Name (IGN/GT): StraightVazed
Age: 18
Location (timezone): USA Central
Minecraft experience: 1 year or so on PC
Why you want to join: I think it would be a fun server to join and I am looking for an active server with a ton of people to play with and just have fun.
Why do you think YOU should be invited: I think I could be a good investment and bring some great and unique builds. I'm also very friendly and easy to get along with and can have a good time!
Name (IGN/GT): StraightVazed
Age: 18
Location (timezone): USA Central
Minecraft experience: 1 year or so on PC
Why you want to join: I think it would be a fun server to join and I am looking for an active server with a ton of people to play with and just have fun.
Why do you think YOU should be invited: I think I could be a good investment and bring some great and unique builds. I'm also very friendly and easy to get along with and can have a good time!
Hey! New survival server open! Add me on psn: StraightVazed or the host PSN: naplaya!
wow. Would you mind adding me to the server? PSN: StraightVazed
What's wrong with naplaya?
PSN: StraightVazed
Straightvazed - PSN
Hey! If anyone would like to join me and a few friends on a survival server please add my psn or comment below! PSN: StraightVazed