part four: Adding textures

    Ok, so we finished making the main code changes to add the breed. Now comes the fun part: Adding custom textures! First, follow the folder tree:


    Now choose a folder and drag it to your desktop. There are four 256x256 .png images named “body”, “egg”, “glow” and “saddle”. They must all be present for the new breed to render the texture properly (except for “egg”, if it's not present it will use the default enderdragon texture). So, for example, if you didn’t want it to show the saddle, edit it to be blank (not a solid color, but clear) and leave it in the folder. I use GIMP for all my editing. After you have finished editing the texture, rename the folder to match your breed. The folder name must match the second name provided in the breed file we edited earlier (super("stryker", "stryker", 0xab39be); or otherwise) or it won’t work. Drag and drop it into the “dragon” folder and confirm when prompted.

    Hit save all (Ctrl+Shift+S) and we are done...with this part. Next, we will export and compile the mod!

    Part five: Exporting and compiling

    Now that we have the editing done we can export the source code. After shrinking all the folders in Eclipse, Go to File>Export and select “Archive file” then hit next. Check the box next to your project file that contains everything, then hit “browse” to provide a name and location for it to export the .zip file to (I use Desktop). After you have exported the .zip file, open it and grab the “java” and “resources” folders and copy them to the desktop. Remember the Forge folder we extracted here earlier? Good! Move the “java” and “resources” folders to the folder named “main”, the tree is as such:

    Main Forge Folder>src>main

    There will probably already be a “java” and “resources” folder there, go ahead and delete those. Then drag and drop your “java” and “resources” folders into the “main” folder. We're close, but not done yet! We now need to set up Forge so it names the file properly. Go back to the main Forge folder and you will see a file named “build.gradle”. Double-click it and if/when prompted, open it with notepad or WordPad (I prefer WordPad as it doesn’t mess up the way the formatting is displayed). The only things we need to edit are the lines “version” and “archivesBaseName”. The “archivesBaseName” line gives the .jar file it’s overall name when it’s generated and the version is displayed at the end of the name. In my case, DragonMounts-r41-1.7.10 is the name and S5260 is the version. After making these changes, hit save and exit WordPad/notepad. We can now compile the code! In the main Forge folder, hold shift and right click inside the folder and select “Open command window here”.

    Now, type “gradlew build” (without the quotes!!!) in the command window and press enter. If all goes well, you will get this:

    Now go to the folder “libs” which is in the folder “build” and the mod .jar file should be there. Congrats, you are done! Simply throw it in your Forge mods folder in your .minecraft and have fun!!!

    Other tips/tricks:

    Happy with the mod as is and just want custom textures without all the hassle? Simply use WinRAR to open the texture folder in the .jar and copy them to your desktop where you can edit them!

    And lastly, a photo showing the "EntityTameableDragon" file and what you can edit in it. I've highlighted the main lines, if you made it this far I think you can figure the rest out yourself;)

    Hope this was helpful, enjoy:)

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 2

    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from meganukebmp»

    I just love how this thread is going absolutely nowhere. 1.8 is most likely never coming due to the fact that BaracudaATA's last activity was on the 11th of March in some french locale in his github.... Also Stryker5260 has given no actual proof that he/she is actually communicating with the author.

    Start of PM conversation:

    Posted February 13, 2015

    Hi Barracuda. I was just curious if you were still active on the forums here and wanted to suggest possibly making a statement in your Dragon Mounts mod thread on whether you'll still be providing support for the mod. Me and a few others have been answering some of the basic questions but I'd like to see some feedback from you.

    Thanks for your time:)


    Posted February 16, 2015

    Well, I'm not really active right now, as you may have noticed in absence of any new posts. I updated my Forge environment to 1.8, but pretty much every source file is full of errors now. It's really annoying if you have to rewrite huge chunks of your code after another larger update because whole class hierarchies have disappeared or because fields that were previously accessible are now inaccessible or because half of the fields start with field_xxx or func_xxx again. I guess I'll port the mod to 1.8 sooner or later, but I'm not really interested in adding new features anymore.

    Posted February 16, 2015

    Sounds like quite the cluster now:/

    Were you planning on making any bug fixes to the current version 1.7.10? Or are you just putting it all on the "back burner" for now?

    Posted February 19, 2015

    Well, I don't really have an overview for the remaining bugs right now. The bug-tracker on GitHub would be the right place for that, but it's barely used.

    Posted February 19, 2015

    Well, if you'd like I could compile a list and add them to the bug-tracker. I'd really like to see this mod hit release status:)
    EDIT: List compiled and posted on GitHub. Someone else also added a pull request for a small addition that also acts as a bug fix.

    Posted February 20, 2015

    Okay, that's a good start. Still have to do the port for 1.8 first, though.

    Posted March 18, 2015

    Any progress updates on the 1.8 port?

    Posted March 20, 2015

    Yeah, I managed to get a compilable version of the code for 1.8. However, the model rendering classes are still broken, so there's still a lot of work to be done.

    Posted 3 days ago

    Sorry to keep bugging you, but any more progress being made on 1.8?

    And if you don't mind me asking, would it be possible for me to get a copy of the source code for r41?



    Posted 3 hours ago

    I haven't made any progress recently, unfortunately. You can find the most recent code here:


    The branch "1.7" is pretty much r41.

    Posted 2 minutes ago

    Alright, thanks for the update. Guess I should have dug around GitHub a bit more as well, found it under "releases" lol. Thank you sir!

    ^This along with the other posts I've made regarding what he has said.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on What would you do if the above avatar bit you? ♡

    No. Just...no.


    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What is Your Favorite Car? (You don't have to explain why you love it, but if you want to, you can.)
    2013-15 SRT Viper GTS. Always have liked the look and sound of Vipers in general, and getting to sit in a one-in-200 or so '95 RT/10 did't "help" either, lol. ^_^
    I do love the Koenigsegg Agera though, too.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What would you do if the above avatar bit you? ♡
    Quote from Raffilcagon»
    On the Topic- *Doesn't speak of the sword*

    I only use it when I need to, and even then I don't unsheathe it often. It more for looks actually.

    On Topic - We meet again, PiDay...
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Would you ever kiss the avatar above you?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from Drehverschluss»
    A command to Store the dragon and release it again would be cool too.

    After a bad experience with my dragon tp'ing to me at diamond level mining tonight (due to the autocatch bug), I found that this mod (which requires this to run) basically does that, if you don't mind using a pokeball:P
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from TerrorBite»

    Yea, it might be something to do with it not registering that the owner is flying (or falling) through other means, just a guess though.

    [quote=PrincessLilyToon_Minecraft;/members/PrincessLilyToon_Minecraft;/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1439594-dragon-mounts-r41-wip?comment=6101]Is there any way I can summon a full grown dragon through a command block? That way I can make it the type of dragon I want without having to make a special area, and I can make them invulnerable. Thanks :D

    I'm not that familiar with command blocks, but it's probably possible. Maybe find and message a resident redstone expert:)
    If you're willing to just give yourself an egg and use some "cheat" commands, I found some from Google searches:
    /dragon stage <egg, hatchling, juvenile, or adult>
    /dragon breed <air, end, fire, ghost, ice, nether, water, forest>
    /dragon tame
    You can use these in any order, e.g. you can tame the dragon as an egg, turn an adult back into an egg, etc.

    And a little tip for flight controls, if you have side mouse buttons you can assign them for the up/down dragon flight control. Makes it easier for those who have numerous hotkeys for other mods.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from SuperCrusader»
    hey!but....how to spawn the enderdragon in overworld O.o

    For the rideable dragon, use the "give" commeand, e.g. "give SuperCrusader 122". That should give you the dragon egg to hatch a dragon mount. If you mean the actual enderdragon, there should be a spawn egg if you search the creative inventory.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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