Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Stormbolt
Where are you from?: California
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yep
Did you vote for us?: I'll go do that now
Extra notes?: None
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Saw the thread on the forums, took a look, looks interesting
I definitely agree with you. Aside from a light sensor, I think we've got all of the essential input devices covered. Jeb should focus on redstone mechanisms instead. Spiked blocks are a must, there's so much you could do with them. Your boulder idea sounds great too. A block that catches fire when it recieves a redstone signal would also be nice.
In-game name: Stormbolt
Real life age: 18
Did you read the rules? Do you agree to follow them?: I read the rules and I agree to follow them
Where did you hear about us?: Saw this thread while I was skimming through the board, looked interesting
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for a good server for quite some time, and I love the look of this one, particularly the RPG plugin
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It has rewards!): I'll go do that now
In Game Name - Stormbolt
Have You Ever Hacked? - Nope
Do You Hack? - Nope
Have You Read The Books? - A bit
Have You Seen The Movie? - Yep
Do You SWARE Not To Touch Any Of The Supplies Before Games? - Yep
I really like the direction it's been going in since Jeb and Jon took over. They seem more willing to branch out from what Minecraft started as. Notch was great for coming up with the concept in the first place, but he was to afraid to deviate from it, and the development team really need some fresh ideas.
There may be cheap workarounds to it, but I do think that it's a step in the right direction. You shouldn't be able to build a dirt box and survive in it.
I'm all for mobs dropping additional rarer items as long as the drop rate is consistent with the value of the item. You shouldn't get iron helmets dropping from every other zombie you kill, but I'm cool with maybe one in 15 dropping one.
People with a 360 and access to the XBLA will probably have some sort of computer that's able to run Minecraft, making a port fairly redundant imo. Also, I'm wondering how controls will work with this. Can't really picture Minecraft with anything but a mouse.
AGE: 19
HOW AWESOME ARE YOU ON A SCALE OF 1-10? Approximately 8.5
Age: 18
Voted: I'll go do that now
Questions: Are enderchests enabled?
Where are you from?: California
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yep
Did you vote for us?: I'll go do that now
Extra notes?: None
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Saw the thread on the forums, took a look, looks interesting
Real life age: 18
Did you read the rules? Do you agree to follow them?: I read the rules and I agree to follow them
Where did you hear about us?: Saw this thread while I was skimming through the board, looked interesting
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for a good server for quite some time, and I love the look of this one, particularly the RPG plugin
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It has rewards!): I'll go do that now
Faction: Elves
Have You Ever Hacked? - Nope
Do You Hack? - Nope
Have You Read The Books? - A bit
Have You Seen The Movie? - Yep
Do You SWARE Not To Touch Any Of The Supplies Before Games? - Yep