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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    Yes, dungeon/mine loot.

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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    The issue is that you're trying to run a 1.7.10 mod in 1.8. Grab the 1.8 version and it should work fine.

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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    Sylphid = Water. I think PopularMMO's showcase vid covers all the breeds.

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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    Looks like r42 for 1.8 is finally out everyone! Check the main page for the download. Any bugs/crash reports should be posted to the GitHub page >Here< as well as here on the forums.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    whats up everyone, hows the mod coming along haven't seen any updates so can anybody bring me up to speed on whats happening. I would appreciate it.

    So far only info I have is that someone on GitHub has made good progress progress on a 1.8 port. Info here:


    Aside from that and my tutorial about a month and a half ago, nothing new.

    Looks like 1.8 is here!

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from mewtwoy»

    Looks like i cannot spawn dragons in 1.7.10

    here is the specific part of the log with the error on it:

    [17:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: Server attempted to spawn an unknown entity using ID: {0} at ({1}, {2}, {3}) Skipping!
    [17:17:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chris: Given [Spawn Ender Dragon] * 64 to Chris]
    [17:17:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Given [Spawn Ender Dragon] * 64 to Chris
    [17:17:40] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping Entity with id -113
    [17:17:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Server attempted to spawn an unknown entity using ID: {0} at ({1}, {2}, {3}) Skipping!
    [17:18:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...

    Dragons from this mod or the Ender Dragon itself? Ender Dragon spawn eggs won't function to spawn them from this mod. What mod has the spawn eggs you're using?

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!

    Have you tried an unedited version of the mod? Yours might not have compiled correctly even though it says it did (I've had it happen). Open up your edited mod .jar with WinRAR and check to make sure the main folders (the "java" and "resources" folders) are in the .jar file.

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!
    Quote from JonL98»

    You have to make sure you use an editor that doesn't get rid of the transparency of the "body.png" and "glow.png". This means that Paint won't work for these two. I'd suggest using Gimp or Photoshop.

    That's the word I was looking for, thanks lol. I'd also recommend Gimp, I use it for everything.

    Never mind, I fixed it! x3

    All good :D

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!

    Honestly haven't see that before. What program did you use to edit? Might happen if you change the resolution or if the background isn't transparent (not sure of the exact word in image editing).

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!

    I've had this happen before, it usually happens when there's an error in the coding. Misplaced characters and spaces along with discrepancies between files can make this happen. The output in the command window sort of tells you what it isn't liking so you can go back and fix it, although I've sometimes just saved what I could and restarted from scratch. Just double and triple check everything and maybe try removing the files that the command windows lists as being "defective" and see if you get a clean build. And if you weren't using this method already, I would add breeds one-by-one and compile/test the mod after adding each one to make sure each breed works properly since you're adding so many. It's a little more time consuming initially but makes troubleshooting much easier as you're not adding a bunch of variables you have to dig through to try and find the culprit file.

    BTW the new breeds sound awesome!

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] How to add custom breeds to BarracudaATA's Dragon Mounts Mod!
    Quote from GingerNo7»

    This really is an amazing tutorial. I'm creating a ton of new dragon breeds and once I'm finished I'll share it with everyone on the Dragon Mounts thread :)

    Thanks! I'd love to see what you've come up with. Maybe I should create a thread exclusively for sharing breeds...

    Quote from GingerNo7»

    Also, is it possible to have have two breeds of dragon eggs hatch (become one breed or the other) under the same conditions but have the resulting breed be a random selection of the two?

    I had set up one of my builds like that and didn't seem to get a randomized result. I think it would have to be coded to be a random selection, maybe with some sort of rarity percentage? Kind of like how shiny Pokemon are so rare but most times found in the same area as their normal counterparts.

    Quote from GingerNo7»

    I seem to have hit a snag. There isn't a build.gradle file. What should I do?

    Grab a fresh copy of the Forge environment and make sure you're unblocking the file before extracting it. If it's still not there, try a different version. When it comes to compiling mods it doesn't really matter what revision the Forge environment is as long as it's fairly recent. I think I'm using either 1230 or 1291 for 1.7.10 stuff.

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    t would be great if you could get this for your public serversadly doesnt work

    I wish there could be a mini version of this mod for bukkit

    I'm using this successfully on a personal Cauldron server. As long as it's a Forge based mod server it should work.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]

    They do, it just has to be provoked. If you have a tamed dragon and hit something while it's in the near vicinity it will attack anything that you're attacking, whether it be a hostile mob, animal or player. Untamed they will attack anything that does damage to them. Usually it's 8 damage per hit.

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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from DarkShinyLugia»

    How does one use the /dragon command? When I try, it has a cryptic "fix" to the command.

    EDIT: Also, my Ghost Dragon is stuck on a cobweb. http://prntscr.com/7eccvy And it does not move with the lead (which extends extremely far now..? http://prntscr.com/7echby)

    1. Make sure there are no capital letters in the command. Just tested it and it gives the same message if there's a cap in it. Otherwise, not sure :/

    2. Not sure about the lead thing, but if you get the commands (if you're not doing pure survival) to work you can reset the growth stage back to egg and you should then be able to remove it from the web.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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