LittleBlocks is a mod that allows you to polish up your creativity and optimize your redstone systems. Indeed, the size of blocks placed in a little blocks is divided by eight compared to its original size, so you can place 512 blocks instead of one.
Don't be afraid to post your creations! If they look good I'll add them on the website.Original idea thread by toddtimeocom
still wish there was a keybind for toggle biome overlay...
having a new critter in the game is a step forward. These behaviors for it are two steps backward. However, we can keep the baby when we toss this gross bathwater, and get something cool later.
I think it could be improved if they make the following (admittedly unlikely) changes:
1. It becomes a neutral mob like wolves, zombie pigmen, polar bears without cubs, and endermen you don't look at.
2. It naturally hunts spiders... or zombies. Spiders and zombies don't have any natural predators, whereas wolves attack skeletons and creepers are terrified of cats. The idea of it only being out at night (to hunt) would be cool, and attracting them with big piles of rotten flesh or spider eyes would be a neat mechanic.
3. They should just be 'around' in the sky. Not necessarily only triggered by certain events. Relatively low spawn chance that's always active.
4. They should drop something COOL to incentivize hunting them! For instance, what if Elytra were to have come from THEM???
Alternative on 2: what if they were predators of endermen, and were actually native to the end, only popping into the overworld at night to follow some of the endermen that come here and feed upon them. In the end, they would be plentiful and glide peacefully through the void preying on endermen... shulkers could view them as hostile and their 'levitation' projectiles have the opposite effect on them, making them drop out of the sky, take fall damage, and be helpless on the ground for a bit, which gives a neat little reciprocating ecosystem to the end.
Regarding the skylight problem,
I think that the further away a block is above another block, the less efficacy its light occlusion should have.
[]chunk that is entirely filled with floating island casts a shadow downward
[]chunk immediately beneath floating island is pitch black
[]chunk beneath that has sky light level 1
[]chunk beneath that has sky light level 2
[]16 chunks below, provided there were no occluding solid blocks, it's as if the sky were totally unoccupied above.
unrealistic for caves, but more realistic for cliff overhangs or amplified terrains.
And I also think it'd look just fine, provided there were some cosmetic application of gradient.
There seems to be a problem with the formatting on your front page, making parts of it illegible and hard to follow...
Yes, I'm still using 1.7.10, because 1.8 still runs like garbage on my machine, sadly... and some of the mods I find to be indispensable will never be updated ever again. I'll be stuck on 1.7.10 for quite some time.
I'm testing MAtmos for 1.7.10 for Hurricaaane right now.
Age: 28
Alignment: Chaotic Good*
Start Date: 09/05/2010
Play Style: Benign survival (NO PVP), focus on stone construction
Crafting Style: An unsettling mix of Gothic and Brutalism
Availability: It varies. Sometimes I'm on at all times. Sometimes I burn out and I'm offline for several days.
*: My alignment is always good, but my belief that goodness has its own law puts me in opposition to certain strict-lawful but morally ambiguous regimes. If you're lawful in any way, I appear chaotic. If you're chaotic or even neutral, I appear lawful. But law is not a matter of opinion, no matter how many people agree.
You may notice that under my forum avatar, it says Minecraft: Stonehawk. I have both stonehawk AND cyclonedusk but reserve Stonehawk for admin purposes. Cyclone is Me. Stonehawk is my authority, if I am given any. Gotta keep your business separate from pleasure.
Unicorns, though, I think what they could use is a way to express their telekinesis--by being able to:
Get Audiotori Here
Talk of the Town is a soundpack expansion for Audiotori that enables Testificates to speak.
Of course, they don't speak English, but rather, Testifican.
Which is to say, it's complete and utter gibberish that I came up with by mashing meaningless syllables together in a way that sounded nominally foreign and pronouncing it all with absolutely the most herp-derp voice I could muster (and warp to be a little bit more strange) that always believed Testificates should have.
The result is a lexicon of villager communication:
Or at least they can be,
If you Download Talk of the Town Here
04/14/2013 - changed the phrases. Something was bothering me about them before. Now I feel that they sound more like they ought, especially when you have a whole crowd of the buggers.