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    posted a message on How to "haspaid" a mojang account?
    I used to use the haspaid url to check if people bought minecraft.

    Now that people are migrating to Mojang accounts, is there a way to check "haspaid" for various games from their Mojang login email?
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from hatecreeper

    http://puu.sh/3fezB.jpg Im sure i did something wrong by editing these lines c.c
    Cant see water at all, also there are some black spaces trough out, i guess these are the shadows since the sun is setting? Looks really weird

    You using something that has line numbers like Notepad++?

    Look at this pastebin and look at the 4 pairs of lines that I said above and make sure yours looks the same with the same lines commented:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from EskimoNoise

    Quote from hatecreeper

    I really really do not like the wave effect. I screwed around with the settings but i couldn't figure out how to completely disable them. Anybody can help me with that?
    They also extremly lower my fps (or its the water in general). Each time i go near water my fps goes down to about 30. Which is for me unplayable since im used to 70fps+

    You edited the three (center, left and up) displacement variables in gbuffers_water.vsh?

    Comment out from gbuffers_water.vsh




    Still has the ripple effect but the water's surface stays flat :)

    Now how do I disable rippling leaves???
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from hatecreeper

    I really really do not like the wave effect. I screwed around with the settings but i couldn't figure out how to completely disable them. Anybody can help me with that?

    In trying to fix my above issue, I disabled everything I could find. I ended up without water, but I could still see the outline next to the shore with the wave effect still going >_>
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Can anybody help? Idk why it looks like this, This is default with GLSL+Optifine and SEUS 10 rc7

    And I can see the sun through my house...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Anybody know what the best way is to just get POM/Specular/Bumpmap/NormalMap shaders? I don't want all the fancy shadows and stuff, and I abandoned trying to manually edit out the other stuff. Really I just want to be able to make bumpmaps/specmaps/stuff so the ore parts of ores look bumpy and shiny.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] GLSL SHADERS FOR MINECRAFT 1.5.2!
    You linked to the standard Optifine not the ultra.
    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
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    posted a message on Adding Minecraft to Steam?
    I've been having issues with this as well. I am using 64 bit java and Minecraft has been added to my steam, though I still have the issue of only appearing online for a split second. I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but for me, I show as in game right when I start it, but 2 seconds after (even when staying at login) i appear not ingame.

    Do mac users have the same issues with Minecraft + Steam?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Quote from codewarrior

    On the testing build, you can regenerate an area by deleting the chunks and then creating them again using the new Minecraft Server-based generation feature.

    It takes a while to load chunks with thousands of dropped-item-entities, yes. You can select the offending area and run the "Delete Entities" command even if the chunks aren't loaded yet. The other option is to use the mce.py utility included with pymclevel to run the removeEntities command. The command ./mce.py MyServerWorld removeEntities Item will clear out any dropped items.

    (I still need to add commands to mce.py for regenerating chunks...)

    Cool, I currently was loading the chunks then selecting them and deleting them and letting the server regenerate them, but I was looking for something along the lines of regenerating original terrain for part of a chunk (a selection which doesn't align with the chunks) and not touching the rest of the chunk, like the WorldEdit regen command.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Is there a way to select an area and regenerate it from the seed? WorldEdit allows this but that is ingame and requires using the selection axe. A big pain if I need to regen large areas that extend underground.

    Also, if I spawn lots of torches (say with sphere worldedit command) my server lags/freezes and doesn't allow players on. It's possible to fix this using the oh-so-wonderful MCEdit, but MCEdit takes ages to load the chunks containing the torches. Maybe because of massive entities? I was wondering if there is a way for me to remove stuff like this without spending 20 minutes waiting for MCEdit to load the chunks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [1.3.1] GLSL Shaders (DoF, Bump Mapping, Waving Wheat, Dynamic Shadows, and More!)
    Quote from Citaris

    I'm still on 1.5, but I get this error when I attempt to run the installer:

    OS: Windows Vista (x86) version 6.0
    Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
    VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc.

    Catalogging local mods
    Scanning C:\Users\(My Username)\AppData\Roaming\.Nitrous\mods
    Found mod Shaders
    Scanning C:\Users\(My Username)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\mods

    Starting installation
    Creating backup
    Unpacking JAR

    ==== Installing Shaders ====
    Error installing Shaders!
    javassist.NotFoundException: b(..) is not found in oy
    at javassist.CtClassType.getDeclaredMethod(CtClassType.java:1215)
    at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:34)
    at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
    at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
    ==== Shaders Failed Installation ====

    Repacking JAR
    Installation complete

    It says that it installs them, but according to the log there, it says it fails. Any idea about the java thing? Any and all help is appreciated.

    Edit: Updated to the latest version of Java, still getting the error.

    I had this error as well, but instead of using the .exe windows patcher I downloaded the mac/linux jar version, which works on windows as well, and it patched without any problems. I still can't get the diamond finder to work on windows. It works fine on mac.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on 1.6.4 Bugs I encountered
    Quote from nagaguard

    Oh, I did run a search...I got hits on 'disappear' 'death' and other keywords of the sort...the main hit was the newbie guide on items, oddly enough.

    No temp fix for breaking items? I just died in my house because of a skele and dropped an entire inventory of pickaxes.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on [HELP] PITCH BLACK AREAS
    I get this constantly, relogging every 2 blocks is too annoying. It makes it almost impossible to play.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lighting Glitch in 1.6.4
    Quote from Vanusk

    One more bug to note... My server becomes prone to crashing when I set the server draw distance different than the default.

    I'm not sure about draw distance. I am glad, however, that notch added optimizations which greatly helped my computer handle minecraft. Frame-rate before was approximately 20 fps with all settings on low. Now I get around 150-170 fps, so no complaints about that.

    I haven't had any problems at all with crashing yet, though I did loose a stone pick for no reason. I assume that is the same problem that the other people are having.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lighting Glitch in 1.6.4
    Quote from Vanusk

    When removing a block when another block is over it, no matter the distance between the blocks, the good old lighting glitch where the space is entirely black appears in the block's place. In other words, the server does not update lighting for that spot.

    I have noticed this as well, especially when mining it gets very annoying. A semi-temporary fix is to grab a stack of torches and place torches in the darkened block then remove any lighting that is near, repeat until affected region is lighted properly.

    It's also possibly to look carefully at the block and you can see but it's very dark/unlighted.

    I hope there's a fix for this soon.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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