I am very sorry for the recent downtime. We're experiencing some internet troubles; my best guess is that the recent rain messed up the cables. It should be fine by tomorrow.
I will be developing a system for players to claim territory, and server uptime will be extended along with it.
Before your grab your pitchforks, hear me out: the territory claiming is going to be very different from most, if not all, other methods of territory claiming. It will keep Aquor's spirit of player-managed defense intact.
1.) You will need to construct an "Obelisk", which will claim a certain amount of space. These obelisk will cost resources, XP levels, and possibly AquorCredits to construct. Only players on the activator's team will be able to enter the area.
2.) The amount of space claimed won't be particularly large; most likely, it will be somewhere around 31 x 31.
3.) For two hours per day (length subject to change), protection will be entirely, 100% disabled. Players will need to try to be on at this time to defend from potential raids.
4.) The claimed area can be extended with "Sub-Obelisks", which will also claim an area of 31 x 31, but must be within a certain range of an existing friendly Obelisk. These will be cheaper than a regular Obelisk, but will still be somewhat costly to build.
Screenshots of the Spawn Area will be ready to be posted by tomorrow.
The new spawn area is almost done! It's in a baseline functional state, but still has some work to be done. Easter eggs, exploration, and an "Aquor Credits" shop (not yet fully implemented) for obtaining resources not necessarily available in a flatlands world! Screenshots will be provided upon completion.
Also I think you should just make it 4 hours. 3 hours is way too short
From my experience so far, nobody has been (or at least has not wanted to) be online for the full 5 hours. 3 hours seems around how long most people were staying on. If there is enough demand and players are online for long enough each day, I will extend it to 4 hours :).
The uptimes have changed so that i's more practical for people to actually be online and defend their belongings. It also increases player density, since there is a smaller time frame for people to be online. Thanks for asking!
Instead of the "Status of the Players" updates, I will be doing narrative retellings of important events like the following:
This is the first of potentially many posts that detail interesting goings-ons in the server. Names have been withheld for privacy reasons.
I was milling about my fort that I and my team built, working in the cobble generators, when I decided to head to the nearby NPC village to work on it. After navigating through the slimes and their constant slapping sounds, I made it to the roughly fenced-in area of the village and started removing the existing structures. The NPC's had died about 1 IRL week ago before we ever fortified anything. I can still hear the zombies pounding...
After removing a few small shacks, I noticed a silhouette on the horizon, coming from the spawn point. He approached and asked if he may join the village. Thinking that I could use the extra help, I happily obliged.
Unfortunately, the new friendship was short lived. He was almost entirely useless and tried to rob us. I had my buddy guard the fort's entrances while I continued working on the village. Shortly after, they had to leave. I went back to the fort to guard it until one of them came back.
I hadn't heard from the thief for quite some time, so I suspected that something may be going wrong. After waiting for one of my teammates to get back on, on a hunch, I headed east to an allies base (who were currently offline).
Lo and behold, the thief is inside.
... and is wearing full iron armor.
I had my trusty Power II bow and 12 arrows from hunting skeletons, so I quickly dispatched him while he wasn't looking, reclaiming my ally's lost goods. I held him out of their fortress (which was remarkably well designed; I took a while to admire their handiwork) when he tried to argue that he was their cousin from Singapore.
The smell of horse crap was overwhelming.
I know these two guys in real life, they live around 3 hours driving from me. I waited until they got on, which by coincidence, they did shortly after the claim was made. Their screams continue to echo in my psyche. Their beds were stolen and most of their belongings were gone. I returned what I could get from killing him, and headed back to my base to help defend in case he came back.
To my surprise and my ally's chagrin, he had taken much of their valuables and either hidden it or destroyed it. Most of their belongings were gone, and they had no sheep to replenish their wool for beds. I would have delivered some, but I never got the opportunity.
The thief had apparently taken some time to chop a bit of wood, and attacked them with wooden equipment while they tried to recuperate. Due to their low framerates because of sub-par hardware - Oh, their poor souls! - they were defeated by his sneak attack. Their fortress had fallen to what was once a petty thief.
By this time, my two friends had needed to leave due to outside obligations, and I was left to defend our fortress alone. Thankfully, I've developed my defensive architectural abilities over several years of playing on my own server and studying medieval fortification methods. The thief stood no chance at breaching our defenses by himself.
Had I not been bound to my defensive obligations, I would have supported them in their attempts at retaking their fortress. They fought with great tenacity, even trying to knock their aggressor into their lava trench with their bare hands. After several failed zerg rushes of fist-flurries, one of them decided to pass by my fortress and come inside. I gave him 2 sets of leather armor (one for each of them), an enchanted stone sword with knockback 1, some steak, and 3 new beds.
Using their newfound equipment and boosted morale, they retook their fortress (now renamed "Dark Castle" by the raider), and repaired the damage he had caused.
Over the next few days, my group will be using our huge surplus of wood and food to help them resettle and reinforce. I will personally go to them and help fix security flaws, should we find any significant ones.
Thanks for reading! I will be cataloging events such as this and posting them as slightly-dramatized, but 100% factual stories, as way to hone my writing skills and provide entertainment to the community.
i need someone to download plugins for me for free cause its too complacated for me so i need to hire someone to install plugins for me please but i wont pay anyone or i wont let you know my minecraft account cause i dont need any fakes trying to get my minecraft account
A fortress some friends and I made in my flatlands survival server.
It took us quite a while to even make the central tower with the courtyard, since Mining Fatigue 4 is always forced on, and we're limited mostly to stone and wood tools. The hordes of slimes certainly didn't make things easier, either...
The walls are mostly done, we're just going to add another layer of stone to the outside at some point. Our cobblestone generators are a bit slow, but at least they're compact and safe.
The trench is there to capture slimes and some other mobs. When someone falls into the trench, it's pretty much impossible to get out. The slimes block you from building or breaking blocks. Obviously, it's empty right now, but once we completely finish excavating it, we're going to lure slimes in to fill it up.
We're trying to reclaim the village too, and bring some villagers in from someplace else (all of ours died before we could fortify anything). Eventually we plan to have a well-defended and patrolled village for new players to set up in before they decide to either stay or leave.
This picture shows a much more developed version of the previous fort.
The trench next to the wall traps mobs in it as a passive defense. People who fall in can't get out because of the mobs attacking them.
The moat catches mobs that we don't lure over the bridges, making them easy to kill for EXP orbs.
Since the only source of iron equipment is NPC villages and "vessels" that fall from the sky occasionally, enchanted leather armor and stone gear is in high demand. We burn through EXP almost as quickly as we can gain it.
The dirt island things extending from the top are places where some of the Soldiers of the fort can build their personal homes and extensions. Further out in front of the fort is an NPC village (not shown) that has unfortunately been emptied thanks to zombies. We're going to ship in some NPCs from another village in the future, but not until after we deconstruct our NPC village and start anew with a more organized layout.
The fort has been tested a handful of times against some thieves, and thanks to its nature of having only 1 easy path in, it was easy to catch and kill them before they did any significant damage.
If anyone wants some edited pictures showing what different parts of the fort are, I'm happy to oblige . There is also a link to the thread for this server in my signature.
The server is entirely vanilla, with some changes to combat made through Command Blocks.
The server does run on limited uptime to make it possible to defend your things from raiders, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the uptime schedule (listed in the thread I linked to). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask me in-game. Hope to see you there!
The group run by MentalyLost has been developing slowly but surely, with support from their parent civilization, Otium.
2 newcomers wandered into Otium today, as it is the settlement nearest to the spawn point. The first came to join the town and be a farmer, but betrayed the people helping him become situated. He was quickly counterattacked against, but logged out before he could be slain. He has not returned, and likely will not any time soon.
The second attempted to gain access to the Otium fortress by force, but was quickly dispatched by superior equipment and numbers.
Otium doubled their wheat production to meet the demand for leather from cows. The fields will likely be expanded further as time goes on.
Development of Otium's village near the spawn point has been stepped up. The existing village is being burnt away and will be reconstructed from scratch. New villagers are planned to be secured in their villages by tomorrow, and will be shipped in as soon as possible.
The recent late startup (by 15 minutes, approximately) will not be a regular occurrence and was due to something else I was working on at the time.
A video is being worked on for the server! The video will help to reach out to the community and draw in more players. One of our players will be recording it, and I have written a script for the video(which is subject to revision).
Also, I would like to apologize for the lack of News, Status of the Players updates, and other informational posts recently. I hadn't been able to find the time to write them all up. They will likely resume soon.
The server no longer has Adventure Mode as the default gamemode. Players are now in survival by default. The reason for this was a technical limitation of not being able to break certain blocks at all, such as beds.
Otium has effectively finished construction of their wall! The final layer of stone has been put on hold, as it is deemed not required at the moment.
Additional farm plots are being constructed to boost potato and carrot production. A second cobblestone generator was built to improve stone production.
Some members of Otium have left. Two left to start their own, friendly faction, and the third person left due to a leadership disagreement, but will likely remain friendly.
An enchantment table (with a few bookshelves) is planned for construction in Otium. The effectiveness of leather armor and stone swords (the best renewable forms of equipment) will be improved, potentially to match fairly closely to the effectiveness of iron.
What do you mean? The server is up right now. I was just on it 5 minutes ago.
I will be developing a system for players to claim territory, and server uptime will be extended along with it.
Before your grab your pitchforks, hear me out: the territory claiming is going to be very different from most, if not all, other methods of territory claiming. It will keep Aquor's spirit of player-managed defense intact.
1.) You will need to construct an "Obelisk", which will claim a certain amount of space. These obelisk will cost resources, XP levels, and possibly AquorCredits to construct. Only players on the activator's team will be able to enter the area.
2.) The amount of space claimed won't be particularly large; most likely, it will be somewhere around 31 x 31.
3.) For two hours per day (length subject to change), protection will be entirely, 100% disabled. Players will need to try to be on at this time to defend from potential raids.
4.) The claimed area can be extended with "Sub-Obelisks", which will also claim an area of 31 x 31, but must be within a certain range of an existing friendly Obelisk. These will be cheaper than a regular Obelisk, but will still be somewhat costly to build.
Screenshots of the Spawn Area will be ready to be posted by tomorrow.
From my experience so far, nobody has been (or at least has not wanted to) be online for the full 5 hours. 3 hours seems around how long most people were staying on. If there is enough demand and players are online for long enough each day, I will extend it to 4 hours :).
The uptimes have changed so that i's more practical for people to actually be online and defend their belongings. It also increases player density, since there is a smaller time frame for people to be online. Thanks for asking!
This is the first of potentially many posts that detail interesting goings-ons in the server. Names have been withheld for privacy reasons.
I was milling about my fort that I and my team built, working in the cobble generators, when I decided to head to the nearby NPC village to work on it. After navigating through the slimes and their constant slapping sounds, I made it to the roughly fenced-in area of the village and started removing the existing structures. The NPC's had died about 1 IRL week ago before we ever fortified anything. I can still hear the zombies pounding...
After removing a few small shacks, I noticed a silhouette on the horizon, coming from the spawn point. He approached and asked if he may join the village. Thinking that I could use the extra help, I happily obliged.
Unfortunately, the new friendship was short lived. He was almost entirely useless and tried to rob us. I had my buddy guard the fort's entrances while I continued working on the village. Shortly after, they had to leave. I went back to the fort to guard it until one of them came back.
I hadn't heard from the thief for quite some time, so I suspected that something may be going wrong. After waiting for one of my teammates to get back on, on a hunch, I headed east to an allies base (who were currently offline).
Lo and behold, the thief is inside.
... and is wearing full iron armor.
I had my trusty Power II bow and 12 arrows from hunting skeletons, so I quickly dispatched him while he wasn't looking, reclaiming my ally's lost goods. I held him out of their fortress (which was remarkably well designed; I took a while to admire their handiwork) when he tried to argue that he was their cousin from Singapore.
The smell of horse crap was overwhelming.
I know these two guys in real life, they live around 3 hours driving from me. I waited until they got on, which by coincidence, they did shortly after the claim was made. Their screams continue to echo in my psyche. Their beds were stolen and most of their belongings were gone. I returned what I could get from killing him, and headed back to my base to help defend in case he came back.
To my surprise and my ally's chagrin, he had taken much of their valuables and either hidden it or destroyed it. Most of their belongings were gone, and they had no sheep to replenish their wool for beds. I would have delivered some, but I never got the opportunity.
The thief had apparently taken some time to chop a bit of wood, and attacked them with wooden equipment while they tried to recuperate. Due to their low framerates because of sub-par hardware - Oh, their poor souls! - they were defeated by his sneak attack. Their fortress had fallen to what was once a petty thief.
By this time, my two friends had needed to leave due to outside obligations, and I was left to defend our fortress alone. Thankfully, I've developed my defensive architectural abilities over several years of playing on my own server and studying medieval fortification methods. The thief stood no chance at breaching our defenses by himself.
Had I not been bound to my defensive obligations, I would have supported them in their attempts at retaking their fortress. They fought with great tenacity, even trying to knock their aggressor into their lava trench with their bare hands. After several failed zerg rushes of fist-flurries, one of them decided to pass by my fortress and come inside. I gave him 2 sets of leather armor (one for each of them), an enchanted stone sword with knockback 1, some steak, and 3 new beds.
Using their newfound equipment and boosted morale, they retook their fortress (now renamed "Dark Castle" by the raider), and repaired the damage he had caused.
Over the next few days, my group will be using our huge surplus of wood and food to help them resettle and reinforce. I will personally go to them and help fix security flaws, should we find any significant ones.
Thanks for reading! I will be cataloging events such as this and posting them as slightly-dramatized, but 100% factual stories, as way to hone my writing skills and provide entertainment to the community.
I don't understand the problem. Please elaborate.
A fortress some friends and I made in my flatlands survival server.
It took us quite a while to even make the central tower with the courtyard, since Mining Fatigue 4 is always forced on, and we're limited mostly to stone and wood tools. The hordes of slimes certainly didn't make things easier, either...
The walls are mostly done, we're just going to add another layer of stone to the outside at some point. Our cobblestone generators are a bit slow, but at least they're compact and safe.
The trench is there to capture slimes and some other mobs. When someone falls into the trench, it's pretty much impossible to get out. The slimes block you from building or breaking blocks. Obviously, it's empty right now, but once we completely finish excavating it, we're going to lure slimes in to fill it up.
We're trying to reclaim the village too, and bring some villagers in from someplace else (all of ours died before we could fortify anything). Eventually we plan to have a well-defended and patrolled village for new players to set up in before they decide to either stay or leave.
This picture shows a much more developed version of the previous fort.
The trench next to the wall traps mobs in it as a passive defense. People who fall in can't get out because of the mobs attacking them.
The moat catches mobs that we don't lure over the bridges, making them easy to kill for EXP orbs.
Since the only source of iron equipment is NPC villages and "vessels" that fall from the sky occasionally, enchanted leather armor and stone gear is in high demand. We burn through EXP almost as quickly as we can gain it.
The dirt island things extending from the top are places where some of the Soldiers of the fort can build their personal homes and extensions. Further out in front of the fort is an NPC village (not shown) that has unfortunately been emptied thanks to zombies. We're going to ship in some NPCs from another village in the future, but not until after we deconstruct our NPC village and start anew with a more organized layout.
The fort has been tested a handful of times against some thieves, and thanks to its nature of having only 1 easy path in, it was easy to catch and kill them before they did any significant damage.
If anyone wants some edited pictures showing what different parts of the fort are, I'm happy to oblige
The server is entirely vanilla, with some changes to combat made through Command Blocks.
The server does run on limited uptime to make it possible to defend your things from raiders, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the uptime schedule (listed in the thread I linked to). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask me in-game. Hope to see you there!
The group run by MentalyLost has been developing slowly but surely, with support from their parent civilization, Otium.
2 newcomers wandered into Otium today, as it is the settlement nearest to the spawn point. The first came to join the town and be a farmer, but betrayed the people helping him become situated. He was quickly counterattacked against, but logged out before he could be slain. He has not returned, and likely will not any time soon.
The second attempted to gain access to the Otium fortress by force, but was quickly dispatched by superior equipment and numbers.
Otium doubled their wheat production to meet the demand for leather from cows. The fields will likely be expanded further as time goes on.
Development of Otium's village near the spawn point has been stepped up. The existing village is being burnt away and will be reconstructed from scratch. New villagers are planned to be secured in their villages by tomorrow, and will be shipped in as soon as possible.
No other notable events took place.
We have no whitelist! Just type in the IP and you're free to join
The recent late startup (by 15 minutes, approximately) will not be a regular occurrence and was due to something else I was working on at the time.
A video is being worked on for the server! The video will help to reach out to the community and draw in more players. One of our players will be recording it, and I have written a script for the video(which is subject to revision).
Also, I would like to apologize for the lack of News, Status of the Players updates, and other informational posts recently. I hadn't been able to find the time to write them all up. They will likely resume soon.
The server no longer has Adventure Mode as the default gamemode. Players are now in survival by default. The reason for this was a technical limitation of not being able to break certain blocks at all, such as beds.
Otium has effectively finished construction of their wall! The final layer of stone has been put on hold, as it is deemed not required at the moment.
Additional farm plots are being constructed to boost potato and carrot production. A second cobblestone generator was built to improve stone production.
Some members of Otium have left. Two left to start their own, friendly faction, and the third person left due to a leadership disagreement, but will likely remain friendly.
An enchantment table (with a few bookshelves) is planned for construction in Otium. The effectiveness of leather armor and stone swords (the best renewable forms of equipment) will be improved, potentially to match fairly closely to the effectiveness of iron.
No other notable events have taken place.