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    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    Why is my Super Meter still full even though it hasn't been very long since I last used it?

    I take out a keyboard and type in this string of commands:

    >spawn sentrygun 100

    >setcommand Bullet Storm

    (If Bullet Storm is not usable, this will just be a normal attack that hits a random enemy)

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    What kind of masochistic "Stop Having Fun" Guy would want to make their game give them headaches???

    Put me in stasis. The "chaos" is literally giving me a headache irl...

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    I summon Bioshock to update.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [defense] Fortress Defenders 2 (Minecraft Mobs defeated, now against Left 4 Dead Zombies)
    I remove a brick from the wall and throw it at an Infested Civilian.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    ((Just give the aliens what they want and we end this peacefully))

    CPNS Updates:

    ---Vindicator Status---
    Construction is 8% done.

    [Artificial Intelligence]
    >20% done.

    [Tractor Beam]
    >40% done.

    ---Mystery Letter---
    The CPNS Government has received a mysterious letter.
    The content reads as follow:

    We can help you stop the UMRAIN’s foolishness… ~The Freemen
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    CPNS Updates:

    Just a message to UMRAIN, as there are no actual updates at the moment

    ---Message to UMRAIN---
    You call this “protecting humanity”? NO! What you’re doing right now is ruining the names of all of humanity!
    Take the Malkrantian War for example, the Malkrantian Military and government got the name of being greedy on their entire nation, and the citizens are humiliated for the rest of their lives. Now scale this up to the entire World. Malkrantia is Earth, the Aliens are the other nations; what you are doing is not helping humanity in anyway, if the other aliens heard of this incident, then they will all form an alliance to destroy the world.
    Do you want this? You have 24 hours to give an answer.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    ((Damm. No total peace ever since I joined the RP…
    When I first joined as the CRA, Jackbooz attacked me just a few pages later. Then the MRK (now known as UMRAIN) destroys the CRA.
    I rejoined as the CPNS, and someguy127 attacked me with the Spirit Sword. I defeat the Spirit Sword temporarily, and then Epic attacked me.
    Ever since then, we are fighting Epic’s uberhaxorgodmod army. Then Epic gets banned after about 2 months. World peace for a few posts, then the Vog’Kesh attacked. We then repel the Vog’Kesh and win the war. Now these bio-technological aliens…))

    CPNS Updates:

    ---Alien Invasion---
    The Liberator will now open fire on every alien ship with it’s main weapons: homing-missiles and smoothbore cannons.
    Seeing how the alien’s missiles are bio-hazardous even to metallic surfaces, the Liberator will snipe the alien ships from a distance, and shoot any enemy projectiles or fanatic troops with it’s mini-gun*.

    ---Plans for Liberator twin---
    Although powerful, the Liberator will eventually go down. So the CPNS Military has begun construction on a similar Flagship.
    The twin will be called CSS Vindicator.

    [Artificial Intelligence]
    >14% complete.

    [Tractor Beam]
    >24% complete.

    *not the 10000-rounds-per-minute minigun. It’s just some turret-mounted twin machine guns.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    ((You know what’s the easiest ways to destroy bio-hazards completely? You burn it with fire or disintegrate it))

    CPNS Updates:

    ---Vog’Kesh Repelled---
    The Vog’Kesh Armada has been defeated, but not destroyed. They mentioned something about their “Masters”, probably means their superiors. Either way, we must be prepared for the next invasion…
    The pile of Vog’Kesh corpses are to be handled as bio-hazards and be burned completely after the incident with the MRK (now renamed as UMRAIN) Scientists. We cannot afford another viral outbreak.

    ---Liberator Status---
    Repairs will be done in 24 days.
    The Liberator is safe and sound, thanks to the AU Supports.

    ---God’s Ban-hammer---
    More of the EMP Nukes will be produced.

    ---Hunt for Dr Hax---
    Still no word from the hunt.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    ((Time to destroy Malkrantia for good!))

    CPNS Updates:

    ---Malkrantia Warfare---
    About 5 of the God’s Ban-hammer missiles are launched toward major Malkrantian Cities. The CPNS Military hopes that the EMP Nukes will stop every machinery within 50KM of their impact zone.
    Any damaged caused on non-Malkrantian cities are not intended…

    ---Liberator Status---
    The repairs will be finished in 5 months.

    ---Secret Contact---
    During the Great Blackout of Antarctica (which ended 3 months ago), the CPNS made contact with a secret contact.
    The secret contact is in fact, an organization with technologies comparable (but not equal) to Malkrantian Tech.
    The secret contact has named a price for helping us defeating Malkrantia, but they told us not to reveal it to the other nations. One hint we can give about this price: it won’t be good for mankind.
    Another hint, hinting the description of this organization: it isn’t ran by humans.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [RP] The Untold Empires [Forge Your Empire][Multi Worlds] (Always Accepting!)
    Quote from EpicEnderMiner

    (( It is recommended that other countries add their satellites to the space map. ))

    ((I will, If you didn't just smash all of my satellites...))
    ((Also, after this post, I won't be putting up anymore updates to my nation for a week. I'm going to Hong Kong. So please don't do anything to me in this period...))

    CPNS Updates...

    Nothing special, again... Just:

    ---Another Ghost Flagship spotted, disruptions caused...---
    Today, another Floating Flagship resembling the one we are building (as well as the last Ghost ship) was seen. This one is located near our side of the Antarctica.
    We've sent Fighter Jets once again, but it, like the last one, disappeared when the jets got close.
    But this time, beside disappearing in a harmless supernova and leaving a Ball of Red Light behind, it had also jammed all communication devices in the Antarctica Camp. Scientists believes that the disruptions will last for ((insert 1 week IRL time equivalent of in-game time here))...
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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